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What is your character's name?: Ch'mera Toryn

Your character's height & weight?: 6'2", around 230lbs

What kind of character is he/she (anthro, anime, etc) and any particular race?: Sort of an anthro lemming (as in the video game), though I'm renaming the species - ideas are welcome.

Your Character's Job (what do they do)?: Depending on continuity and time, either a clan leader, unemployed (and loving it) or a bodyguard.

What is the first thing your character would think of when he/she first wakes up?: "Wonder if that pizza's gone bad yet..."

Your character's favorite outfit would be?: Her smiley shirt, scruffy jeans, scruffier sneakers and her prized leather wristbands.

When your character looks into a mirror, what's the first thing they would notice?: Her body. "Lookin' good!"

Does your character have the same tastes in food as you?: No. I like my food exotic, unusual and in small amounts, while she likes greasy and sugary foods - and lots of them.

How is your character similar to you?: She's got a very protective streak, and tends to get violent when she's angry.

How is he/she different?: Physically, around 95 pounds, 11 inches, a muzzle and green hair. Mentally, in practically every way.

If your character could speak, would he/she have the same voice as you?: No. Hers is deeper and louder, with a slight growl to it and an American accent when she's speaking English.

If you were to suddenly become your character, what do you think would be the first thing you would do as them?: Terrify everyone I know, probably.

Is there something others think about your character that you don't like?: They like her, though I tried to make her as unlikeable as possible - though that confuses more than annoys me.

What advantages does your character have over you?: She has better senses of smell and hearing, is good with machinery, is much stronger and can fly.

What disadvantages?: Unpleasant personality, lower intelligence, large size and ungainly wings.

Do you have any secrets relating to your character that only you know?: A couple. If I told you them they wouldn't be secrets, would they?

Do you have any plans for your character or are you working on something big relating to him/her?: Yes. A novel. I will not say any more than that.

What misconception(s), if any, do people have about your character?: They tend to imagine her a lot slimmer than she really is.

If you could have just ONE characteristic from your character, what would it be?: Her ability to fly.

Have you made any characters that go along with yours, based on real-life people, that have the same relationship with your character as you with the real-life person?: No, and not really planning to, though you never know.

Have you written any stories about your character?: I've written a few short pieces of prose about her, though no full-size stories.

How has your character changed since his/her first creation?: She was going to be significantly shorter and lighter, with a nobler and more rebellious personality.

Give us a one-liner from him/her.: "Sure I'll talk - if you pay me."

What's something people would be surprised to learn about your character?: She's actually covered in a thin layer of suede-like, mostly transparent fur - which fluffs up and looks white when she's cold.

If you met your character in real life, what would you do with him/her?: Either yell at her, give her food or give her strong drink, depending on the situation.

If you could have surgery to genetically make you resemble your character in real life - would you?: Hm. Maybe, if the circumstances were right.