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(not much people will understand this rant unless they know iran's democratic history back in the 1940s-70s)
(No difference)

Revision as of 22:24, 1 October 2012

So, if you've been reading the news for the last two or so years ago, you're well aware of Iran. Why wouldn't you be? They happen to be one of the most prolific countries in the Middle East that we're not actually at war with, and that's definitely saying something in this day and age. I'm sure you're all aware of their President, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, and his comments regarding.. well, many things really. Homosexuality, Western Society, The Holocaust, Jews, Israel, etc..

And I think we can all agree that he's not a very nice guy. Israel certainly agrees. In fact, they agree so much that they've been trying to provoke Iran into a war for the last couple of years, and they keep trying to get the United States to join them in doing so. After all, if there would be anyone who should be offended by Ahmedinejad's comments regarding Israel, it should be Israel themselves, right? Well, it's really not that easy.

Because let's face it. Israel and Iran want to see each other wiped off the map. Israel wants them gone because they see them as a threat. They believe that Iran are creating nuclear weapons which they'll use against them. And Iran believes the exact same thing as Israel. They both see each other as a threat, and they want to kill each other as soon as possible. But here's the thing.

Iran is not a threat. At all. To Israel and the US.

Why do I say this?

Well, let's think for a second. For the sake of this, let's just assume that the ARE building nuclear weapons. Chances are that even if they were, they're not at all stupid enough to use them. Why would they be? The second they pressed that button, they would already be wiped off the map by everyone else. The threat of Mutually Assured Destruction is too much for them. And even if they don't have nuclear weapons, Israel and the US do. If they even tried so much as throw a pebble towards either of them, they would be blown to oblivion. They may be arrogant and outspoken, but they're not stupid enough to lead themselves to certain death like that.

Believe me, I dislike the Iranian government just as much as anyone else here would. They're oppressive, and they have a strict religious control over the populace, basing a good amount of their laws off of their religion.

But you know who else hates the Iranian Government, more than we do?

The Persians.

The people who live in the country are constantly rioting against them, rejecting the oppressive laws, wanting to bring the country back to what it was like back in the 1970s. They want democracy in Iran more than anyone else does, and I wholeheartedly believe that one day, if they fight hard enough, they will eventually get it.

But that's only if Israel doesn't blow them to fucking smithereens!

I know it's bad taste to insult a US ally, but fuck it. Israel IS being the main aggressor here, and while I'm sure that they want to "protect their own interests", a war on Iran would be nothing but problematic. It would reduce the country to a total wasteland, much like how the US and the Soviets tore Afganistan apart back in the 1980s. In fact, we're already partially responsible for Iran's current state. One of the reasons why the government is radicalised so much is because we funded Iraq back in the 1980s when they declared war on Iran due to a series of border disputes. Funny that, because we ended up warring with Iraq ourselves not long after. Oops.

What I'm trying to say is that while the Iranian Government has changed since its liberal democratic past in the 40s-70s, the people really haven't. The people long for the Pro-American days where they were secular and our culture influenced ours. And I think that our governments need to recognize that. The people are already on our side. They are already fighting with their government, they want democracy. But if Israel attacks them, that will change. They will see us as the enemy, and the fighting will continue for a long time. And at the end, Iran will be just like Afghanistan. Another wasteland ruined by foreign actions.

The country has the chance to spring back to its former glory. Let's not fuck it up, shall we?