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Revision as of 19:02, 25 April 2012 by Tyrannosaurus Lex (talk | contribs) (There, I've made a first draft. Still needs to be improved greatly. Yes, I based him off Spike. I'm gonna be open with my influences.)
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Seth Lindström is the Captain of the Leviathan X, and the unofficial leader of the group. While his familial origins can be traced back to Earth, Seth was born on Ganymede. He is 29 years old and tall and stocky in appearance. He has dark, curly hair and greenish-brown eyes. He is usually dressed in a scruffy blue leisure suit, with a black shirt and a pair of old black derby shoes. His scruffy appearance is a reflection of his scruffy laid back personality. His behaviour is careless, to say the least, having an overall negligent attitude towards a variety of dangerous situations.

Past Life