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Zippy Email #14: ziplandia

Zippy introduces his viewers to his very own country.

CAST: Zippy, Sticky

PLACES: Zippy's Bedroom, Ziplandia



{Open: the Indy X9.}

ZIPPY: {clicks email icon} One, two, one two three! E, mail, email me!

subj: dictator/leader

Dear Zippy the Purple Platapus,
have you ever had a dream of ruling a nation, or the world?
Or, have you ever been ruler?
If you have, tell us how it was, and how you got brought down,
or if you haven't, tell us what it will be like.
Not Adolf N. Stalin

{Zippy reads "Platapus" as "plate-a-pus".}

ZIPPY: {typing} You sure are a stickler for specifics, aren't you, Adi? Whatever the case, die-hard fans of all things Zippy would know that I already have a country! {clears screen} Its name? Ziplandia; home of the awesome. I, of course, am the most honorable ruler of Ziplandia, and Sticky is my right-hand man. {speaking} Isn't that right, Sticky?

{Pan over to Sticky's aquarium. Sticky snaps his claws a few times.}

ZIPPY: {typing} Yes, Ziplandia is a fruitful country. It is strong, it is beautiful. It is mine. {clears screen} But rather than just tell you about it, I shall show it to you! Follow me!

{Zippy leaves his room.}

{Cut: Ziplandia (Zippy's Back Yard). Zippy stands before it.}

ZIPPY: Ah, look at it in all its majesty. Gaze upon our fair flag.

{Zoom in on the Ziplandian flag. It is black, purple and red, looking like Germany's flag.}

ZIPPY: Yes, the Ziplandian flag. The way the colors are arranged, it reminds some people of twilight--to others, it reminds them of me. What can I say?

{Zoom in on a hammer, lying on the ground.}

ZIPPY: And the hammer--symbol of our industrious nature. It lay on the ground, always there when you need to... hammer things. I guess.

{Zoom in on a house on a lake.}

ZIPPY: And this--this is my most humble of abodes. This is where, as ruler, I spend my days. You know, when I'm not in my house checking emails. Which is usually.

{Zoom in on a hole in Mitch's fence, obscured on the other side by a hedge.}

ZIPPY: This is my embassy--specifically, to the neighboring country of Mitchnya. Since we are enemies, however, this is a covert operation.

{Zoom in on a collection of hedges.}

ZIPPY: And finally... my favorite part of all. This is my secret shrine. Inside is a treasure so powerful I must never tell a living soul. And by the by, this isn't a plot item or something. It's just something I need to keep secret.

{Zoom out to show a view of the entirety of Ziplandia.}

ZIPPY: Yes, Ziplandia is a marvelous country. But I must return to my computer, because the battery's getting low.

{Cut: the Indy X9.}

ZIPPY: {typing} So there, Adi. That's my country. Too bad none of you can come. Ha!

Click here to email Zippy!