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Revision as of 03:14, 7 September 2013

Basic Info

Torao Nagato was born..special. The youngest of six, with his five elder siblings all girls, Torao was without a doubt the scrawniest kid in his neighborhood, even compared to his sisters. He was bullied relentlessly for this, and anger pent up inside. When he was 18, he tried to join the police, but could not pass the physical. This was the last straw for him. Little did Torao know, he was special. His brain worked much stronger than any other person's, analyzing data constantly, giving him not only an eidetic memory but also the ability to basically detect and determine any little thing wrong with an enviroment. However, this also taxed his brain, revolving in him having to sleep longer and eat more. This ability, when noticed due to a strange extra chromosome in his DNA records due to the chromosome housing the ability, made him noticed by various shady corporations in Japan. He was hired as a contract killer, and using his ability, relied more on strategy and stealth than brute force. He bulked up, eating massive diets and exercising daily. When he was only 26, he had become one of the world's most notorious independent contract killers, and he fetched a high price. However, he cared nothing about the money, only about the glory and proving that he could actually do something.

He eventually caught the eye of Byzantium, who, were able to offer him a sum that even he couldn't refuse to become an in-house killer for them. Over the years, he has killed several hundred people using some of the best technology.

Rift's main technology is an experimental suit that allows him to find wormholes inside space time and use them to his advantage, allowing him to instantly teleport from one place to another. The suit also regulates body temperature, scans vitals, repairs minor wounds, is flexible, and muffles all body noises making him absolutely silent.

Rift wields two high-frequency katanas which can effectively slice through anything, including steel, but require high upkeep.


Descriptive Information

  • Full Name: Torao Nagato
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 33, approximately
  • Birth Date: March 4th, 180
  • Birth Place: Morioka, Japan
  • Currently Living In: ???
  • Species: Advanced Human
  • Ethnicity / Race: Japanese
  • Citizenship: Japanese, several IDs courtesy of Byzantium
  • Religion / Beliefs: Shinto Deities
  • Height: 6'0
  • Weight: 143 lbs
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair Color: Brown