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Midway Blues

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Revision as of 22:55, 27 September 2013 by Brerose (talk | contribs)
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Midway Blues is now a publically owned entity1, and no longer owned by a single person.0

Current Episode: Pilot is the current episode.


  1. You're only allowed to control up to 3 characters at a time. Not that we don't trust you, but it's easier for everyone to moderate both yourself and others if we can assuredly keep track over who controls whom. This won't be true of the first few episodes, in which things will be different to accommodate for the lack of writers.
  2. There will be a universally decided plot and if you're not here and have points to make, then make them when you come back and we will all work to implement them effectively. Most everything we do regarding plot will be by consensus.
  3. Footnotes are for OOC information, and contextual jokes. To make a footnote, attach <sup>{number}</sup>, the number then being repeated below the fanstuff. It's fairly easy to pick up.2
  4. If you sincerely don't know how to do something in the syntax code that we use and you want to, ask everyone on the talk page. Someone has to be able to, right? Right?
  5. No godmodding, unless you kill yourself or something.34


Season 1

  1. Pilot — We meet our dysfunctional anti-heroes, a group of bounty hunters, or 'blues', as a hunt for a criminal goes awry.


  • Backstory — What it's all about, or something.
  • Characters — To remind us of how many parodies and shitty self-insertions there are.
  • Places — Where all two scenes of any given episode occur.
  • The Back Room — The nest of pre-plotting5. Read at your own discretion, as the content will most likely contain spoilers.

0. This page is completely original meaning no rip offs. I wrote this all by myself
1. Meaning "by consensus", apparently.
2. Like this.
3. We don't condone suicide.
4. At least, we don't condone it openly.
5. read: Everybody argues about whose character is more important