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Zippy Emails/emails/34
Zippy Email #34: fashion
Zippy gets him some new threadz.
ZIPPY: I hope that someone gets my, I hope that someone gets my message in an email, yeah!
Divs are tackyZip, hombre, you need to get
Wesley McBride
a new ensemble. Your current one
is rather bland and unoriginal and
uninspired and besides, red's been out
since August. I hear purple is the new
black, though, so you're on the right
track to getting your faboo back.
Ta ta darling!
ZIPPY: {typing} Red's been out since August?! Which August we talkin' about here?
WHEN RED BES OUT: August 1993
ZIPPY: {typing} Woah! Woah! Woah! This is some pretty bad news, considering... what, all of my clothes are red? I mean, all I wear is a bandanna and some shoes. That's considered clothes... right? {clears screen} Anyhow, I think you're right, Wes. I need to update my look; so let's go.
{Cut: Le Boutique Snootique. Zippy walks up to the door.}
ZIPPY: I can't believe I had to go all the way to Downtown City to get new clothes! Eh, it's worth it... I guess.
{Zippy walks into the store, and is immediately stopped by an incredibly snooty-looking female frog in incredibly snooty-looking clothes.}
GRENOUELLE: Oh, 'allo, 'allo, welcome to le Boutique Snootique! Je m'appelle Grenouelle, an' I assume you are 'ere for le vêtements?
ZIPPY: Uh... I'm not sure what exactly you're saying, ma'am, but I'm here for clothes.
GRENOUELLE: Oh, exactement! You will find, mon cheris, that we 'ave an absolutement massif arrangement of clothes and accessories!
ZIPPY: Oh, that's good! You got anything for short n' stubby types, ma'am?
GRENOUELLE: Oh, of course! We 'ave everything for every body type! Now, what are you looking for, exactement? Bandannas? Chaussures? Cire de bec?
ZIPPY: Uh... First one?
GRENOUELLE: Ah, of course! Follow me, mon cheris!
{Zippy follows Grenouelle over to a rack of many different colored fabrics. Grenouelle grabs a more different red one and pulls it off of the rack. She takes off Zippy's bandanna in one pull and ties the new one quickly around Zippy's neck.}
GRENOUELLE: Well? What do you think? Is it not parfait?
ZIPPY: Well it's no ice cream treat, but it is snappy and cool!
GRENOUELLE: Excellent! And how about your shoes?
ZIPPY: They have been getting old and nas-tay. I think I deserve a change.
GRENOUELLE: Well, I 'ave just the thing for you!
{Grenouelle takes out a pair of Red Converse shoes that look almost exactly like Zippy's old ones. Zippy takes them and tries them on.}
ZIPPY: Wow! They fit like a foot-glove!
GRENOUELLE: Parfait! Z'en we are done 'ere!
ZIPPY: Great!
{Cut: Zippy's Bedroom.}
ZIPPY: {typing} Well, I'm back, and decked out in my new threads! I think they look awesome, and are totally not a cop-out at all! You guys just don't know fashion. {speaking} Anyhow, see y'all next time, when I visit a farm and learn how to milk a cow. Later!
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