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Revision as of 16:18, 4 February 2012 by Remolay (talk | contribs)
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trollface is an unfunny and outdated meme

why is one of logos from a rage comic then


if it was up to me, it would be deleted by now tbh

Everyone's now a pony.



Fine with me!

Ponies are overrated too

I mean the show's okay but half the reason everyone loves it is so they can go "OH LOOK, I WATCH A GIRL'S SHOW! LOOK AT ME DEFYING WHAT IS EXPECTED OF MY GENDER!"

I think the show is really cleverly written and developed, but I'm not too big on the Brony fandom in general. While I should know better than that, considering the whole "One bad apple spoils the bunch" analogy, I just can't help but feel like that. Not just the Brony fandom though. The Sonic and Harry Potter communities are just as bad in my book. Lex 20:32, 31 January 2012 (UTC)

Don't forget the Invader Zim community, which is worse that anything. RemolaySig.pngtalk 21:31, 31 January 2012 (UTC)

The Family Guy community is worse than the zim community.

There is nothing worse than the fucking Invader Zim community. The amount of Romances in a series that could logically contain none is amazing, annoying, and rather painful. I mean, litterally painful. My brain now has a natural defense to Invader Zim fanfiction by simply turning the fuck off. RemolaySig.pngtalk 02:09, 2 February 2012 (UTC)

I don't really think there's much of a Family Guy "community", per se. Judging from what I've seen, it's mostly just people who quote the episodes and repeat the jokes. Not really a community in the sense of things like Bronies and Invader Zim. - Lex

i could link to several articles explaining why my little pony is popular with adult men but i'm too lazy to find them so let me just say that it's awesome because it's funny and has good animation and a very great creator-fanbase connection and it's cute without being obnoxiously so (dripping everything in pink (although pinkie pie is my favourite)) and what can i say it's just a really good show

it's also worth noting that if family guy had a "community" it would be several unevolved ape children smearing feces on each others faces -- NachoTalk 03:21, 1 February 2012 (UTC)

Well, I never said it was a bad show by any means. It's cleverly written and I do like the art, but it's certainly not as good as people say it is. And like Sephy or Lex or whatever I'm calling him said, the "bronies" are a big part of making it annoying to me.

You see one person make one offhanded reference to ponies and they all go "AAAAAAAAAH HE SAID A PONIES NAME HE MUST BE BRONY! OH, WE CAN TALK ABOUT OUR FAVOURITE PONIES ALL DAY. BROHOOF~" and it's terribly annoying. Also, I really hate that "20% cooler" meme. Considering it's not all that funny a joke to begin with, I think the reason they do it is so they can identify themselves as "bronies" anyway, because they can't go one minute without mentioning that they are a brony.

A big part of it is that most bronies are total hipsters. Like I said earlier, a good portion don't watch the show because they like it that much, I think it's so they can be all like "BRONY AWW YEAH" and go made with defying gender-marketing. FloppyDongHersh Bensfloppydong.png

i totally agree. Plus, some of the bronies aren't even realizing that it's just a kids cartoon for girls only. But which is worse though, these people, or the AVGN fanboy community?TVB 16:28, 2 February 2012 (UTC)

What? My point wasn't that "Boys can't watch it 'cause it's for girls" its' that "They watch a show for girls and then brag about it like we care". I agree it's good to see a show that is aimed at girls that boys can enjoy, but if the boys act like watching it makes them better than people who don't then they should get their calf muscles cut. FloppyDongHersh Bensfloppydong.png

i know, I'm just saying.TVB 19:08, 2 February 2012 (UTC)

I love how I made a five word comment, and it got you guys started fighting over ponies like you were in a religious war. Miss Peach.PNGMiss PeachMiss Peach.PNG

da fuq how am I arguing? Goddamn I'm just stating my opinion GOD DAMN IT FloppyDongHersh Bensfloppydong.png

Yeah, all that's really here is stating how the fandom sucks. Which it kinda does. Invader Zim still trumps it by a long shot.RemolaySig.pngtalk 21:18, 4 February 2012 (UTC)