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Iori gets a jewel named after him.

Cast: Iori, Museum Employee


IORI: {singing while typing "iori_email.exe"} Email song! I can't think of an email song!

Subject: your awesome nameyness

Hey Iori,
Your name is so awesome.
You should have a relic named
after you, like "The Orb of Iori"
or "The Saint Jewel Emerald of Iori"
or quite possibly even "The Steel Toe of Iori"
or something.

{after "Your name is so awesome.", Iori says "Why, thank you!". Instead of "RAINBO WSWORD MASTER GUYMAN", Iori says "Rambo, wishing well, whatever."}

IORI: {typing} Ha, those names are like subtitles for an Indiana Jones movie! Anyway, a relic named after me? That sounds awesome! I hear that the local museum has some jewels n' stuff that some of the employees are naming after random people. I know that there's an "Emerald of Coach Z", so let's go over there. {slight pause} Coach Z has an emerald named after him. Rubbish I say!

{cut to the inside of a museum where Iori and a museum employee are}

EMPLOYEE: You want a jewel named after you, right?

IORI: Yes. Is there a red one?

EMPLOYEE: Yes, the red ones are rubies.

IORI: Nah, ruby is also a girls name. Any others?

EMPLOYEE: Emeralds, diamonds- {interuptted}

IORI: Can a diamond be red?

EMPLOYEE: Unless we paint it red, then no.

IORI: Well paint it then!


The next day...

{they're at the museum. the employee shows Iori the red diamond}

IORI: Wow, it looks like it hasn't been painted.

EMPLOYEE: That's because it hasn't. I found this.

IORI: Wow. A red diamond.

EMPLOYEE: The name of this diamond will be "The Red Diamond of Iori". Is that good?

IORI: Dude, you sound like a computer. Oh, and yes.

EMPLOYEE: Alright. We'll put up the diamond for display tommorow.

IORI: Sweet!

{cut back at the compy}

IORI: Well, there you have it, Rambo. A red diamond named after me. Awesome, eh? They let anyone get a jewel named after them, so it may not seem as cool to you as I think it is. Now allow me to end this email with a fade to the diamond named after me. ...{FOURTH WALL BREAKAGE!!!}

{fade to the diamond in the museum}

Click here
to email Iori

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