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The Bluebry Show/3

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BLUEBRY: Is anyone sitting next to you?

MAN: Get the hell out of my face.

{Bluebry grabs a handle above him instead. He does not like riding the metro}

"That man is very angry and does not seem very hygienic," thought Bluebry. "He may be a vagrant."

{Next to Bluebry there is a young woman listening to her MP3 player very loudly. You can hear the music playing. Her phone begins to ring.}

{Soulja Boy comes out and starts gently caressing the young woman.

With force.}


"Should I tell her that her phone is ringing? She may not want to be disturbed," thought Bluebry.

{The train hits a bump and one of her earbuds falls out. She notices her phone ringing.}

YOUNG WOMAN: {to Bluebry} Why didn't you tell me my phone was ringing? Asshole. {she answers her phone} Yeah sorry, some asshole didn't tell me my phone was ringing.

"Apparently I should have told her," thought Bluebry.

{An older gentleman looks as if he is about to say something, but in fear of youth refrains from it}

"I am afraid of this youth," thought the older gentleman.

"I think that older gentleman is afraid that youth. I wish I could say something so that he could understand I am nothing to be afraid of and am separate from her, so that he knows not all young people are mindless and some still have their sensibility," thought Bluebry.

YOUNG WOMAN: {on phone, yelling too loud for a light-rail car} So what? I don't give a {censored} what he thinks.

"She does not seem very pleasant," thought Bluebry. "I should avoid her and let her be to prevent any trouble. I should probably get off at the next stop and ride a different train."

PA SYSTEM: Now arriving at Government District. Please exit the tram using the doors on your right. Please exit the tram using the doors on your right. Please exit the tram using the doors on your right.

"You do not have to treat me as a child," Bluebry thought.

As Bluebry finally left the metro train to merely hop on another, only one thought entered his brain: "Christ, these rules suck."