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(this game needs to come back)
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Latest revision as of 01:37, 22 June 2010

Look: A club with a bar, a DJ station, and a dance floor.

Status: Open


LUCAS: {drunk} Let's step out, let's get a drink, there's no doubt that this boat will sink...

KIRBYCHU HR'D: {drunk} Hola, me hombre. {hiccups} Is pie the 97th state yet? {falls over backwards} Weeeeeee... {hiccups} ...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

USERUNKNOWN:Wow. You guys are drunk.{Leaves}

{Kirbychu rips off Lucas's shirt ans wears it like a bandanna.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: {drunk still} Ya know, how does your shirt not rip with that triangle-y thing on your pt... chest?

SEPHIROTH: {Walks in, Drunk, singing, and holding a gun. He shoots in the air everytime he says "Boom" or "Bang."} You put the boom-boom into my heart You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts Jitterbug into my brain Goes a bang-bang-bang 'til my feet do the same, Wake me up before you go-go Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo Wake me up before you go-go.

....Yeah... Boom. Boom... {Falls down.}

LUCAS: {drunk still} Dr. Livingston, I presume?

{Skullbuggy wheels in, swerving to and fro.}

SKULLY B: Hey, guys! I'm gonna put on some AWEXOME MU-ZAC!

{Skullbuggy puts on the song "Sing it Back" by Moloko.}

SKULLY B: Heck YEAH this song is good!

{Skullbuggy gets on his hind wheels and starts dancing.}

WUJCM: You are all sick. Getting drunk and dancing when I can't do either!

KIRBYCHU HR'D: {sneezes and becomes sober} Huh? What happened?

LUCAS: {still drunk and shirtless} Don't spoil the fun, Casey! Have somemore. {hiccups and gives Kirbychu a Cold One}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Thanks! {chucks the bottle at Lucas's head.}

{Chaos is sitting at a table. 25 or 30 bottles of wine are on the floor, all empty.}

CHAOS: Demonic Livers help in this kind of situtaion.

SEPHIROTH: Demonic Livers? Ha? {Shoots all of the Empty bottles, with 9000% Accuracy.}

SKULLY B: You know you're drunk when nine-thousand percent accuracy is achievable. {grabs a Cold Ones Dry}

MYSELF: Screw the arcade, I'm gonna get a drink to celebrate. {Starts drinking 50 shots.}

CHAOS: Please. I can do at least 125,610 before I even feel full!

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Hey Myself, someone by the name of "Me" or something wants to see you. He's a little egar.

CHAOS: If Noelle comes for me, tell her I'm on missionary leave.

{Noelle is right next to him. He turns around and notices her.}

CHAOS: Uh... I can explain.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: {picks up an empty wine bottle} Should I knock her out for you?

CHAOS: {Sigh} No, it's ok.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: {throws the bottle behind him, accidentily knocks out Lucas} You never let me have any fun...

MYSELF: {drunk like heck} Me? Oh gosh. He's beer? I'm gottso got in here!{Hits ground}

CHAOS: I honestly think He should just be one character with the name "Me Myself and I". It's a waste.

MYSELF: And just who is He? There's only Me, me an I

CHAOS: I'm not going to associate with people with divide their username into 3 different people.

MYSELF: 2 things. 1:It's only two people here. 2: We are allowed two different people at this hotel and it still remains free now shut up as I drink more beer

CHAOS: I'm sorry. Do I know you?

MYSELF: I'm unknown to those that not know unknow them. {falls down} Pinesol, when di you get here?

LUCAS: {drunk} Pie in the sky...don't say goodbye...I want to kiss you before I die... {falls on Myself}

{Kirbychu throws a wine bottle in the air. It hits him, and he fall over onto Lucas and Myself.}

MYSELF: Get off me.


KIRBYCHU HR'D: You may be able to hold it, but I can control it. If I'm drunk, all I need to do is force myself to sneeze, then I'll be sober. If I force-sneeze again, I'll be drunk again.

CHAOS:Yes, but I can this!

{Chaos lifts up the entire bar, and eats everything that slides down it.}

CHAOS: Like I said, demonic liver.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: I don't even have a liver! How do you think a Kirby can stomach most of what he eats? {inhales everything in the bar accept for people}

MYSELF: {angrily} MY BEER! {climbs into Kirbychu} Gimme my beer, dang it! Oh, hey Mario. {comes out of Kirbychu with her beer} This is my beer. I bought it and brought it from my homeland and nobody but me and I will drink.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: {takes the beer} Hey, I invented this! It's my special beer that was only released in your country because all others complained that it was to alcoholic and strong!

MYSELF: Name the formula then.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Isn't the "made by K-Chu Inc." label enough? Or how about the, "produced at 436 Free Rd., Free Country, USA" label?

MYSELF: You're so drunk you can't read. It says A-Ber Inc. made in 977 Flee Rd. Free Country, USA and we made it in there because we don't have permits to make beer in our own house.

KIRBYCHU HR'D:I wouldn't be talking, I just made myself sneeze, so I'm sober. You on the other hand, were just lying on the floor. You're so drunk you can't see straight.

MYSELF: I'm the kind of drunk where that you can read or drive better cause you know you're drunk. No wait, I'm recalling Family Guy episodes by heart, I'm definitely sober.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: I think I know why we're seeing different labels, me and A-Ber worked on it together, I made the recepie in my lab, and they made the beer. It has both labels on it.

MYSELF: Wait, I don't think I'm sober yet. One second. { walks over to wall, slams her head hard on the wall, shaking everything} Okay now to use the cloning machine on the beer!

{Counting Blue Cars drives in, Drunk on Oil.}

CBC: {hugs Kirbychu, thinking that he's CBC's wife (that doesn't exist} Hi Honey! I'm Home! Did you miss me? {In CD-I Link's Voice} How about a kiss?

{Sarette rans in and attempts to headbutt the wall.}

SARETTE: head appears to be stuck in the wall. Can anybody help me out here?

KIRBYCHU HR'D: {to CBC} ...get the heck away from me.

RYAN: {drunk, singing } I will flyyyyyyyyyy high above Monsteropolis...HIC...And I'll rain terror down on the general populace... {Falls over}

SARETTE: Uh, helloooooo?

IM A BELL:{walks in with Sarah}{to the barkeep} Hey, is it okay if we smoke pot in here?

BARKEEP: No. Only cigarettes. In the cigarette section. {points to a sectioned off part of the club labeled "smoking area"}

RYAN: {drunk} Hey there, Liberty Bell...Lady Liberty is looking mighty hot today...

LUCAS: {becomes sober} Huh...what? don't know what Bell will do to you if you...Meh, who cares. Now what happened to my shirt?

SEPHIROTH: Hey! The DJ System is open! {Goes into it.} What should I play?

LUCAS: Ooh! Play Metal Dance.

SARETTE: {sighs} ...Looks like my head's going to be stuck in the wall all day...

LUCAS: Lucario PAWNCH! {punches the wall, breaking Sarette free}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: {still wearing Lucas's shirt like a bandanna} I haven't seen your shirt.

SARETTE: {tons of rubble piled up on her from the wall collapsing} Uh, thanks. I guess.

CONCHRIS: {faint, from outside} OH CRA-

{Conchris crashes through the ceiling, somehow bounces off the floor and lands in one of the empty seats, face-first}

CONCHRIS: Pain... {falls over}

{Cruroar runs in}

CRUROAR: I just heard someone fall from the window and into here. Where is he?

CONCHRIS: {gets up, dazed} Are you the delivery man?

CRUROAR: Er... yes. I am.

ZOO977: {riding in steam roller, crashing through a wall} COMING THROUGH! {crashes through the other wall}

SARETTE: This is the weirdest dream I have ever had.

CRUROAR: Did I just see someone roll on through in a steam roller?! I thought there were none here!

CONCHRIS: {somehow recovered} Who knew that I would end up here after jumping from the window somehow. Never doing that again. {notices Cruroar} What the?! How'd you follow me here?!

CRUROAR: A wizard did it?

WIZARD: CURSES! Foiled again! {flies away on his carpet}

CONCHRIS: Well, that kind of explains it. Also, I'm going. Later. {leaves the club}

CRUROAR: Wow, I was afraid he would beat me up with a stick or something.

{albino riding a motercycle, dot riding in a crane, and zorax in a helcopter comethrough}



ZORAX: This is fun!

{the three crash through the other wall}

SARETTE: Ugh. This place makes so little sense that I think I'm just going to leave.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: {hands Lucas, Zoo, and Conchris each a pile of bricks, a paint roller, and a tin of plaster} FIX WHAT YOU BROKE OR I WILL DEVOUR YOUR FACES!

CONCHRIS: Woah! No need to be hasty! {grabs a ladder and fixes the ceiling with the plaster and paints it} There that should do it. {slides down the ladder} I should really get going. Sorry about the hole in the ceiling.

{Tahu walks in, drunk}

TAHU: Thank you peasants, wealthy, kings and queens, pedestrians! Please exit through the back door. {falls over}

{The Music changes to a Russian song.}

MUSIC: Moskau, Moskau
Wirf die Gläser an die Wand
Russland ist ein schönes Land
Ho ho ho ho ho, hey
Moskau, Moskau
Deine Seele ist so groß
Nachts da ist der Teufel los
Ha ha ha ha ha, hey
Moskau, Moskau
Liebe schmeckt wie Kaviar
Mädchen sind zum küssen da
Ho ho ho ho ho, hey!

ZORAX: {flies in, throws a fuzzle at Kirbychu HR'D, leaves. the fuzzle turns evil, and tries to take over Kirbychu HR'D}

SEPHIROTH: {Through the Mike.} Please do not throw fuzzles at other club members, or you will be thrown out. Thank you.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: {eats the fuzzle} Tastes like pork. Also, I'm immune to evil fuzzles.

CONCHRIS: Where did these evil fuzzles come from? Oh right, Neopia.

SEPHIROTH: {Through the Mike.} Hey Kirbychu, I'm gonna test the new lazer system. {Presses a button, and lots of cool lazers start shining on the floor, reflecting to make a lazer image of Sephiroth on the ceiling.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: What's the power level?

SEPHIROTH: OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!! .......And 1.

IM A BELL:{wakes up} Huh? How long was I out? The lights are hypnotic. {notices Ryan} GET OFF ME. {pushes Ryan into the bar} So, no pot? {sighs} Fine. I'll just smoke it when we get back to the room. {grabs a bottle of vodka, drinks it it one gulp, jumps up onstage, takes out a guitar, plus a wicked guitar solo. his hands increase in speed, until it stops and is just an orange blur}

RAIKU: {Starts drinking. Nothing happens.} Dammit!

TAHU: {wakes up} I AM THE CHAMPION! {falls back over}

{InsanityDemon walks on stage. You can tell by his extreme lack of coordination that he's very, very drunk.}

INSANITYDEMON: Hey, people! I just drank a whole litre of spirits. {pause} Where's NomedYtinasni? She should be around her somewhere.

NOMEDYTINASNI: {hiding behind the speaker, apparently just as drunk as InsanityDemon} I'm here. I got my hands on 20 bottles of Chateau Champignon 1986.

{Despite how drunk he is, InsanityDemon manages to hack into the automatic DJ computer and make it play Tick Tick Boom by The Hives.}

MUSIC: Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick BOOM!! {guitar playing}
INSANITYDEMON: {singing along} Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick BOOM!! {air guitars after that line}

{Raiku is sitting at the bar, with a bottle of Newcastle. He has a pile of Skittles with him, which he is slowly separating by color.}