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Zippy Email #13: pets

Zippy remembers a past pet and goes shopping for a new one.

CAST: Kooky, Zippy, Jiggleby the Jellyfish, Syd, Sticky

PLACES: Kooky's Living Room, Zippy's Living Room, Syd's Pet Shop



{Open: Kooky's Living Room. Zippy and Kooky are sitting on the couch.}

KOOKY: So it turns out I do have other rooms in my house!

ZIPPY: Well I'll be.

{Something starts ringing.}

ZIPPY: Whoop, it's my cellphone. Let me get that.

{Zippy pulls a cellphone from under his bandanna and opens it up.}

ZIPPY: Hey, an email!

subj: Pets?

have you had a pet before?
If not, why?


ZIPPY: {typing} Good question, Excalibur! It's not often I see one of those on my show. Any-hoo, {clears screen} Of course I've had pets before! I've had pets... all over the place! Allow me to share with you all a flashback.

{Flashback: Zippy's Living Room. He looks a bit younger, and behind him is an aquarium. Inside is a jellyfish.}

ZIPPY: {v.o.} I don't know if anybody knew this, but I used to have a pet jellyfish!

KOOKY: {v.o.} I remember him? Wasn't his name Jiggleby?

ZIPPY: {v.o.) A-yup. That was his name. He was a good jellyfish, and I treasured him. And then...

{Flashback: Kooky's Lab. Kooky finishes working on a robot. The robot rises to show Jiggleby in the cockpit, controlling it. The robot busts out of the lab and into the streets, shooting lasers at things.}

ZIPPY: {v.o.} I think he ran away.

KOOKY: {v.o.} Eh-heh-heh... yeah! He, um, he did! Run away, right.

ZIPPY: {v.o.} I miss Jiggleby.

{Cut: Kooky's Living Room.}

ZIPPY: Oh, if only Jiggleby were still with us.

KOOKY: Hey, Zip? What if we got you a new pet?

ZIPPY: A new... new pet?

KOOKY: Yeah! I'll take you over to the pet shop so we can pick out a new pet!

ZIPPY: Huzzah!

{Zippy jumps out of his seat and runs out.}

{Cut: the pet shop. Zippy and Kooky walk into the store.}

ZIPPY: Nice place they've got here. I wonder who works here?

{Zippy walks up to the counter and dings the bell.}

ZIPPY: Hello? Customer here!

{Syd walks to the counter.}

SYD: Hi, Zippy!

ZIPPY: Hey, you own this place?

SYD: Yep! They had to write me into this episode somehow!

ZIPPY: Cool, cool. So, I'm looking for a new pet. What've you got?

SYD: A new pet, huh? Well I've got a lot of animals, you'll have to be specific.

ZIPPY: Give me a low-maintenance critter. Like a snail or summat.

SYD: If it's low maintenance you want, we've got several animals you might like! Take a look at this one!

{Syd goes into the back room and takes out a lobster. It is in a small aquarium.}

ZIPPY: ... A lobster?

SYD: Of course! They're very low-maintenance!

ZIPPY: Really?

SYD: And if someone tries to steal him he'll take a finger off!

ZIPPY: Okay I'm sold.

SYD: Great! Now, what're you going to name him?

ZIPPY: ... Sticky. Sticky the lobster.

SYD: Great! Now let me ring that up.

{Syd puts rubber bands on Sticky's claws and puts him in a large bag filled with water. She hands it to Zippy.}

KOOKY: A lobster? Neat! Can I see him-


{Cut: Zippy's Room. Sticky is now in a large tank across from the computer. The bands are off of his claws and he is snapping at some fake grass put in the tank.}

ZIPPY: Hey, Sticky! How's it going?

{Sticky keeps trying to break the fake grass.}

ZIPPY: I take it you like it in there?

{Sticky crawls around his tank and tries to eat a plastic diver.}

ZIPPY: Good. Good.

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