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Zippy Email #6: snack

Zippy shows off his culinary abilities, and Mitch makes three-bean salad.

CAST: Zippy, Mitch

PLACES: Zippy's Bedroom, Zippy's Kitchen



{Open: Indy X9.}

ZIPPY: Happy Independence Day, all! Instead of a special, I'm doing an email! {opens email}

subject: snack

Der Zipy,
You should craft a snack of some sort.
Ya know, using items everyone has in their pantry.
Your friend Rolo Tony.

{Zippy reads "Der Zipy" in a German accent.}

ZIPPY: {typing} This is actually a good email, Tony! Kudos! Now, onto the content. {clears screen} So, about the cooking. I bet you all didn't know this, but I took a culinary arts class at my old high school! Of course, it's been years, but I think I can remember most of the stuff.

{Zippy leaves the room.}

{Cut: Zippy's Kitchen. Zippy and Mitch are there. Zippy is in a chef's hat and an apron.}

ZIPPY: Hello, hello! Welcome to "Cooking with Zippy"! I'm your host, Zippy P. Platypus, and here with me is my assistant, Mitch!

MITCH: Zippy, who are you talking to?

ZIPPY: The studio audience!

MITCH: Zippy, there's nobody around.

ZIPPY: Why do you shoot down my dreams?


ZIPPY: Anyhow, today we'll be cooking meals that anyone can make, using just ingredients you have in your pantry! Let's see what we have!

{Zippy runs over to his pantry and grabs some ingredients.}

ZIPPY: Alright, check-a check-a check this out! We've got chocolate chips, right?

{Zippy pulls out a bag of chocolate chips.}

ZIPPY: Now, lets take some caramels...

{Zippy pulls out some caramels.}

ZIPPY: Melt the chocolate, and dunk the caramel in the chocolate!

{Zippy melts some chocolate, dips a caramel in the pot, and pulls it out.}

ZIPPY: Voila!

MITCH: Zippy, what you made is essentially a Rolo.

ZIPPY: ... Damnit, damnit, DAMNIT!

{Zippy storms out of the room.}

MITCH: ... Zippy?


MITCH: Alright, it's my show now! So, looking in our pantry, we have several varieties of beans. Take a can each of green, kidney and yellow beans. Drain them, and put them in a bowl.

{Mitch does as he said, taking beans and tossing them into a bowl.}

MITCH: Now, take a fourth of a cup of green bell peppers and a cup of sliced purple onions. Toss those in as well.

{Mitch chops up some bell peppers and onions. He dumps them into a bowl.}

MITCH: Now, we take a half cup of vinegar, a third of a cup of vegetable oil, and half a cup of granulated sugar. Pour these three things into a bowl and put in a teaspoon each of salt and pepper.

{Mitch pours vinegar, oil and sugar into a seperate bowl and stirs them. He also spoons in some salt and pepper.}

MITCH: Now that you have these two seperate mixtures, combine the two. Chill the bean salad for at least four hours. This delicious salad serves ten to twelve people, so be sure to invite the whole family over!

{Mitch takes a bow as applause is heard, coming from somewhere.}

MITCH: Wow, that was awesome! I should get my own show!

{Cut: Indy X9.}

ZIPPY: {typing} So, Tony, it turns out I can't cook anything original. I suggest you buy something instead of cooking for yourself. {speaking} Well, have a good Fireworks Day, all!

{Zippy leaves.}

Click here to email Zippy!