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This is Thatkidsam's incredibly glitched video game.

Date: March 20th, 2005


  • You are apparently RUNES, so says the menu (Although your sprite looks like some kind of kappa-beast). You can move around the desert area, but as soon as you enter a battle, you're doomed.


  • Arrow Keys: Move RUNES
  • Space Bar: Select / Examine
  • Right Ctrl: Cancel
  • Enter: Bring Up Menu

World Map

  • The entire Trapper & Keeper is simply nine sectors, each with a different portion of the desert. You start off in sector 5. You'll never have time in one play to "explore" (A.K.A. Walk into and look at), so it would take about eight plays to see each one.
World Map:

1   2   3
4   5   6
7   8   9
  • Sector 1: A small dune with a palm tree.
  • Sector 2: A weird-looking cave shaped like a mouth. The river in 5 and 8 comes out of its mouth.
  • Sector 3: If you enter this, there will be no floor and you will die and get a Game Over.
  • Sector 4: A large crater with an Icreature floating around. If you talk to him, he will say "Sand is good! [Glitched blocks]".
  • Sector 5: You start off here. There is a river that curves like an S in it as well as a villager. He says "WHEE! I AM A TEST PERSON! REMOVE AT TEST PLAY!"
  • Sector 6: This place is very glitched, there are lots of misplaced pixels. It looks kind of like a city.
  • Sector 7: There is a pile of bones in the center of a small crater here.
  • Sector 8: The river is here, and you can swim into it and fall through the Earth, getting a Game Over.
  • Sector 9: There is a castle here, but you cannot enter it for some reason.

The Battle

  • After you take about nine steps, you will be attacked by a glitched person. The game will usually lock up now, but if you hold A at the start of the fight, you will be given a chance. Just attack and the glitch will die.

The Ending

  • After you beat a battle, a very glitched ending will happen. Runes will say "YAY! REPLACE THIS WITH ENDING TEXT AFTER FIRST PLAY." Then, lots of 8-Bit characters will start dancing on a blue stage, and the message "STUFF IS GOOD! CHALLENGE AGAIN!" will appear.