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some notes for briar to keep track of non-spoiler stuff

Five Years Ago

  • Evo Power - An ability that all of the Evo Numbers possess, they can use this both inside and outside their suit. Usually shouted out, but not required.
  • Evo Overdrive - An enhanced variation of the Evo Powers, Evo Overdrive can only be used while a Number is transformed. Additionally, Overdrive powers seriously drain their user. Required to be shouted out.
  • Evobeasts - Techno-organic animals from the original explosion years ago, the Evobeasts are massive versions of their normal counterparts, and are capable of turning into vehicles, as well as merging to turn into the Evo Justice.
  • Evo Justice - A giant fighting mecha, the Evo Justice is comprised of the five Evobeasts. Amazingly huge, it is used by the Evo Squad to fight their enemies who are too large to fight on foot.
  • Evoblasters - Laser blasters that all Evo Numbers possess alongside their regular weapon.
  • EvoBraces - A set of bracelets each of the five main Evo Numbers use, with the help of a key like stick, this allows them to transform into Evo Numbers.
  • PlatTab - A touchscreen phone-like device, Evo Platinum uses this to transform.

  • Kobayashi Akihiko - Evo Scarlet A1 - Leader of the Evo Squad, fearless and kind, a skilled martial artist and baseball captain. Possesses extreme agility and strength due to lion DNA, and harnesses the Evo Power of Scarlet Chrono, allowing him to use A1 Slowdown to slow down time around him or A1 Speedup to speed up certain things, including himself or objects. Possesses the A1 Overdrive abilities of A1 Overdrive Rewind or A1 Overdrive Fast Forward, allowing him time travel either up to ten minutes into the past, or into the future. Uses the Claw Sword and the LeoCar as his weapon and transportation, respectively.
  • Kato Ryouta - Evo Indigo B2 - The cool and calculated second in command, Ryouta is the top athlete in the swim team. Capable of breathing underwater and swimming rapidly due to jellyfish DNA, Ryouta harnesses the Evo Power of Indigo Reincarnate; B2 Regenerate heals all his wounds, while B2 Overdrive Immortal makes him effectively unkillable for as long as it is activated, and reflects damage back on his attackers. Uses the Tenta Shield and the JellyCraft (a flying jellyfish raft) as his weapon and transportation.
  • Ueda Taro - Evo Saffron C3 - Tough and aggressive, yet with a heart of gold, Taro is a misunderstood delinquent known for winning every fight he gets into. Incredibly durable and strong due to grizzly DNA, Taro harnesses the Evo Power of Saffron Senser; C3 Enhance allows him to enhance any of his senses to extreme heights, while C3 Overdrive Detect allows him to detect everything in his presence, including secrets, hidden enemies, and weaknesses. Uses the Growl Hammer and the GrizzTruck as his weapon and transportation.
  • Suzuki Minato - Evo Violet D4 - Smart and sweet, Minato is a science wiz and the only girl in the Evo Squad. Amazingly fast and tireless due to horse DNA, Minato harnesses the Evo Power of Violet Translocate; D4 Blink allows her to teleport herself to anywhere she can see rapidly. D4 Overdrive Global allows her to transport to anywhere she can picture in her head, no matter how far or close it is, as well as transport others under the same rules. Uses the Stampede Scissors and the EquiBike as her weapon and transportation.
  • Ito Kuro - Evo Jade E5 - A bit silly and not the most attractive guy, Kuro is a bullied otaku with a vast amount of pop culture knowledge. Agile and dexterous due to toad DNA, Kuro possesses the Evo Power of Jade Obfuscate; E5 Disappear turns him completely invisible, while E5 Overdrive Trickup allows him to cast powerful illusions that affect all of the senses. Uses the Tongue Whip and the LeapBuggy as his vehicle and weapon.

  • Suzuki Makoto - Evo Platinum F6 - The older twin brother of Minato, a skilled fighter who is a bit aloof, Makoto is strong, durable, and fast due to hippogriff DNA. Makoto possesses the Evo Power of Platinum Gravitate; F6 Manipulate allows him to affect his own gravity as well as that of others and objects, basically granting him telekinesis, and F6 Graviton allows him to affect the complete scale of gravity within miles of himself, allowing him to create disastrous attacks. Uses the Platispear, as well as the GriffiJet, which is a massive VTOL-like jet that can also turn into a mecha called EvoPlat Absolution, which is capable of flight due to it's wings.