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The Complete History of Movies

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"ELEPHANTS!" screamed Thomas Edison "AC currents are enough to kill elephants! Here, I have proof!" Thus, the world was introduced to the wonderful world of film! Not much of a start, but no complaining - this is history! So we had lots of short films until some German guy created the first actual MOVIE. It was The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, and it was art. As soon as a new art form emerged, there was censorship! Morality police in America said "No sex, no drugs, no morally reprehensible behavior, movies longer than 1 hour and 30 minutes, or twist endings." Obviously this put a strain on creativity. However, this code didn't actually MEAN anything. There was no punishment for not following it. In 1967 MGM released the first non-code-following American film, and the code was almost immediately dropped. Then big bad government stepped in and said "crap, we need SOME kind of rating system" "man i got an idea let's invent the MPAA." so then they did and it was good. I'm sorry, but I'm not much of a movie guy. I could probably rattle off a list of movies I've seen. Aww, I forgot Gone With the Wind, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, I gotta go back and rewrite this sometime.