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Zippy Email #10: comics

Zippy creates a comic book.

CAST: Zippy, The Purple Platypus, Lois Plain, The Krazy Kookaburra, Mitch

PLACES: Zippy's Bedroom, a comic book, Mitch's Living Room



{Open: Indy X9.}

ZIPPY: Signal in the sky-oh! {opens email} That's when you know that you've got to fly-oh!

subject: comic book

Dear Zippy,

Why don't you make a comic book, maybe with a superhero with a unique power?


ZIPPY: Ah, the old comic book email. {typing} Well, Sparks, I did create a super hero back in the day... the Purple Platypus! {clears screen} It was a platypus with the ability to... you know, I don't quite remember. It was like three years ago, so my mind's a bit hazy. I think he had a boomerang. But yeah. I had a super hero. And after three years, it's time for a sequel!

{Cut: a piece of paper.}

ZIPPY: {v.o.} And now, another installment of... the Purple Platypus!

{As Zippy speaks, a badly-drawn platypus swoops onto the scene.}

ZIPPY: {v.o.} In this episode, the Purple Platypus must clash with the evil Krazy Kookaburra! Can he prevail, or will his hot girlfriend Lois Plain succumb to the Krazy Kookaburra's charms? Find out today!

{The scene changes to a cityscape. The Purple Platypus is flying around the city.}

PURPLE PLATYPUS: Boy, it sure is amazing, being able to fly! ... Gasp! What is that?

{Zoom in to show a female platypus being grabbed by a green bird, clad in bronze armor.}

LOIS: Oh, help me! I'm being kidnapped!

KRAZY KOOKABURRA: Ah, my precious! You'll be mine soon enough!

PURPLE PLATYPUS: {offscreen} Unhand her, you fiend!

{The Purple Platypus swoops down as fanfare plays.}

KRAZY KOOKABURRA: You! The Purple Platypus!

PURPLE PLATYPUS: Put down the girl, Kookaburra. Or I'll stop you!


PURPLE PLATYPUS: Alright then, you asked for it!

{The Purple Platypus tosses a boomerang at the Krazy Kookaburra, knocking him over. The Krazy Kookaburra retaliates by shooting lightning out of his hands, zapping the Purple Platypus. The Purple Platypus uses his heat vison to melt the Krazy Kookaburra's feet to the ground. Now immobilized, the Krazy Kookaburra is subject to a flurry of punches from the Purple Platypus. The Krazy Kookaburra falls unconscious and falls over.}

LOIS: Oh, Purple Platypus! How can I ever repay you?

PURPLE PLATYPUS: How about a fly around the city and a make-out session?

LOIS: Okay!

ZIPPY: {v.o.} The end!

{Cut: Mitch's Living Room. Zippy is showing Mitch the comic book.}

ZIPPY: So? What do you think?

MITCH: In all honesty? It was pretty bad.

ZIPPY: Yeah, but get this--I optioned it to the guys who made Spiderman and they're making a movie out of it!

MITCH: Woah, really?

ZIPPY: Yeah! Of course, I don't get any of the profits, but hey, whatever!

MITCH: Huh. That's cool. Now get out of my house before I grab the shotgun.

ZIPPY: Already leaving!

{Cut: the Indy X9.}

ZIPPY: {typing} So there you go, Sparks. I have a super hero. Now leave me alone!

Click here to email Zippy!