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Wiki User Wiki: The Musical/Story

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Act One

The lights open on a poor city, showing listless and destitute users walking around. Amongst them is JCM, the eager young lad who tries to stay out of trouble. As his benefactoring doctor of a friend Chaos casually strolls in, he overhears JCM, and tries to convince him otherwise. The sysops all come in and they sing a song to convince Chaos to change his ways and involve JCM in it. He immediately fills out for powers, and just for fun, Chaos does to. The two taunt each other into beating the other into their respective positions, and it ends in an insane bet to beat the other to the position first. They hear that two outlaws are running around, and they both go off to catch them.

Sephiroth appears in a flash of light in front of the corps of fighting users naked, yet no one seems surprised.After raiding some clothes from a bar, The corps is put into training, and later gather around the campfire for some good stories. Badstar sings of how he was forced into this position by law, as he had committed a crime and was sentenced here by the judge. Sephiroth finds him again afterwards and they become friends.They catch up with the lessers of the sysops, the mods, and while several refuse to mix with the lowlifes, the others decide to try and get along. They all sing of their pasts, save for The Mu. They come back to witness the Tri- Attacking. Later, for no reason, Sephiroth sings Ebony and Ivory with Raiku and Say Say Say with TheCheese. He is shot down and supposedly killed by H*Bad soon after however. Inbetween, Mu sings about his horrible life as an orphan with AIDS, and admits he wouldn't want his life any other way. During the H*Bad fiasco, he ends up stabbed as well.

Act Two

Act Three

Sephiroth comes back, with the fresh appearance of Thriller Era Michael Jackson. He sings his origin, with the song "I am the Doctor", along with Chaos. He gets shot down again shortly after, and comes back to sing Reaper with Chaos and Vindicator. He stays in the Paul McCartney form until after the Return of Dinoshaur, where he regenerates into Hannah Montana. He shortly shoots himself and Regenerates into Mick Jagger.

Act Four

Act Five