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Wiki User Wiki: The Musical/Songs/Sysop Crew

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They are the sysop crew, and they're watching you.
The sysop (sysop crew) watching you!
We are the sysop crew, and we're watching you!
Vandals will be afraid, and they'll stop their raid!
We are the sysop crew, and we're watching you!
Watch out, we're coming for you!
We're the sysop crew!
Sysop crew, watching you!
Sysop crew!

Uh huh, yes.
Sysop crew.
Sysop crew.
Sysop crew.
Sysop crew.
We're the
Sysop crew.
Sysop crew.
Sysop crew.
Sysop crew.

Look ouuuuuuuuut!
We're the sysop crew!

Look at them, the great Sysop Crew!

Yes we're so amazing it's true!

What I wouldn't give to be one of you!

You guys are nuts, it's to you I say "Screw"!

You are an enemy of peace! It's with out judgement that lets you keep your lease


Man, You guys are boring!

Well, Chaos you're annoying!

How dare you say such things to me!

Have you mirror lately?

STOP! We will throw you out!

We haven't even joined yet-don't get so snout!

You're messing with the wrong guys!

I'll give you this to feast your eyes!

Chaos, back up off of me!

I want to be one of them, don't you see!

My only goal is so clear to me!

I'm gonna be-

(You're gonna be!)

I'm gonna be-

(You're gonna be!)

I'm gonna be-

(You're gonna be!)

A SOMEBODYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! (Oh yes you are Oh yes you are)

Just wait and....