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Marissa's mailbox/characters/Runaway

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An atom bomb of insanity.
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Burnt cookie, anyone?


Maloa is one of two sane kids in the house. He is a pretty relaxed kid, but still gets angry at Divzon easily. He likes fencing. He carries his fencing saber around with him all the time, and likes poking random people with it. This can lead to humor. Unfortunately, Divzon's staryu uses bubble beam on him whenever he comes within five feet of him. Yes, it holds a grudge on him as well.


Divzon and his Staryu

Divzon and his staryu are great buddies. But, divzon is his staryu's pokemon trainer, making him about the only pokemon pokemmon trainer. But staryu doesn't mind. They are the best buddies since salt and pepper. Divzon made the house out of a two story pokemon center, and still uses it as one. The first floor has a pool that is used for training. Neither of them like Maloa for many reasons.

NAME ORIGIN: A division play on plusle/I didn't invent staryu


Zoo is a good, yet annoying, kid. He is a pretty friendly person, but can go from happy as a clam to Mroe angry than an alert bull hit with a flyswatter in the blink of an eye. HE is calmed down by his flute, which he refers to as june. Zoo is working on a way to make a robot that will kill everyone, but will spare the lives of those who respect classical music. It isn't going too well for him.

NAME ORIGIN: Zoo (a word I like) plus zoo in T9


Albinos an oddball who stands out in a crowd. He is an albino cheat, who is known for doing seemingly random things, but they make sence to him. For example, he imagines he is a superhero who can make pizza's appear out of midair. Thisis from having too many diablos. If given free time, lock the fridge and freezer. He is a known hoarder. Which also describes why etesay has never found that gold broach of hers.

NAME ORIGIN: This should be obvious


Etesay is the other sane girl in the house. She is a kind girl with often mood swings. She never holds a grudge, no matter how big. The reason? She gets revenge once, and forgets about it. She is also a known harpist, dreaming of playing in an orchestra or philharmonic someday. She has also put a collar on zorax that zaps him whenever he comes near etesay. Ow.



Nicholas is a smart kid. However, he acts the way he does because of a car accident. Etesay tries to support his work, sometimes having trouble doing so. She sees a smart kid in him who wants to escape. Unfortunatly, Etesay can have a hard time when he bakes. He is known for burning things so much, there isn't a word for how burnt they are. He is trying to learn the viola.

NAME ORIGIN: Just a name I like