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Latest revision as of 13:02, 14 October 2009

Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Lucian, Fang, Zarel, June, Austin

Places: Middleton High

Started 23:13, 13 October 2009 (UTC)


{Cut to a hallway of Middleton High, the bell rings, Aruseus and Lucian walk onscreen}

ARUSEUS: Lunching times!

LUCIAN: I wonder what they've got today.

ARUSEUS: I'll tell you what they don't have; crappy food! Middleton High's been rated one of the top 10 in the state for food!

LUCIAN: Seems good enough. We sitting with Fang and the others again?

ARUSEUS: Lucian, we're modular. Of course we will be.

LUCIAN: Oh. Right, gotcha.

{Cut to the Cafeteria, Aruseus and Lucian are on the lunch line}

ARUSEUS: Come on! Move!

{Cut to a table where Fang, June, Austin, and Zarel are seated. Aruseus and Lucian sit down there}

ARUSEUS: Jeez. Finally.

LUCIAN: Hey guys. How've you been?

FANG: I bombed another Physics test...goddamn that class is hard.

ZAREL: Ouch. What'd you get?

FANG: {sighs} A 64.

ZAREL: Damn! Ya beat my 60.

LUCIAN: Yeah, I'll agree, Physics is tough. Learned that from my bro when he went here. He managed to pass for the year with an 80. That's why I'm taking Biology 2.

JUNE: AHA! I told you you should've taken it, Fang! Lucian and I are in the same class, and it's pretty easy.

ARUSEUS: Good for you two. And Austin, how about you?

AUSTIN: Oh, I'm in Earth Science. That class is child's play. I have not failed once.

ZAREL: Yeah yeah yeah, Mr. Soon To Be Valedictorian.

AUSTIN: I would be if I didn't have a 79 in my German class. Either way, I'm fine.

ZAREL: Yeah yeah, sieg heil to you too. So anyway, who's coming to the Halloween coffeehouse on the 30th?

ARUSEUS: I might go.


FANG: I'll go.

JUNE: Yeah.

AUSTIN: Probably.

ZAREL: Good, cuz they're electing new juniors to be the MC's. I nominated myself, and I somehow made it to the final two! When they pick who it is, the winner can choose any other junior to co-host.

AUSTIN: Well who're you running against?

ZAREL: William Patson. Y'know, that pompous asshole who thinks he's better than everyone else?

JUNE: Right...him.

FANG: You know him?

JUNE: Who doesn't? He's always winning this and that and he's always bragging about it.

FANG: Goddamn overachievers.

LUCIAN: Hey, guys, look over there!

{The six look to see a lone Dialga kid of about 16 or 17 years of age. He's sitting alone eating his lunch}

ARUSEUS: He must be new to Middleton. Looks like he hasn't made any friends. Hey guys, you wanna move over?

ZAREL: Don't you think he'll find it awkward with six people suddenly sitting at his table?

ARUSEUS: Relax. He's probably open to make new friends, just that no one's given him a chance.

{They walk over to the new guy's table, they place their trays down and sit}

ARUSEUS: Hey there! I see you're new.

???: Yeah. These your friends?

ARUSEUS: Yeah, we're all friends. Say, what's your name?

???: Oh, I'm Derek Hayes. I just transferred from up north.

ARUSEUS: Hey there! I'm Aruseus, that's Fang, June, Lucian, Zarel, and Austin.

DEREK: Nice to meet you all! {shakes Aruseus' hand}

LUCIAN: Aruseus you might want to-

{Aruseus' hand is yanked off by accident}

DEREK: Oh, whoops! I'm sorry there, man. Here. {gives Aruseus' hand back}

ARUSEUS: Um...thanks? Wow, that was a different reaction.

DEREK: Reaction to what?

ARUSEUS: You know... {points to hand}

DEREK: Oh, that. Well, I'm cool with it.

ARUSEUS: You're...actually cool with modularity?

DEREK: Yep! I actually found a way to train yourself to be that way!

ARUSEUS: Huh?! What'd you do?!

DEREK: Apparently tugging at your parts for a long while eventually gets them to weaken and come off. Yep, I'm one of you I guess, that's why I like it so much.

LUCIAN: But what about your parents?

DEREK: Taken a liking to it! My mom sometimes needs an extra hand...well...arm, to reach something in the kitchen, my dad and I play football with my head sometimes in the summer, and my younger bro, Joseph, is alright with it too!

ZAREL: Your brother here too?

DEREK: Nope, he's in a different high school.

LUCIAN: Wow. Lucky your parents are cool with it...

DEREK: Yours didn't like it?

LUCIAN: My mom would've kept me, but my dad forced me out. I live with my brother now.

DEREK: Well that's good.

ZAREL: Hey, you should come join us after school! We got a secret modular club going on for anyone who's modular or not a hater!

DEREK: Fine by me! Where is it?

FANG: Just meet us in the courtyard after school.

{Derek salutes}

ZAREL: So Derek, you thinking about going to the coffeehouse on Halloween?

DEREK: I guess so. Not much of a people person, but if you guys are gonna be there, I'll go!

ZAREL: Great! And don't forget to cast your vote for me to be the MC!

DEREK: Already done. I thought, "I don't know this Zarel guy, but he's definately better than Patson."

ZAREL: Thank you very much! I might make one of you guys my co-MC, I need someone charismatic and fun like me.

DEREK: I'll consider it.

ARUSEUS: Nice to meet you, Derek! Welcome to the group! {high fives}