(even if you aren't vegan)
Basic Info
Fritz and Lang are two robots constructed by Rosenberg solely for the purpose of performing menial tasks for him. Unfortunately, due to a certain glitch in programming, the two happen to be rather incompetent, usually finding it hard to perform the simplest of tasks for their master. Despite his misgivings regarding them however, Rosenberg keeps them in commission mostly for sentimental reasons, if not anything else.
Their demeanor is not unlike that of two siblings who fight amongst each other all the time. The two are highly argumentative towards each other, and constantly try to one-up each other, almost always leading up to a physical fight. In the company of guests, they try to put on an affable persona, often being incredibly friendly and complimenting them constantly. Unfortunately for them, they just come off as supremely annoying to everyone around them.
They are both identical in appearance, being two small machines with bipedial wheels, an eye monitor, and extendable arms. The only difference between the two is that Fritz is red, while Lang is blue, signifying a contrast in personality and mannerisms.
They are named after the German expressionist movie director, Fritz Lang, creator of Metropolis, which is known as a pioneer in the sci-fi genre.
At some point, they join the Wikihood gang as part of a permanent fixture.
Descriptive Information
- Full Name: Fritz and Lang Rosenberg
- Gender: Male?
- Age: Hardware outdated
- Birth Date: ???
- Birth Place: Bluehaven, Listless, USA
- Currently Living In: Townindale, Listless, USA
- Species: Robot
- Ethnicity / Race: Robot
- Citizenship: N/A
- Religion / Beliefs: Experimenting
- Height: 3 foot, 5 inches - excludes potential robotic extension upgrades
- Weight: ~350 pounds - mostly steel and wires
- Eyes: Green when running optimally
SkinPaint Color: Red(Fritz) and Blue(Lang) - They share some similarly silvered parts, and have started recently to develop small patches of rust- Hair Color: Wireless