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User:Tyrannosaurus Lex/Rants/11

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I look on Fanstuff of the Fortnight, and what do I see? I see lots of good fanstuff, like Total Drama Wiki Island, and Airstriker, which the creators took lots of effort making. Then, at the bottom, I see this atrocity called Game 1. Everybody is voting for it. Just for comic value. Is it good quality? No. But people vote for it anyway, because they are all like "OH HEY LOL I AM SO FUNNY I AM VOTING FOR A CRAP FANSTUFF BUT I AM FUNNY FOR DOING IT DURR". You idiotic morons who are voting for it are the kind of people who drove the Fanstuff Wiki to dust! AND THE PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T, Well, they are just insane. Most of you 2nd Gens. You ridicule us, but act like total idiots in the doing so.

I take back what I said in this rant. Lex 10:21, 16 February 2009 (UTC)