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"Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter" - Proverbs 24:11


Seth Mifune (The Ronin) is the quartermaster of the ship. Having been hired by Valentina originally to help her perform the heist on the Leviathan-X, Seth is officially the crew's first recruit.

Formerly working under the Twin Dragon Syndicate, Seth was originally an assassin for hire. According to database records, Seth performed both political assassinations and common hits, all for the right price. Because of his experience in this field, he is well-versed with firearms, mainly sniper rifles and pistols, and he is also proficient at hand-to-hand combat, knowing many forms of martial arts.

Sometime between his assassin years and the time Valentina met him, Seth had not only retired from his previous profession, but had also repented for his previous actions, having found religion along the way. However, this change of heart didn't mean he was completely out of business. On the contrary, in fact. His newfound faith installed in him a sense of justice and liberty, and he managed to lead a successful life as a former bounty hunter himself, now choosing to hunt on those who preyed on the weak, instead of working as a cold-blooded murderer for pay.

The circumstances of the "retirement" from the Syndicate is unknown, but it's implied that it was not a matter of pleasantries.

During his solo bounty hunting business, Seth met Abhay along the way, and the two became fast friends, sharing tons of experiences together. It was when Abhay referred to Seth while meeting Valentina, where she got the idea of locating him and recruiting him. After finding Seth, Valentina asked him if he wanted to join her new bounty hunter crew. Seth, missing the old life and the sense of justice it gave him, accepted, on the condition that she prove herself.

Showing her skills with a gun, Seth was quite pleased, and officially became her first recruit.

Although he has an obsession with the "mighty and righteous", Seth still remains aloof at times, mostly coming across as "cold and unlikable" to the majority of people who know him. Cold, grim, and sometimes outright miserable, Seth is definitely not a popular person among the crew. Despite this, he does have some sparks of kindness at times, and can even be somewhat warm towards those he sees "under his protection". His sense of humor is mostly dry and sarcastic.

He refuses to speak about his criminal past to anyone, leaving everyone believing that he's simply a grumpy old man with a sense for danger and a twisted sense of justice and righteousness. He wears a golden cross at all times, as an indicator for his sense of faith.

Descriptive Information

  • Full Name: Seth Mifune
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 48
  • Height: 6 Feet, 2 Inches
  • Weight: 166 pounds
  • Ethnicity: Japanese/Scottish
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Hair Color: Greyish Brown