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A story chronicling the last days of the WUW. Open-to-the-public.

{Open to Mayor Sam Horn looking over some paperwork. He sighs, and pulls a generic one-button remote control out from under his desk. Horn places his finger over the button. Cut to a view of Wiki City. A beep is heard, and a large portal tears open in the center of Wiki City. Surrounding buildings are slowly ripped apart and dragged into it. The sky turns orange. Klaxons blare, and Horn's voice is heard saying "Attention. All citizens of Wiki City are to report to the center of town, and enter the portal opened there immediately. This is an order." repeatedly. Cut to the center of Wiki City. Many people are reluctantly walking into the portal, which can now be seen to apparently lead to Hell. Bell, Sarah, Tracy, and MB walk up to the portal}

BELL: Hmph. Who's goin' in first?

MB:{raises hand} I volunteer. {proudly walks into the portal}

BELL: Alright. Tracy, you're next.

TRACY: H-hey, man, why don't we just, like, skip town or something? Nobody's gonna know!

BELL:{kicks Tracy into the portal} Get in there, you whiny bitch. ...You know, he had a good idea, Sarah. Why don't we skip town? Just you and me!

SARAH: Hmm... Well... {pushes Bell into the portal} How about just I leave? {grins}

BELL:{lands in a pit of what appears to be lava, sinks} Saraaah! Nnnnoooooooooooooo-{sinks completely. After a few seconds, his bell-helmet floats up to the top of the pit}

SARAH: Muahahahahah-

{a man sporting a fedora, shades, curly hair, a Fu Manchu 'stache, and a goatee (Obviously, what Keith wants to look like) suddenly appears and throws Sarah into the pit}

KEITH: Not a chance.

SARAH:{sinking} Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhh- {sinks completely. After a few seconds, what appears to be breast implants float to the top}

{cut to Raiku's apartment.}

GAVIN: Let's kill off Raiku. {raiku falls down dead.} Yay!