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(Did this bio in a different way, to establish personality as well. Chaos, feel free to change anything if this conflicts with D'Arque's biography.)
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== Basic Info ==         
== Basic Info ==         
'''James Rosenberg''' is the illusive CEO of Rosenberg Industries, and the mayor of Midwa-...
'''James Rosenberg''' is the illusive CEO of Rosenberg Industries, and the mayor of Midwa-...

Revision as of 02:23, 27 December 2012

Basic Info

James Rosenberg is the illusive CEO of Rosenberg Industries, and the mayor of Midwa-...

"Oh, this is just stupid. Why would I rely on some pathetic database to tell people about me. No no. This won't do at all. Miss Young? Do me a big favor, will you?


"Much better, thank you. Alright, let us begin."

"Ahem. Greetings, my name is James Rosenberg, and I am the owner of Rosenberg Industries, a company that specializes in robotics, among other things of course. I also happen to be the mayor of Midway City, a city that once happened to be the shining beacon of Listless, USA. Although it now a mere shadow of its former glory, I am confident that I will be able to change this in the near future."

"I was born on 1905 to wealthy businessman in Massachusetts. I had a rather comfortable childhood, I must admit, until the unfortunate and untimely death of my father when I was 17, however. My mother had died in childbirth, so I was left alone in the world at a very young age. Graduating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1925, I took my wealth and went to the one place where my dreams lay. Hollywood. I made several films during my years in Hollywood, some of them more successful than the others, but nonetheless, they were all timeless classics. I encourage you to watch some of them sometime. You might like them."

"It was during this period in film where I met a man who was similar to me in ambition. While my passions were in film, his were in the more traditional medium of theatre. I took a good liking to him in more ways than one, you can say. Although he didn't particularly return the romantic sentiment, we managed to become good friends. Although we had only just met, our families already had a turbulent history spanning generations. I thought that maybe we could have been the ones to stop this feud, but I was young and foolish back then. Nonetheless, this isn't about that wretch, it's about me. Forget about that."

"1939. My Hollywood years were over by then, due to a certain scandal I decline to talk about. Let's just say that certain practices weren't accepted back then. Nonetheless, despite the common bigotry of the media at the time, I was still incredibly rich, so I decided to move to a new and more obscure state so I could pursue this new passion that allowed me to do much more with my creativity. Machinery. I engineered all sorts of things. Cars, boats, planes, you name it. And I was damn good at it too, if you ask me. 1941. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, taking the entire nation into war. Suddenly my name is the big thing again. James Rosenberg, former director, now entrepreneur. I loved it. Working with the US military during these war years made me a household name all over again. I was a star. Thankfully the media ate up everything I told them about finding God and recanting my sinful ways. What a bunch of tools."

"So the war is over, I'm a big shot, and the world is my oyster. Not only that, but my theater friend had achieved a lot of success as well, becoming a successful and revolutionary playwright to the point of creating his own theatre in the same state as me, becoming a household name himself. Although our ambitions had strayed over the years, we were still quite pleasant with each other. I open a chain of casinos, he makes a new play, and soon we're fighting for the top spot in the news. Friendly competition, right? Unfortunately not. Due to this and a series of many other unfortunate circumstances, we had a falling out. The family feud had been reignited once more."

"So what do we do? Easy, we play a game of mudslinging tennis. I introduce him to a certain friend of mine, Mr. McCarthy, and all of the sudden he's caught in a scandal. Oops. What does he do? He accuses me of war profiteering, bringing me down as well. Such hostilities continued over the years, and at the same time we were constantly trying to best each other. While the US and Russia were at an ideological war, so were we. Soon note of our achievement faded, and our rivalry became the source of everyone's know how instead. Gossips."

"The years go by, and we keep on fighting with each other. We both retreated from the public eye for entirely different reasons. My reason? I found that I couldn't trust anybody, or anything at that matter. Everything around me was just so dirty, and I couldn't let myself be contaminated. The outside air was poisonous, everything was so dirty. Showers soon weren't enough, germs of all kinds manifested in bathrooms. Toilets? No no no!! I COULD NOT TRUST THOSE EITHER. EVERYTHING WAS DIRTY. So what do I do? I retreated back to my manor in Phoenixshire and stayed there. No visitors, only me and my films. I relieved myself in.. bottles."

"This was a rather embarrassing time of my life. But I got out of it. And I was stronger than ever. Moving back to my operations in Midway City, I took back my company and stood at the top of my technological empire, using my wealth and genius to develop the city and turn it into a technological haven. Through co-operation with a certain children's entertainment company, I borrowed their technology and expanded on it, creating several robotic prototypes. I had been knocked down many times in my life, but at this point, I was on top. I was no longer a man, but a god. For I had created life! Artificial intelligence and autonomy, all in a shell of wires and metal. I was the greatest."

"Unfortunately, while I was at the top, I started realizing how dirty everything was again, and how sick I was. I knew I was going to die soon, so I decided to the most drastic thing in my life. I underwent a procedure to preserve my body while keeping my mind running permanently, connected to the city I had built from a giant relay tower which also worked as my base of operation. Although my life had been extended indefinitely, this form of immortality has its price. My body is now so weak from disuse that I rely on the life support system of my capsule to keep me alive, lest this disease takes my life for good. For playing God, my ultimate punishment is life imprisonment in a shell where I am isolated from all of humanity, now requiring others to help me do my work for me. God spared me no mercy."

"As for my former friend turned nemesis? He cheated death in an entirely different way, him too suffering in his form for his life choices. And yet here we both are on this planet, continuing a feud we thought we could stop. Our lives are permanently connected, and while I want to do humanity a favor and destroy him, I believe I too will perish. This is a price I am willing to pay, and a punishment I've been long deserving of."

Descriptive Information

  • Full Name: James Rosenberg
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 107
  • Height: 6 Feet, 1 Inch
  • Weight: Slender
  • Eyes: Hazel Grey, formerly Brown
  • Skin Color: Pale white
  • Hair Color: Grey, formerly Dark brown