(even if you aren't vegan)

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Latest revision as of 22:25, 1 July 2015




{Open to views of a grungy-looking city. The city of Romulus, located on the surface of Mars. The current time is midnight, and all is quiet and peaceful, save for the sounds of a few gunshots and police sirens in the distance, of course. Cut to a dark alley in the city. A young woman is committing an act of vandalism by spray painting the wall. She looks into the camera and waves to it.}

VALENTINA: Okay, is this thing on? My name is Valentina de Ramirez y Ayala, and I am twenty-nine years old. And as you can see, I am pretty damn awesome. You are probably wondering why I am tagging this wall, right? Right?

CAMERA MAN: Not really. I'm just here because you forced me here. Am I even getting paid for this?

VALENTNA: No, not you, Gregory! I'm talking to the audience! And yes, you'll get paid for this. Sooner or later.

GREGORY: It's gonna be much later, isn't it?

VALENTINA: Of course. So yeah, I'm um... currently tagging this wall because, well-

GREGORY: Why the hell are you doing this at that age anyway? That's something a teen would do.

VALENTINA: Damn it Greg, I'm trying to film a serious video here!

GREGORY: You're breaking the law, that's what you're doing! And you're having me video it, I mean, how stupid can you be to do such a thing?

VALENTINA: How stupid do YOU have to be to stay here and record me, if you're so apprehensive?

GREGORY: Okay, I admit that I'm interested as to why you're spray painting the hell out of this building face.

{Valentina gives an intriguing look into the camera as she drops the spray can.}

VALENTINA: I'm currently on a mission. A recruiting mission. I could go on and on about a tragic past, willingness to shape the future, but I'm not even gonna try and kid myself on this one. Nah. I am totally in this for the money.

{Valentina guides the camera over to get a shot of the unfinished graffiti on the wall.}

VALENTINA: Right now, I am tagging an advertisement to gather up a crew of eager buccaneers like me to go on a BOUNTY HUNTING MISSION.

GREGORY: Yeah, okay. Is that all? Please tell me if that's all.

VALENTINA: Far from it! If you're watching this video, we need YOU. We're only giving this out to the best and the brightest, courtesy of the best and the br-

{The sound of sirens become louder and closer as the camera turns around to the end of the alley, to reveal a law enforcement officer who has caught them in the act.}

VALENTINA: Oh mierda.

OFFICER: Oi! What you lot doin' over there? Get over here!!

{The officer begins walking towards the camera, which suddenly begins going backwards, and turning around to run out the alley. The camera shorts out as we cut to a cheap apartment, where the camera is catching an unflattering angle of Valentina drinking a can of beer while sitting at her table.}

GREGORY: Damn it, Tina, you could've gotten me arrested! I don't think they'd be too forgiving of me considering the last six times you went ahead and left me!

VALENTINA: Ah, quit complaining. It's not like you actually got-... Why is the camera still on? Hey, turn it off!

{Cut to the interior of the "Museum of the Cosmos", located in the Martian city of Temujin. Many patrons can be seen admiring the several pieces of art and history around the museum, such as a class of first graders who are touring their surroundings. In the distance, an aged-looking man can be seen, giving a speech onstage in front of a giant spaceship. Next to the man is a giant poster of his face, along with a table piled with books. Above him is a banner which reads "Meet a Real Adventurer - Britannia Lex!"}

LEX: Alright people, so here we were, faced up against the biggest foe we had ever met in our entire lives. The one and only Count X. The man who had been the subject of several terrible legends was standing right in front of us, mighty and imposing like the fierce warlord he was. I mean, I wasn't scared of course, but-...

AUDIENCE MEMBER #1: Hey, tell us about the time you guys went to Atlantis!

LEX: Wait, I wasn't even there! I'm telling you guys about the stories I was actually ther-

AUDIENCE MEMBER #2: Is Zeus as big and mighty as he is described in the myths?

LEX: Actually, I heard he was a massive douche, but I wouldn't personally know because I hadn't met-

AUDIENCE MEMBER #3: Is it true that you and Abraxas had a secret relationship?

LEX: What?! No, that never happened!

AUDIENCE MEMBER #3: It did in my fanfic. I totes ship you guys.

LEX: Shipping? Is that even a thi-

AUDIENCE MEMBER #4: How is Abraxas doing these days anyway?

LEX: He's doing fine, but that's not what I'm here for, I'm here to discuss my books, you can find this stuff online anyway.

AUDIENCE MEMBER #5: In Atlantis, is it true that you guys-

LEX: I don't know, I wasn't part of the Atlantis trip! I was dead, for one! You wanna know, read "Tales of the Unexplored Kingdom" by Oiracul Basiret, who actually was there, she knew more than-

AUDIENCE MEMBER #6: If you were dead then, how are you alive n-

LEX: Yeah, alright. This Q&A is now officially over. No more questions. Come over here, and I'll sign anything you want for free, provided none of you ask me about Atlantis or anything regarding my current state of existence. Deal? Excellent!

{Pan back over to the same group of first graders, who are on the other side of the spaceship, admiring it in all its glory.}

TOUR GUIDE: And this, children, is this museum's most prized artifact. It is none other than the Leviathan X, known to be one of the finest, if not the finest exploration vessels of days past. Why, this ship was the very same ship that was formerly piloted by the great adventurer himself, Vince Rogers! Touring voids of space with his intrepid crew, Rogers explored new worlds, established contact with many civilizations, and went where no man had gone before!

{One of the students raises their hand.}

FIRST GRADER: Excuse me sir, but what happened to Rogers?

TOUR GUIDE: Why, no one actually knows! The fate of him and his crew remain a mystery, even to this very day. The last anyone ever saw of him and his crew was just before they set off towards what we now call "The Bermuda Quadrant", after the Bermuda Triangle on Earth, another location known for the disappearances of many of its visitors.

FIRST GRADER: If they all disappeared, how come their ship's here and not lost in the empty voids of space?

TOUR GUIDE: Oh, um, well...

{Out of the ship, comes a man dressed in surprisingly clean custodian clothing and with a broom in his hand. Before the Tour Guide can say anything, he begins to speak.}

JANITOR: Ya wanna know how we got this ship? Let me tell ya. It was months since contact with the crew was lost. A whole bunch of messages were sent their way, and nobody got nothin' from them. So by the time the bureaucratic pricks at the top actually came to realize that something was wrong and nobody was giving a shit about it, they finally got off their asses and actually went out to look for them. Weeks went by until they actually found the ship, but when they went inside, they found that it was completely devoid of life. Several things were left untouched, and it was as if they had just vanished. Why, I'd bet ya-

TOUR GUIDE: Venn, please! I'm telling the story.

VENN: And I'm tellin' it even better!

{Venn smirks.}

VENN: Now, nobody knows what happened to the crew. Some say that after losing contact, they all went mad and ended up offing each other. Others say that they were abducted. Me? Man, I don't know what to think. All I know is that by the time the ship got back, I had a hard time cleaning all the shit out. If you ask me, they're probably all dead somewhere. Not a very fitting end for a hero, mind you. But eh, life's a bitch.

TOUR GUIDE: Venn, no.

{Venn kneels down in front of the first grader, who is visibly intimidated by the weird custodian.}

VENN: You'll soon happen to find that out for yourself when you grow up. You'll probably waste your years like a useless lump, and before you know it, you're stuck in your fifties, cleaning ships for a living. Ain't much room for success in today's age. Unlike what the ever so optimistic media likes to tell ya, anyway.


VENN: Eh, just tellin' it as it is!

{Venn goes back into the ship, leaving the group of first graders all creeped out. The tour guide sighs. Cut back to Valentina, who is now behind the camera, sitting at a table in a bar with Gregory.}

GREGORY: What am I even doing here again?

VALENTINA: You're here to help me select the best of the best when it comes to crew members, silly!

GREGORY: But Tina, I told you. I don't want any part in all this "Bounty Hunter" business! I still think it's a bad idea for you to do it too, you'll get yourself killed!

VALENTINA:' Look, you're not into this whole idea, and I respect that. I'll make sure to send you postcards from space, alright? But the least you can do is help me with this one last thing. Pleaaaaaaaase?

{Gregory sighs.}

GREGORY: Alright. So, who's the first chap?

VALENTINA: First one is a robot dude. Calls himself "Rah-ti-Qu".

GREGORY: Rah-ti-qu?

VALETINA: That's how his name looks, at least. Uses weird lettering. Ah, here he is now!

{Through the doors comes an android looking like a reject from a failed Tokusatsu production. He sits down in front of the camera and gives it a wave.}

VALENTINA: Well, hello there! Care to tell us abo-...


GREGORY: Ah, I see. Is there any particular thing that you can-




VALENTINA: Eh... what?


VALENTINA: I.. um... um.. I-..

GREGORY: Yeah, I'm sorry, Mr. R@1ku, but I'm afraid... um... that you're..

VALENTINA: Overqualified!

GREGORY: Y-yes! Overqualified!

{The R@1ku android slinks down in disappointment.}


{R@1ku begins to emit a loud and shrill sounding cry. Quickly cut to the next interview subject, a small red and grey furry creature.}

VALENTINA: Oh my god, he is adorable.

{The creature chuckles.}

???: Heh, I get that a lot, y'know!

GREGORY: Good to meet you, Mr. Dave!

DAVE: Oh please, just call me Dave. Mr. Dave was my father.

GREGORY: Of course, Dave. Would you mind telling us a little about yourself?

DAVE: Why, of course, 'hun!

{Dave clears his throat.}

DAVE: My name is Dave, and I'm a Mongrel from what's now known as the Vega Star System. Y'all see, I'm just one a few nowadays, as most of my folk have been kinda... kablooey'd by the occupiers. But despite all that, I'm alright. I take every darn day with stride, and I always wake up with a smile on my face!

VALETINA: You. Are. Precious.

GREGORY: Oh, I am terribly sorry to hear about that, Dave. The Vegans really are a terrible bunch.

DAVE: Eh, I'm sure they have their reasons for what they do. I can't bring myself to hate them, even if they did completely destroy our culture and civilization. Things just... happen, you know?

GREGORY: But... genocide?

DAVE: Could be worse! At least they were upfront about destroying us, heh!

GREGORY: If you say so. So, um... Dave. Is there any particular thing you can bring to the table in regards to bounty hunting?

DAVE: Well, um... n-not really. Truth be told, I ain't a violent person at all. It's just that I'm short of work at the moment, and well, I'll take anything, really!

GREGORY: So, you're a member of an already endangered race, and you want to join a crew in which you'll almost inevitably get killed?

DAVE: Well, when you put it that way...

VALENTINA: Hmph. He has a point there. We don't want any more cuties like you getting killed by the big mean monsters out there.

DAVE: Aw, shucks. You're makin' me blush. But yeah, I get ya. I may not be suited for the job. That's completely fine. I hope y'all have a great day nonetheless. And good luck!

GREGORY: Thanks, Dave. Same to you. Good luck with your future job endeavors!

{Dave gets up and leaves. Valentina sighs in disappointment.}

VALENTINA: He really was adorable though.

GREGORY: I know. But at least you won't be responsible for his completely inevitable death, if he were to join your crew.

VALENTINA: I guess. But still!

{Next interviewee is a small man, dressed head-to-toe in replica Greek armor.}

THE SPART: Greetings, my fellows! My name is THE SPART, and I am a capable warrior, from ANCIENT GREECE!!

GREGORY: Greece?

THE SPART: Indeed! For I was frozen in time, and brought to the future, and I wish to serve as part of your crew!

GREGORY: According to the papers though, your real name is Dan Fitz, and you were born thirty-two years ago.


VALENTINA: Yeah, no. You can go.

{Next: A young nerdy-looking boy with glasses, around the age of 14-16, in a makeshift robotic combat suit, shoddly put together with duct tape.}

GREGORY: Aren't you a little too young for this?

WHIZZ: What? Nah, of course not! I'm actually twenty-one, I just look young. Don't believe me? Check my ID.

GREGORY: This thing?

{Gregory slides the ID over the table, revealing it to be an obvious fake, with everything scribbled in pen.}

GREGORY: It's fake.

VALENTINA: Now, Greg. Let's not be hasty. Kid, what can you bring to the table?

WHIZZ: Well you see, I am a tech expert. All sorts of robotics and such, I can totally work with! In fact, you see this magnificant suit I'm wearing? Why, I made it myself!

VALENTINA: Heh. I see. Here.

{Valentina pulls back her sleeve, revealing her right arm to be a cybernetic augmentation.}

VALENTINA: What do you think of this?

WHIZZ: I-I... Oh wow. That's impressive. I mean, my skills aren't that good, but-...

GREGORY: Next. Kid, try again when you're older.

WHIZZ: Awh, nuts.

{Flashforward a couple of hours as the pile of rejected files on the table has grown larger, with absolutely nothing that's approved.}

GREGORY: Well, that went as well as I thought it would.

VALENTINA: Ah, shut it. It's not my fault all these people were crap.

GREGORY: Thinking twice about this idea, maybe?

VALENTINA: N-No! Of course not. If I can't get anyone to help me, why, I'll do it myself!

GREGORY: You plan on breaking in and stealing a heavily guarded ship. By yourself?

VALENTINA: Mm-maybe?

GREGORY: My god girl, you're dumber than I thought.

VALENTINA: I wouldn't be having these problems if you agreed to go with me!

GREGORY: Oh no, you really would. Don't try to pin this one on me, it was your stupid idea!

VALENTINA: You agreed to help me with this!

GREGORY: And I have! I've helped you through this whole damn thing! Tina, I love you and all, but this whole idea is just stupid!

{Valentina gets up from her chair and smashes her hands down on the table, attracting the attention of everyone in the bar.}


{Gregory sighs in anger, before getting up from his chair too, grabbing his coat in the process.}

GREGORY: Tina, all I'm bloody doing is trying to look out for you here, but if you insist on acting like a spoiled brat, then fine. You can do it without my help. I'm leaving.

{Gregory begins to leave.}

VALENTINA: G-Greg! No, please, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to shout like that.

GREGORY: Look, if you really want to do this thing, then sort your own shit out first. Because at the very moment, you are going absolutely nowhere, and I don't want to get dragged down into this. I'll see you once you come to your senses.

{Gregory finally leaves the building, leaving Valentina alone at the bar, completely embarrassed by everyone looking at her. She quietly sits herself back down again while finishing her drink.}

VALENTINA: Maybe he's right... maybe this whole idea was completely stupid.

{Valentina slams her head into the table in frustration. While she's busy pitying herself, the bartender, an older man of South Asian descent, walks up to her.}

BARTENDER: Hey, you alright there?

{Valentina looks back up at the man, eyes red from trying to hold back tears.}

VALENTINA: {Sarcastic tone} Just peachy, thank you very much.

BARTENDER: Now, don't be like that, dear. Believe me, whatever you're going through, I've seen it here all the time.

VALENTINA: Heh, I really doubt that, old man.


VALENTINA: Pfft, as if you didn't hear it all already.

BARTENDER: Good point. But still, you can still give me the jist of it. Perhaps I can help you.

VALENTINA: Hm, fine. You see, I'm aspiring to be a bounty hunter. You know, one of the types who goes around space, hunting down awful people and bringing them back for money. You know? Like the old cowboys used to do. "Wanted, Dead or Alive", and all that stuff.


VALENTINA: Yeah. The guy I was with? That's my roommate, Greg. He's like a brother to me, y'know? And despite not being into this whole "roguish" type thing, he's really been good to me about it all. And well, maybe I've been...


VALENTINA: Yeah, a total bitch.



BARTENDER: Sorry, got ahead of myself here. Again, this ain't the first time I've seen this sort of thing happen in my bar.

VALENTINA: Nah, it's alright. You're totally right, heh. What was this about you helping me, by the way? I doubt you'd have much experience there, heh.

BARTENDER: Oh really now? You got the words to back that up?

VALENTINA: What, you gonna prove me wrong? Hah, let me guess. You have a hidden compartment in the back of your bar full of trophies and souvenirs collected over the years. As if this conversation couldn't get anymore clichéd.

BARTENDER: ...Do you wanna see it?

VALENTINA: You bet your ass I do.

BARTENDER: Come on, then. You'll love it.

{The Bartender leads Valentina over to the back of the bar, where he opens a door leading to a dark corridor in the basement. As the two walk down, Valentina begins to look disconcerted, as if this was in fact a strange man wanting to murder her instead. To her relief, her suspicions are quelled as he opens the door at the end of the hallway, revealing a small room, full of all sorts of mementos of his past, such as photographs, souvenirs, newspaper clippings, and other things. Valentina is visibly awed by what she's seeing.}

VALENTINA: Wow. This is absolutely amazing.

BARTENDER: You like it, do you? I knew you would.

VALENTINA: But.. how? This is so spectacular! Who the hell are you, and if you used to be so awesome, why the hell are you doing... this?!

BARTENDER: Excuse you, young lady, but I happen to like this job. It's pretty peaceful compared to what I used to get up to.

VALENTINA: Oh, my apologies. But still!! You haven't told me, who are you? What's your name? I need to know!

BARTENDER: Back in the day, well, they used to call me "The Scourge of the Wicked", due to my rather... "fierce" reputation. I don't think I was that bad though. But eh, I don't write the history books, I'm merely a character in them.

VALENTINA: Scourge of the Wicked? Like, they used to call you that? Really?

BARTENDER: Well, just "Scourge". But nowadays, I don't go with such silly names. Just call me Abhay, that's my real name. My bounty days are far behind me.

VALENTINA: Hm, I think I'll give myself a better nickname like that. Something like... "The Shining Shadow". Because when I wanna be, I'm all up in your face, but when you least expect it, you never see me coming.

ABHAY: Um, well, you'll have time to come up with a name much later. It'll probably won't be you though, when people start hearing about you, they end up giving a name for you.

VALENTINA: If that's the case, it better be a good one!

ABHAY: I'm sure it will. Here, I have one more thing to show you. You liked this, so I know for a fact that you'll love what's next.

VALENTINA: Oh man, this is getting more awesome by the second!

{Abhay goes over to the wall of newspaper clippings and carefully removes the board they were on, revealing a giant safe door. Typing in the keycode, he unlocks the safe door and opens it, revealing an old yet immaculately preserved outfit, encased in glass. Behind the outfit is a poster of a woman who looks strikingly like Valentina, standing at the top of a Martian mountain, striking a heroic "Captain Morgan" pose.}

VALENTINA: Wow. Who's that? She looks amazing.

ABHAY: Her? Why, that's my wife. In her prime, that is.

VALENTINA: Whoa. And that's her outfit? It's badass.

ABHAY: Yes, looking badass was one of her priorities, I must say.

VALENTINA: I honestly don't know what to say. It's great, all of it. But why are you showing me this?

ABHAY: I'll be honest. The moment I saw you step into my bar, you came across as the spitting image of her. Voice, characteristics, mannerisms. It was almost spooky, as if she had come back to the world of the living.

VALENTINA: Oh, I am so sorry.

ABHAY: No need to be. She lived a good life. I don't think she would've approved of me leaving her belongings like this, actually. Sitting there, gathering dust. It's almost as if I can hear her nagging me from beyond the grave.

VALENTINA: It never goes away really, does it?

{Abhay chuckles.}

ABHAY: Ah, you have no idea. You know, you'd be doing me a huge favor to be taking it off my hands, actually.

VALENTINA: What? Really?!

ABHAY: Well, what else would I do with it? I've been alive for nearly eighty years, and I am not getting any younger here. It would be a waste to carry on keeping it like this. Plus, as I said. My wife, she would've rather be seeing it in action.

VALENTINA: Wow. Thank you so much. But... still. Don't you find it a bit odd how you've done all this for someone you've only just met? You don't even know my name.

ABHAY: Now's your chance to tell me.

VALENTINA: I'm Valentina. Valentina de Ramirez y Ayala.

ABHAY: I'll make sure to remember the name. After all, if you're as good as I feel you will be, I'll start hearing it everywhere anyway.

VALENTINA: Oh, you will, I'm sure of it.

ABHAY: As for your crew problem, I know exactly the man you're looking for.

{Montage scene of a younger Abhay working with a man who's even younger than he is. A man of Japanese descent. The two do... several cool bounty hunter stuff while Abhay narrates.}

ABHAY: He was the youngest member of our crew at the time. He was in his early twenties, while I was past fifty years old. One of the things I remember about him was that he was actually a rather troubled man. Never spoke much about his past, but you just knew he had a bad life before that. That's why I never took to questioning him about it. It was for the best, really. You see, while me and the others were simply in the business for money, he was in for a completely different reason. He seemed to get off on the brand of "justice" he was enforcing. The less morally bound our targets were, the more pleasure he took from taking him down. He was actually kind of messed up in that way. But still. He had that drive, and he was damn good at what he did.

VALENTINA: So, why him in particular?

ABHAY: Well, truth be told, out of our old gang, he was one of the only ones I managed to keep in contact with. All the others either dropped off the radar or just passed away. Now, he had his issues. He was cold, aloof, and outright miserable at times. But at the same time, I was fond of him. I think I may have been one of the only people he actually considered a friend.

VALENTINA: So you think I should try and find him?

ABHAY: He's probably retired now, but I wouldn't be surprised if he were willing. He seemed to love the action and excitement. His name is Seth. Seth Mifune. Lives in the isolated town of Dunhuang. Just tell him that I sent you. He'll come around. He'll be a perfect addition to your crew. All bark and bite, he is.

VALENTINA: I'll definitely check him out. Thanks again.

ABHAY: Nonetheless, Valentina. I wish you the best of luck for your future. And don't worry about your friend, he'll come around.

VALENTINA: Yeah, he will. Probably already has at this point. Take care, old man.

ABHAY: Same to you, dear.

{Abhay takes the outfit out of the glass and places it into a box, which he gives to her. She salutes him before leaving. Cut to outside the bar, where Valentina is now wearing the new outfit. She excitedly contacts Greg on her ultra-modern WristCom™ device. He answers the call, and a holographic projection of his face appears from the device.}

GREGORY: Oh boy, it's you again. What ever could it be?

VALENTINA: Yeah yeah Greg, I'm sorry about all that stuff, I said some things I shouldn't have said and I'm perfectly, honestly, genuinely sorry.

GREGORY: You really expect me to forgive you after the scene you made there?


{Greg sighs.}

GREGORY: Damn it. Alright, what's up then?

VALENTINA: Well, after you left, the bartender talked to me, and we had this really awesome heart-to-heart discussion about things, and like, it turns out he was a bounty hunter too!

GREGORY: Oh. That's a development.

VALENTINA: Yeah, he seemed pretty awesome as well. Him and his former wife were in it together! So like, he gave me her old outfit, which is just cool as hell, but not only that! He gave me a contact too!!

GREGORY: So wait, as soon as I left, you ended up bonding with some guy you've never even met before. And somehow in the space of an hour, he gave you a prized possession of his, and a crew recommendation?

VALENTINA: Yep! Pretty cool, huh?

GREGORY: Sometimes I wonder why I left Earth in the first place. Outer space is weird. Nonetheless, that's absolutely great news. Tell me more.

SETH: So, what's the plan?

{Cut back to Abhay's bar, where Valentina and Greg are explaining the plan to Seth, who looks mildly interested. A map of the museum is on the table. Circled is the Leviathan X.}

VALENTINA: This is our objective. The Museum of the Cosmos. Our mission? To liberate the Leviathan-X.

{Cut to a bigger and more glamorous looking boardroom. A giant version of the museum's blueprints is being projected onto the wall as a slideshow presentation, and a handsome and blonde haired man in front is explaining his plan to the two individuals sitting at the table near him. One being a Dinosaur-type creature who doesn't appear to have any legs, and the other being a humanoid android.}

????: As you can see, security in the museum is actually rather loose, making the Leviathan-X the perfect subject of our caper. With the various security guard outfits and keycards I was able to gain access to, we will be able to access the museum at night, where our "shift" will start.

{Cut back to Valentina and her crew. She is holding up a janitor's uniform.}

VALENTINA: These janitor's uniform will be the perfect disguise! No one will ever suspect us of being ship thieves!

SETH: Just for curiosity, how did you think this is a job for an old merc like me? Let alone, "brains" here.

GREG: Hey!

SETH: I mean, we're hardly regular heist guys. You ever done anything like this before?

{Cut back to the other man and his crew.}

????: Through my bank account, I managed to gain access to several assets which I believe will prove incredibly useful for this heist I'm pulling. Smoke screen, knock-out gas, grappling hooks, all sorts of awesome spy gadgetry.

{Cut back.}

VALENTINA: We have... um.. skills?

SETH: Skills? Like what? Military training?

VALENTINA: Yeah, sure. Why not.

SETH: Eh. I've done bigger things than this, with less than what we have right now, so I ain't even complaining.

{Cut back.}

????: As for our doctor, she's not currently aware of our plan. She still thinks this is a legit job we're doing. She'll come around eventually. So, any questions?