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Episode 24: Hell on Earth 2008

Season Finale

Lucy attacks Decentville.

CAST: Announcer, Lucy, Chernobog, Jerry, Casey, Demons, Skullbuggy

PLACES: BSoC, Decentville City Limits, the Decentville Mall, the Living Room, Purgatory

PAGE TITLE: The SkullB Show?


{Open: the Black Screen of Continuity.}

ANNOUNCER: On the last episode of The SkullB Show...

{Cut: the city limits of Decentville. Lucy and Chernobog are there, overlooking the town.}

LUCY: There it is, Chernobog. The city of Decentville. Isn't it just primed for destruction?

CHERNOBOG: Yeah, yeah. Is this really a good idea, though?

LUCY: Of course. It's a just cause--after all, they did kill the Prince of Darkness... and my husband!

{Cut: the BSoC.}

ANNOUNCER: And now... The SkullB Show.

{Cue theme song.}

{Cut: the city limits.}

LUCY: Now, then... Chernobog, go to the city and attack. I'll be bringing in reinforcements.

CHERNOBOG: Wh- what, by myself?

LUCY: Sure. I trust that you can handle yourself.

CHERNOBOG: Uh, okay. I guess.

LUCY: And put on your best battle face.

CHERNOBOG: Yes, ma'am!

{Chernobog starts to grimace and he flies toward the city.}

LUCY: Yes... you shall pay...

{Cut: the Decentville Mall. Jerry and Casey are walking around, window-shopping.}

CASEY: Thanks for letting me buy something today!

JERRY: Yeah, I know. Although the money came out of our grocery funds, but really, who needs to eat?

CASEY: Yeah, I know.

{Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering comes from somewhere.}

CASEY: Wh- what was that?

JERRY: It sounded like glass breaking.

{Suddenly, a glass window above the two breaks and Chernobog jumps down.}

CHERNOBOG: Hey, HEY! What it is?

JERRY: It's you! That... guy!

CHERNOBOG: The name is Chernobog, and I've come for revenge!

JERRY: What did we do?

CHERNOBOG: You had an angel slice me in 'twain!

CASEY: Oh, yeah. That. So, what's the deal?

CHERNOBOG: Do you also remember when you killed Satan?

CASEY: Oh, yeah. We did that too, didn't we?

CHERNOBOG: This is revenge, you fools!

{Chernobog starts to run at Casey, but she kicks him swiftly in the throat and knocks him over.}

JERRY: You know, I never recall you taking martial arts lessons.

CASEY: I took a women's self defense course in college.

CHERNOBOG: Oof! You call that... a kick? I'll kick your a-

{Chernobog starts to throw a punch, but Casey grabs his arm mid-punch and tosses him into a nearby column.}

CHERNOBOG: ... That was nothing! Come on, let me show you how to-

{Chernobog runs at Casey, but she trips him and sends him flying into some tables at the food court.}

CHERNOBOG: ... Okay, really? Could you stop?

{Casey runs at Chernobog, grabs him and throws him through a window and into a store called "Joe's Knives and Salt Emporium".}

CHERNOBOG: Oh God! Why would anybody make a store selling these things? Why?

CASEY: Well, that takes care of that problem.

JERRY: Uh, I hate to break it to you, but that's only the beginning...

{Pan over to show a crowd of demons approaching.}

CASEY: Damnit, Jerry, why you gotta ruin my day?

{Cut: the Living Room. SkullB is sitting on the couch.}

SKULLB: Isn't it fun being home alone? I'm a latchkey champion!

{Suddenly, the TV switches to a news program.}

NEWSCASTER: We interrupt this program for a breaking news bulletin. It seems that strange red monsters have started to attack Decentville, starting with the Decentville Mall. More coverage as the story develops.

SKULLB: Wait... the Mall? That's where Casey and Jerry are! I've gotta go get them out of there!

{SkullB jumps off of the couch and rolls out the door.}

{Cut: the Decentville Mall. Casey is fighting off demons.}

CASEY: A little help here, Jerry?

JERRY: You know damn well I can't fight!

CASEY: Just grab a chair and beat at them!

{Casey grabs a chair and starts beating demons upside the head with it. Jerry grabs a chair as well and starts holding it to defend himself.}

CASEY: Oh, you wuss.

JERRY: Hey, I'm not afraid! I'm just cautious!

CASEY: Really.

{Casey tosses the chair into the crowd and starts beating up people with her fists and feet.}

CASEY: I guess you should just stay back while I beat the tar out of these guys.

JERRY: Sounds like a plan!

{Casey beats up some demons, then stops and starts to run. She grabs Jerry by the collar and the two of them run toward a sports shop.}

JERRY: Why a sports shop?

CASEY: I'm stocking up, to say.

{Casey and Jerry run inside the shop. Demons follow them. Suddenly, a demon is launched from the shop, and it shows Casey holding a golf club in the doorway.}

CASEY: Show time.

{Casey starts beating some more demons with her club, while Jerry grabs a baseball bat and starts swinging that. The both of them keep swinging and eventually start making a passage toward the exit. Jerry turns to open the door, but finds that it's locked.}

JERRY: Uh, Casey?

CASEY: What?

JERRY: The door's locked.

CASEY: {groans} Just beat at it with your bat, I'm sure you'll break the glass.

{Jerry starts swinging at the glass, but the glass is too thick and breaks the wooden bat in two.}

JERRY: No go, Casey!

CASEY: Yeah, that's a problem...

{Casey holds up her golf club, now broken.}

CASEY: Wow... is this how we're going out? In the mall, accosted by the minions of Satan?

JERRY: Looks like it.

{Jerry starts to hum the national anthem.}

CASEY: What are you doing?

JERRY: If I go down, I'm doing it for my country.

???: Don't hum just yet!

CASEY: What?

{Suddenly, SkullB breaks through a door on the opposite side of the mall. As he speeds toward Casey and Jerry, he peppers the crowd of demons with bullets. Eventually, most of them are dead. Now, SkullB and the others are reunited.}

CASEY: Oh, thank God!

SKULLB: Yep. I'm the only one you can use as a

weapon. Now, stand back...

{SkullB mows down the remaining demons with a large SkullBeam.}

SKULLB: Aren't I just so useful?

JERRY: Whatever, Larry Stu.


JERRY: What?

???: Alright, alright. That's enough.

{Lucy swoops down from the ceiling and stops in front of the three.}

LUCY: So you killed all my demons. Admirable, I'll give you that. You may have done it with flair, that I can see. But this is where you stop.

JERRY: And... what do you mean?

LUCY: Oh, allow me to introduce myself. You may want to take a seat.

{SkullB sits down.}

LUCY: I am Lucy. I am the Vice President of Hell, and second most powerful on Earth. The first being Satan, of course... but I know what you did. You killed Satan, and this is what brought me here. For, without Satan at the reins, Hell is naught but a cave under the Earth. Satan is what gives Hell its true power. As VP, I was supposed to take his place... but I decided to take a pit stop. To eliminate you three. Because it's only natural for someone to avenge somebody they love.

SKULLB: Wait, so that means...

LUCY: Yes. Satan was my husband!


LUCY: So I'm here to kill you.

SKULLB: Oh. I see.

LUCY: So, are we going to fight or what?

SKULLB: Sure, I mean, I've got nothing better to do.

{Cue this song.}

{Lucy nods and tosses a fireball at SkullB. He quickly jumps out of the way and the fireball hits the wall, leaving a black mark. Lucy keeps throwing fireballs at SkullB as he runs away from them. Finally, one fireball hits him square in the side, knocking him through a wall and into the sports store. Lucy follows suit, boasting a fireball in each hand. SkullB looks around for something to defend himself with, and he grabs a cardboard cutout of a celebrity. Lucy tosses the fireballs and they both hit the cutout. However, when the cutout is burnt to a crisp, it disintegrates to show nothing behind it. Lucy looks around and finds SkullB behind her, charging a SkullBeam. He fires it, hitting one of Lucy's wings and sending her earth-bound. Now grounded, Lucy decides to use elements of her surroundings to her advantage by grabbing a nearby basket of baseballs and tossing them. SkullB grabs a baseball bat and starts hitting them back. A couple of them hit Lucy, and a couple hit SkullB. SkullB looks around as well and grabs a box of hockey pucks. Loading them up into his mouth, he shoots them out. A couple of them hit Lucy and, in desperation, Lucy runs out of the store. SkullB follows suit, readying his machine gun. As the two run down the corridors, SkullB is shooting and Lucy is returning fire with some fireballs. The brawl eventually reaches the center of the mall, fountain and all. SkullB thinks quick and boosts his speed, ramming into Lucy and sending her into the fountain. Lucy tries to shoot more fireballs, but fails, as she is soaked. Instead, she chooses to fight manually, and the two do. Lucy grabs onto SkullB and tosses him into a nearby pillar, busting him up pretty badly. SkullB rams into Lucy again, knocking her in the air and onto an escalator. SkullB starts speeding toward her again, but Lucy jumps on top this time. She blinds SkullB with her hands and steers him off the floor and down below. The two, in midair, keep brawling, and they both land on the ground below. Soon after that, Casey and Jerry run over to inspect the damage.}

CASEY: Skully?

JERRY: Skully, are you okay?

SKULLB: {weakly} I could be better right now, but otherwise I'm alright. I don't think she is, though.

{Pan over to show Lucy, battered, bloody and bruised.}

JERRY: Is she... dead?

SKULLB: Not likely. She's probably just unconscious.

{Casey walks over to Lucy and takes her pulse.}

CASEY: Nope. She dead.

SKULLB: Huh. Well, what about her little cohort?

{Casey takes Chernobog's pulse, too.}

CASEY: Yeah, he's dead too.

SKULLB: Wow. Well, they're probably just going to come back from Hell later. After all, where else would they go?

{Cut: Purgatory. Lucy poofs in. Chernobog, however, is already there, reading a magazine.}

LUCY: What the- where the hell are we?

CHERNOBOG: We're in Purgatory, God's waiting room!

LUCY: Perfect. Looks like we're dead. How long have you been here?

CHERNOBOG: Ten, twenty minutes.


CHERNOBOG: It's actually really nice! Once you get over the stench of brimstone, but hey!

{Cut: the Living Room. The three are there, on the couch.}

SKULLB: Wow. What a day that was. I brawled with the devil's wife...

CASEY: I fought off hundreds of demons...

JERRY: And I'm still alive somehow.


{Pause. Suddenly, applause is heard as everyone from the episode walks onto the set.}

SKULLB: Thanks, everyone, for watching the SkullB Show! I hope you had a good time, and I want to thank everyone involved. I want to thank Lucy, for cooperating with us all this time, I want- I want to thank our viewers, for sticking with us through three seasons. Thanks, everyone, for watching, and see you in season four!

{Everyone bows as the curtains close.}

{Cue credits.}