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Basic Info

Toma Albescu Lupei, also known as Sirrus is a 23 year old Romanian transgender male, and a housemate. Sirrus and his twin sister Ventin (both names are aliases) were born in Bucharest many, many, many years ago, in 1990. They scared the shit out of everyone they met and were kicked out of the country, mainly because they are goth-punk gypsies, though in reality, they aren't actually bad people, just..slightly frightening in mannerisms. They decided to move to Midway City, Listless, USA, but were kicked out of there too. Their next destination was Townindale, where they currently seek residence.

Sirrus dresses as your typical (read: stereotypical) goth male, with long dark brown hair, a LIP PIERCING, tattoos, eyeliner, and short-sleeved shirts of bands you never heard of. Okay, he maybe be part hipster, but whatever.

Sirrus and Ventin may or may not practice some form of blood magic. Ask them yourselves!

Sirrus also has a minor internet shopping addiction.

Descriptive Information

  • Full Name: Toma Albescu Lupei
  • Gender: Transgender Male
  • Nationality: Romanian
  • Age: 23
  • Birth Date: July 7th, 1990
  • Birth Place: Bucharest, Romania
  • Currently Living In: Townindale, Listless, USA
  • Species: Human
  • Ethnicity / Race: Romanian
  • Citizenship: Romanian, no passport
  • Religion / Beliefs: Shezmuology
  • Height: 5'11
  • Weight: 143
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Skin Color: Darkish-tan
  • Hair Color: Dark brown with purple streaks
  • Hair Style: Long, over his eyes, slightly gothic.

Things Sirrus Has Ordered Over The Internet

  • None, yet.