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Samiyaza Paranormal Investigation Agency/chars/NIX

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Basic Info

Raggonix Keagan Blade is the youngest son of Evan and Alana Blade, who still have terrible naming skills. Also born with elemental abilities, Raggonix used to taze animals and people as a child with his bare fingertips. School was not happy.

Raggonix was too young to remember the death of their parents, but then again, he's also a psychopath so that might also hinder it.

Raggonix is the technical genius of the team, being an expert at all things computer, as long as he's not having a meltdown.

Raggonix is a born electrokinetic, and one of the strongest people ever, but he cannot use anything stronger than a small surge from his hands without draining power from elsewhere, and he'd have to drain several transformers worth to get the full of his power, and even holding this power would be dangerous to him.

He's just content with electrocuting fish and beach-goerss.

Descriptive Information

  • Full Name: Raggonix Keagan Blade
  • Gender: Male
  • Nationality: Canadian-American
  • Age: 22
  • Birth Date: October 17th, 1990
  • Birth Place: Toronto, Canada
  • Currently Living In: Los Angeles, California
  • Species: Enhanced Human
  • Ethnicity / Race: Canadian-American
  • Citizenship: Canadian-American
  • Religion / Beliefs: Pastafarian
  • Height: 5'7
  • Weight: 127
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Skin Color: Caucasian
  • Hair Color: Dark brown
  • Hair Style: Shaggy, but Raggon makes him cut it :(