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E-102 "γ" is a Goddamned Bird

an essay by Skullbuggy

I, Skullbuggy, have just recently finished playing Sonic Adventure DX. It wasn't a great game by any standard, but I did enjoy it. As many of you who have played Sonic Adventure, DX or otherwise, have noted, it encompasses an intertwining storyline, played out by six separate characters. One of these characters is the robot, E-102--code name Gamma.

Gamma is a robot created by Dr. Robotnik--call him Eggman if you want, that's a dumb name regardless. Anyhow, Gamma was created along with four other siblings--Beta, Delta, Epsilon and Zeta, respectively. These robots were sent to find the Chaos Emerald swallowed by one "Froggy", pet to feline man-child Big the Cat. At first glance, this may seem normal.

But what would you say if I told you E-102 Gamma was a goddamned bird?

Let me explain.

First, I need to talk about Amy Rose. Bear with me here. Early in the game, Amy Rose finds a bird--a Flicky is what I believe it is--and takes it under her wing, no pun intended. This bird is special because it carries a small plate on its chest. Now, I skipped several cutscenes, so I don't know what this means exactly, but I believe Eggman wants to power a robot with it.

Now, early in Gamma's storyline, Gamma is sent by Dr. Robotnik to go fetch a prisoner--this prisoner being Amy Rose and her Flicky friend. Dr. Robotnik wants the Flicky, see? But Amy Rose will not give it away so easily. After mulling it over--and bearing many an insult from Amy Rose about how horrible it must be to be a cold-hearted killing machine--Gamma frees the two buddies and makes a new friend.

However, on the way to get Amy Rose, Gamma accidentally stumbles into an "operating room". Inside is none other than Beta, the robot Gamma had to dispatch to stay on Robotnik's ship. In here, Beta is being reassembled--into what we're not sure. After all, what we see is just a skeleton. After witnessing this horrifying sight--I can only assume it's horrifying to a robot--Gamma walks out of the room, remarking he went into the "wrong room".

After freeing Amy Rose, Gamma must then face off with Sonic the Hedgehog, self-proclaimed "fastest thing alive". We all know that's bullcrap, Captain Falcon is the fastest thing alive. But I digress. Gamma proceeds to pepper Sonic with bullets. Despite this, Sonic is alive for one more cutscene, in which Amy Rose stops Gamma from shooting Sonic one last time--personally I wanted Gamma to shoot the bitch but hey.

I have no idea what happened to the Flicky after that--the horrible voices got to me and I blacked out for a solid twenty minutes. But after that, Gamma thinks once again about Beta. He then thinks about his siblings, who were "dispatched" after failing to find the right frog. Gamma realizes what will happen to his siblings if Robotnik gets his hands on them, so he sets out to "rescue" them. In reality, Gamma sets out to kill them to spare them the horrible fate of being reprogrammed.

After "rescuing" your siblings three--in this case, "rescuing" means "blowing up"--you set off to destroy Beta, your older sibling turned maniacal killing machine. And lo! You meet up with him on the Egg Carrier itself, waiting to tear you limb from limb. It is here that you commence E-102's final battle, one that I daresay is a bit lackluster for a final boss... but I'm just being mean here. Gamma successfully destroys Beta.

Before Beta dies, however, he lands one last blow on Gamma. This severely wounds the plucky little robot, giving him just minutes to live. Beta then explodes, releasing a Flicky not unlike the one Amy Rose had as a companion. The Flicky looks at Gamma knowingly, yet Gamma trudges on. It is then that an image flickers on the screen, one that the player can just barely make out. With that, Gamma collapses, near death. He sees the Flicky fly away, and the image from before appears--a picture of the small Flicky with its mother and father. Gamma proceeds to explode--for like five minutes. As the screen fades to white, you see a small pink bird fly from the explosion...

Because E-102 Gamma is a goddamned bird.

I hope you enjoyed this informative essay on why E-102 Gamma is a goddamned bird. If this keeps you away from or gets you interested in Sonic Adventure, so be it. Nothing's stopping you, except E-102 the goddamned bird.
