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Leveling and Stat Growth

Upon leveling, every character gains a point with which they can upgrade a particular parameter of their stats. Depending on the level, there are different kinds of stat point that are available to upgrade your stats with. It is possible to hold off upgrading particular stats, as well as being able to reset point buys so you can re-specialize should you find your choice of stats not satisfactory.

Every 5 levels, you will gain 1 of 51 Aspect Points. The three Aspects are BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT. When you receive an Aspect point, you can assign it to one of these Aspects, which increases all stats governed by that Aspect.

Every 3 levels, except those which are multiples of 5, you will gain 1 of 68 Aptitude Points. The 6 Aptitudes are STRENGTH, CONSTITUTION, INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM, DEXTERITY, AND CHARISMA. When you receive an Aptitude point, you can assign it to one of the 6 Aptitudes, which increases all stats governed by that Aptitude.

Every other level, you will gain 1 of 136 Amplitude Points. The 10 Amplitudes are DETRIMENT, ARDOR, WARD, MAR, IMPETUS, AEGIS, ALACRITY, SCHISM, CADENCE, AND BEWILDERMENT. When you receive an Amplitude point, you can assign it to one of the 10 Amplitudes, which increases that stat.

The Three Aspects each contain Two Aptitudes, which in turn have 1-2 Amplitudes within.

The Stats

BODY - One's physical capabilities, represented by the might of their swings and their natural heartiness.

  • Strength
    • Detriment - Bonus physical damage on attacks and abilities.
  • Constitution
    • Ardor - Health, which increases survivability.
    • Ward - Armor, which reduces incoming physical damage.

MIND - One's mental capacity, represented by the force of their magical capabilities and their connection to the powers of magic.

  • Intelligence
    • Mar - Bonus magical damage on attacks and abilities.
  • Wisdom
    • Impetus - Resourcefulness, which decreases the amount of your class' resource pool(Mana, Fury, Ego, Cunning, etc.) you consume when using abilites.
    • Aegis - Magic Resistance, which reduces incoming magical damage.

SPIRIT - One's being and nature, represented by their awareness of self and surroundings and their personality and how they carry themselves.

  • Dexterity
    • Alacrity - Attack speed, which increases the rate at which one attacks.
    • Schism - Armor penetration, which ignores a percentage of an enemy's Ward stat.
  • Charisma
    • Cadence - Cooldown reduction, which increases the rate at which one can cast spells by making them refresh more often.
    • Bewilderment - Magic penetration, which ignores a percentage of an enemy's Aegis stat.

Building characters through stat growth