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Latest revision as of 07:13, 5 October 2009

Session Start: Tue Feb 10 04:22:39 2009
Session Ident:#hrwiki-fanstuff
[04:22] * Super_Sam ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[05:38] * Lapper (n=Lapper@wikimedia/lapper) Quit ( Read error: 113 (No route to host) )
[06:05] * Phlip ([email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) )
[06:27] * _20eric06_ ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[07:59] * _20eric06_ ([email protected]) Quit ( "I LOVE IT WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER" )
[08:11] * Clamburger ([email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) )
[08:12] * Super_Sam ([email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) )
[08:12] * Clamburger ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[08:53] * Lapper ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[10:07] * Taco ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[10:08] * Taco ([email protected]) Quit ( Client Quit )
[10:46] * Dinoshaur ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[11:08] * Almsforthepudgy ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[11:29] * Clamburger ([email protected]) Quit ( )
[11:29] * Clamburger ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[11:29] ->> Connection closed from
[11:30] ->> You re-joined channel #hrwiki-fanstuff
[11:30] ->> Topic is: Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki: || Please keep discussion and language family-friendly in here. Thanks.
[11:30] ->> Topic set by unknown on 5/29/2008 11:24:17 AM
[11:31] * Seph_H_Roth ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[11:31] * Seph_H_Roth ([email protected]) Quit ( Client Quit )
[11:32] * Almsforthepudgy ([email protected]) Quit (  )
[11:36] * Raiku|Sleep ([email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) )
[11:53] * HSB150 ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[11:53] * HSB150 is now known as Guest50186
[11:54] * Guest50186 is now known as HSB150|hsb150
[12:12] * Seph_H_Roth ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[12:15] * NOID ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[12:15] * Almsforthepudgy ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[12:15] <NOID> hola
[12:15] <Almsforthepudgy> haldo
[12:20] * HSB150|hsb150 is now known as HSB150
[12:29] * Almsforthepudgy ([email protected]) Quit (  )
[12:32] <Seph_H_Roth> HAPPY LITTLE TREES.
[12:34] * Lapper (n=Lapper@wikimedia/lapper) Quit ( Client Quit )
[12:35] * Lapper ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[12:35] * Seph_H_Roth ([email protected]) Quit ( "ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.6/2009011913]" )
[12:35] * HSB150 ([email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) )
[12:39] * HSB150 ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[12:40] * HSB150 is now known as Guest29352
[12:40] * Guest29352 is now known as HSB150|no_id
[12:41] * HSB150|no_id is now known as HSB150|hsb150
[12:52] * Brooksie ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[12:52] <Brooksie> SO GUYS
[12:52] <Brooksie> I TOTALLY INTRODUCED
[12:52] <Brooksie> MY SCHOOL
[12:53] * HSB150|hsb150 is now known as HSB150
[12:53] <Dinoshaur> meow
[12:53] * HSB150 ([email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) )
[12:54] <Brooksie> i was in biology
[12:54] <Brooksie> and we had a free day
[12:54] <Brooksie> and we were playing cards
[12:54] <Brooksie> this teacher kept walking in
[12:54] <Brooksie> so i told my friends "okay the next time she walks in"
[12:54] <Brooksie> "im gonna say well arent we cool cats"
[12:54] <Brooksie> "and you guys start saying meow"
[12:55] <Brooksie> and we did B)
[12:55] <Dinoshaur> lulz
[12:55] <Dinoshaur> I got in trouble for cranking dat soulja boy
[12:55] <Brooksie> and i saw this guy with a ukulele and i was like "dinoshaur<3"
[12:55] <Brooksie> aww
[12:56] <Dinoshaur> I got up during art and I was doing the dance and quietly saying "soulja boy in in dis oh watch me crank and watch me oh"
[12:56] <Brooksie> nice
[12:56] <Dinoshaur> And my camp art teacher was like "SIT DOWN OR I WILL PUT A NOTE IN YOUR DIARY" so I apologised and sat donw
[12:57] <Dinoshaur> My friends were cracking up though
[12:57] <Brooksie> dude you shouldve said "my bawlz in yo face mizz peaches"
[12:57] <NOID> in english we watched old movie trailers for fairy tale adaptations
[12:57] <NOID> and we got to this 1995 Rumpelstilstkin movie
[12:57] <Brooksie> also lol diary
[12:57] <NOID> where he's like a lotr gremlin and he eats babies
[12:57] <NOID> and it's bloody and stuff
[12:57] <Brooksie> :3
[12:57] <NOID> and at the end there's an action movie announcer and he's like "RUUUUMPELSTILTSKIN"
[12:58] <Dinoshaur> We have homework diaries and teachers puts notes in them if you are good or bad
[12:58] <NOID> and I yelled in a same voice "DIE HARDER"
[12:58] <Brooksie> Dinoshaur: that is amazing
[12:58] <Brooksie> NOID: that is amazing
[12:58] <NOID> thx
[13:03] <Brooksie> Dinoshaur: i must say im disappointed
[13:04] <Brooksie> i figured youd respond to this
[13:04] <Brooksie>
[13:04] * HSB150 ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[13:04] <Brooksie> hey love
[13:04] * HSB150 is now known as Guest89356
[13:04] <Guest89356>
[13:04] <Guest89356> or did jicem come in just before me?
[13:05] <Brooksie> nope you
[13:05] * Guest89356 is now known as HSB150
[13:05] <Brooksie> jicems not here lol
[13:05] <HSB150> yeah, but you always call jicem that
[13:05] <Dinoshaur> Brooksie I thought you'd tied it up well enough
[13:05] <Brooksie> Dinoshaur: all right then
[13:05] * Phlip ([email protected]) has joined #HRWiki-fanstuff
[13:05] <Brooksie> HSB150: i call everyone that
[13:06] <HSB150> sure you do
[13:06] <HSB150> say it to phlip
[13:06] <HSB150> :P
[13:06] <Brooksie> hey love
[13:06] <HSB150> :O
[13:07] <Brooksie> i dont care lol
[13:07] <NOID> phlip once gave me a familiar on KOL
[13:07] <NOID> i thus named it Phlipper
[13:07] <Brooksie> kol lol
[13:08] <NOID> this is probably the heaviest song on uiII
[13:08] <NOID> some of slash's all-time best guitar
[13:08] <HSB150> what song?
[13:08] <HSB150> slash inplies it's either GnR or velvet revolver
[13:08] * AlmsfortheDS ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[13:08] <HSB150> alms!
[13:09] <AlmsfortheDS> hello
[13:09] <Brooksie> fortheds!
[13:09] <HSB150> yeah
[13:09] <HSB150> what he said
[13:09] <Brooksie> THATS WHAT HE SAID o.
[13:09] <Brooksie> ...o/
[13:09] <HSB150> o.o| to you too
[13:10] <HSB150> o.o\
[13:10] <HSB150> **o.o/
[13:10] <NOID> guys right now I'm on ED
[13:10] <NOID> my life needs to be turned around
[13:10] * Seph_Bob_Ross ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[13:10] <Seph_Bob_Ross> hello
[13:10] <AlmsfortheDS> Noid: lolwut
[13:10] <Brooksie> SEPIROTH
[13:11] <Brooksie> SEPHIROTH lol
[13:11] <Seph_Bob_Ross> HAPPY LITTLE TREES
[13:11] <NOID> let's see how pitiful this place is now
[13:11] <Brooksie> SEPHIROTH
[13:11] <Brooksie> SEPHIROTH
[13:11] <Brooksie> SEPHIROTH
[13:11] <Brooksie> hello
[13:11] <Brooksie> <3
[13:12] <Seph_Bob_Ross> so anyone like painting
[13:12] <Seph_Bob_Ross> i do
[13:12] <Seph_Bob_Ross> happy trees
[13:12] <Brooksie> happy t
[13:12] <Brooksie> so i just changed my facebook status to
[13:12] <Brooksie> Brooks just lost the game, and so did you.
[13:12] <Brooksie> how many nerds will i make sad
[13:12] <NOID> hjdjkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[13:13] <NOID> i hate the game brooks :``(
[13:13] <Brooksie> i do too lol
[13:13] <NOID> out of all the memes its probably one of the worst
[13:13] <Brooksie> but its fun to say "i just lost the game" and have some nerd be like "OMG"
[13:13] <NOID> although I hate people that say they aren't playing more
[13:13] <Brooksie> oh i know
[13:13] <Seph_Bob_Ross> strong intelligent needs to learn to get his head out
[13:14] <Brooksie> he needs to get a leg up on the pile
[13:14] <Brooksie> feh mountain dew voltage is just okay
[13:14] <Seph_Bob_Ross> hes going where he shouldnt babe
[13:14] * AlmsfortheDS ([email protected]) Quit ( "DSOrganize IRC" )
[13:14] <Brooksie> babe the pig
[13:15] <Seph_Bob_Ross> i love that movie <3
[13:15] <NOID> has strong intelligent stopped talking like this
[13:16] <Seph_Bob_Ross> nope
[13:16] <NOID> THE NERVE
[13:16] <Brooksie> i know lol
[13:16] <Seph_Bob_Ross> its barely acceptable when i do it but when he does
[13:16] <NOID> I'm stopping talking like that on the forum and wuw
[13:16] <Brooksie> Should I?
[13:17] <NOID> The monster I (apparently) created is too large now
[13:17] <Seph_Bob_Ross> .....
[13:17] <NOID> this has matt sorum's best drums on it
[13:17] <NOID> nothing better than a full minute of intro mmmmmm
[13:17] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Pass the message to Nacho and the others privately.
[13:17] <Brooksie> we've said we were going to stop plenty of times though <_<
[13:17] <NOID> Well that was more "guys we need to stop"
[13:18] <NOID> not "okay we are stopping"
[13:18] <Brooksie> okay
[13:18] <Seph_Bob_Ross>
[13:18] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Got him.
[13:18] <Brooksie> i cant give up cold turkey though ;-;
[13:18] <NOID> slash and izzy both have great guitar here
[13:18] * Brooksie smokes some second gen
[13:18] <NOID> duff's bass is solid as a ROCK get it
[13:18] <Brooksie> i get it
[13:18] <NOID> axl's vocals are awesome and fit perfectly
[13:18] * AlmsfortheDS ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[13:19] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Guns and Roses?
[13:19] <Brooksie> velvet revolver amirite
[13:19] <Seph_Bob_Ross> nice
[13:19] <NOID> velvet revolver is classic gnr minus izzy
[13:20] <NOID> and axl
[13:20] <NOID> and steven adler
[13:20] <NOID> plus they don't even have a singer anymore
[13:20] <NOID> izzy
[13:20] <NOID> is a great singer though he and duff should split it and it should become the "screw you, axl" group
[13:24] * Lapper (n=Lapper@wikimedia/lapper) Quit ( Client Quit )
[13:28] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Didn't Guns and Roses make "Welcome to the Jungle"?
[13:28] <Brooksie> aight seph ill get to you ;D
[13:28] <Brooksie> yeah lol
[13:29] <NOID> yeah
[13:29] <NOID> that's prolly tied for most famous
[13:29] <NOID> way overrated though
[13:29] <Brooksie> agreed
[13:30] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Guns and Roses are good, but to be honest, I prefer Queen and Beatles.
[13:30] <Brooksie> i like all three of them :3
[13:30] <Dinoshaur> Me too
[13:30] <Brooksie> i dont think guns n roses is exactly comparable to the beatles though
[13:30] <HSB150> pink floyd
[13:30] <NOID> beatles are the greatest band ever
[13:30] <Brooksie> HSB150: get out
[13:30] <NOID> guns n roses cannot compare
[13:30] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Brooksie: True.
[13:30] <NOID> queen can't even compare
[13:31] <NOID> but all three are really good in their own aspects
[13:31] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Definitely.
[13:31] <Brooksie> how about them red hot chili peppers :D
[13:31] <HSB150> and pink floyd
[13:31] <HSB150> :P
[13:31] <Brooksie> nope
[13:31] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Pink Floyd... Meh.
[13:31] <NOID> lol rhcp
[13:31] <Brooksie> you are making pink floyd the arceus of music
[13:31] <Seph_Bob_Ross> So... anyone like Lionel Richie?
[13:31] <Brooksie> NOID: lol everything you love >:O
[13:31] <NOID> rhcp does not compare with the beatles
[13:32] <Brooksie> i know lol
[13:32] <NOID> the only bands that can are probably...
[13:32] <HSB150> arceus is not cooler than pink floyd
[13:32] <NOID> zeppelin is one of them
[13:32] <Brooksie> theyre just my personal jam preference right now
[13:32] <NOID> the who maybe
[13:32] <NOID> MAYBE
[13:32] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Bee Gees?
[13:32] <NOID> no
[13:32] <NOID> what
[13:32] <NOID> no
[13:32] <HSB150> but arceus is the pokemon God
[13:32] <Brooksie> get out with the bee gees
[13:32] <Brooksie> HSB150: pokemon are atheists
[13:32] <Seph_Bob_Ross> JK, JK.
[13:32] <Brooksie> how about tiny tim
[13:32] <Brooksie> lolololol
[13:33] <NOID> bob dylan too he is probably in the same tier
[13:33] <Seph_Bob_Ross> You mean that Falsetto guy?
[13:33] <Brooksie> oh bob dylan
[13:33] <HSB150> the bee gees are..yeah, kinda weird.  i like massachusettes, though
[13:33] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Elton John.... Maybe.
[13:33] <Brooksie> Seph: kirby emote flipping you off
[13:33] <Brooksie> also im going to see elton john and billy joel next month B)
[13:33] <HSB150> awesome
[13:33] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Billy Joel? Awesome.
[13:34] <HSB150> if he plays piano man live,...oh yeah, that's still awesome
[13:34] <Seph_Bob_Ross> My friend saw Elton John's new year party live.
[13:34] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I saw it on TV.
[13:34] <Brooksie> yeah lol thats the whole idea of the tour
[13:34] <HSB150> piano man?
[13:34] <Brooksie> well that will be played obviously
[13:35] <Seph_Bob_Ross> My favorite song by Elton probably is... I'm still standing.
[13:35] <HSB150> duh
[13:35] <HSB150> elton john
[13:35] <HSB150> rocket man, i like
[13:35] <Brooksie> inb4 isnt he gay
[13:35] <Brooksie> Seph: HOLD ME CLOSER
[13:35] <Brooksie> TINY DANCER
[13:35] <Brooksie> COUNT THE HEADLIGHTS
[13:35] <NOID> i used to think elton john was the pianist of the beatleas
[13:35] <NOID> until like
[13:35] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Who cares if he is gay or not? He's still awesome.
[13:35] <NOID> 2 years ago
[13:35] <HSB150> ROCKET MAN
[13:35] <Brooksie> also gay = more awesome
[13:35] <HSB150> :P
[13:35] <NOID> anyways the grammy cover he did with eminem was pretty good
[13:35] <Brooksie> NOID: yes
[13:36] <Brooksie> NOID: stan o/////////
[13:36] <NOID> he's the only man that can sing dido properly
[13:36] <Brooksie> heck yeah
[13:36] <NOID> \\\\\\\\\o
[13:36] <Brooksie> i love how the crowd like exploded when they heard eltons voice
[13:36] * Lapper ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[13:36] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Oh yeah, I once saw Paul McCartney live when I was 10.
[13:36] <HSB150> hey there lapper
[13:36] <NOID> boss
[13:36] <Brooksie> baggage
[13:36] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Or 11. Not sure.
[13:37] <Seph_Bob_Ross> He was awesome.
[13:37] <Brooksie> nobody wants to see ringo star live ;-;
[13:37] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Peace and Love, Peace and Love.
[13:37] <Brooksie> "dont send me fanmail"
[13:37] <Brooksie> who am i
[13:37] <HSB150> i believe that's spelled ringo starr
[13:38] <Brooksie> HSB150: i know lol
[13:38] <HSB150> i'm pretty sure
[13:38] * AlmsfortheDS ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection timed out )
[13:38] <Brooksie> it is
[13:38] <Brooksie> but its not his name anyways so poop
[13:38] <Brooksie> also
[13:38] <Brooksie> I DONT ASK FOR MUC
[13:38] <Brooksie> H
[13:38] <HSB150> then what is?
[13:38] <Brooksie> I ONLY WANNA TRUST
[13:38] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Brooksie:
[13:38] <Brooksie> AND YOU KOW IT DONT COME EASY
[13:38] <HSB150> and you kow?
[13:38] <HSB150> :P
[13:39] <Brooksie> Seph: alright
[13:39] <Brooksie> Richard Starkley
[13:39] <Brooksie> thank you wikipedia
[13:39] <Brooksie> i think starkley's a pretty cool name myself <_<
[13:39] <NOID> i thought it was just starkey
[13:40] <Brooksie> oh it is lol
[13:40] <Brooksie> stupid eyes
[13:40] <NOID> my name's brooksie i can read
[13:40] <HSB150> so that's his show name, then
[13:40] <NOID> jk that was deep
[13:40] <Brooksie> im getting glasses on my birthday shut up
[13:40] <NOID> sorry
[13:40] <Brooksie> ;-;
[13:40] <HSB150> like how ozzy's actually john michael osbourne?
[13:40] <Brooksie> no prob
[13:40] * Brooksie hugs
[13:40] <Brooksie> i like how ozzy sucks
[13:40] <Brooksie> yeah i went there
[13:41] <HSB150> :O
[13:41] <HSB150> stop insulting my favorite musicians.  pink floyd was enough  ;_;
[13:41] <NOID> has ozzy retired yet
[13:41] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Ozzy Osbourne... So how about those bats?
[13:41] <NOID> he really needs to
[13:42] <Seph_Bob_Ross> He swears too much.
[13:42] <NOID> Alice about those chickens
[13:42] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Seriously.
[13:42] <NOID> alice cooper's such a great person
[13:42] <HSB150> ozzy?
[13:42] <HSB150> you people watch too much MTV
[13:42] <NOID> actually they edited the show to make it appear as if he swears that much
[13:42] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Probably true.
[13:42] <HSB150> he doesn't swear nearly as much in his music
[13:42] <NOID> at least for american audiences
[13:43] <Seph_Bob_Ross> To be honest, Ozzy Osbourne used to give me nightmares.
[13:43] <HSB150> :P
[13:43] <HSB150> ha ha
[13:43] <NOID> what about ronnie james
[13:43] <NOID> (dio)
[13:44] <HSB150> the song moving very slowly would wake me up if i played it at night
[13:44] <HSB150> y'know
[13:44] <HSB150> the one by taranchula
[13:44] <NOID> taranchula's not a real band sorry
[13:44] <HSB150> the one on the strong bad sings cd
[13:45] <Seph_Bob_Ross> So, how about that Meatloaf?
[13:45] <Brooksie> Seph:
[13:45] <NOID> meatloaf was in the film adaptation of Freak the Mighty
[13:46] <NOID> which is an amazing book
[13:46] <NOID> i forget who he played though
[13:46] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I saw that film.
[13:46] <NOID> read the book its better
[13:46] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Hot Patootie.
[13:47] <Brooksie> people
[13:47] <Brooksie> order
[13:47] <Brooksie> our
[13:47] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Has anyone seen Meatloaf in the Rocky Horror Picture show?
[13:47] <Brooksie> patties
[13:47] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Is it Spongebob time now?
[13:47] <Brooksie> well im watching spongebob but its not that episode
[13:49] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Oh yeah, anyone like the Rolling Stones?
[13:49] <HSB150> hecks yeah
[13:49] <Brooksie> i honestly havent listened to them much
[13:49] <HSB150> the stones are, like the most popular band in america
[13:49] <Brooksie> naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
[13:50] <Brooksie> well they're pretty popular
[13:50] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Personally, I like Mick Jagger the most in the Stones.
[13:50] <Brooksie> who likes anyone but mick jagger?
[13:50] <Brooksie> lolol
[13:51] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Best song by Mick:
[13:51] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Yes I know someone else is in it yeah yeah
[13:52] <Brooksie> guys the grammies made me like 15 step
[13:52] <Brooksie> am i a sellout yet
[13:52] <Brooksie> whoa wait
[13:52] <Brooksie> why did sam delete userboxes
[13:52] <Seph_Bob_Ross> no idea
[13:53] <Brooksie> im sure he had a reason besides personal whim
[13:53] <Brooksie> actually
[13:53] <Brooksie> i take that back
[13:54] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Should I undelete it?
[13:54] <Brooksie> i was thinking about it
[13:54] <Brooksie> go for it if you want
[13:54] <Brooksie> sam doesnt care about the wuw lol
[13:55] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I'm surprised he didn't delete it permanently.
[13:55] <Brooksie> that silly sam
[13:55] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Probably because if he did everyone will start nagging him to oblivion.
[13:56] <NOID> the rolling stones?
[13:56] <NOID> most popular band in america?
[13:56] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Yeah.
[13:56] <NOID> hahahahahahahahahaha
[13:56] <Brooksie> ...yeahhhh
[13:56] <Seph_Bob_Ross> They're awesome.
[13:56] <NOID> maybe in 1969
[13:56] <Brooksie> yeah i was gonna say for baby boomers maybe
[13:56] <NOID> right now the most popular band is probably...nickelback
[13:56] <NOID> or coldplay
[13:56] <NOID> jo bros?
[13:56] <Brooksie> ...oh no
[13:56] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Hey, I still like them regardless.
[13:56] <Brooksie> well honestly probably jobros
[13:57] <Brooksie> maybe miley <_<
[13:57] <NOID> miley's not a band
[13:57] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Miley and Mandy
[13:57] <Brooksie> ughhhhhhhhhhh i hate that argument
[13:57] <Brooksie> but w/e
[13:58] <NOID> i do not consider pop artists to be bands
[13:58] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Me neither.
[13:58] <NOID> unless they are pop bands
[13:58] <NOID> like nickelback
[13:58] <HSB150> pop tarts are definitely--wait
[13:58] <Brooksie> .....
[13:58] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I also like the J5.
[13:59] <HSB150> what'd you say again?
[13:59] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Obviously.
[13:59] * HSB150 reads it again
[13:59] <Brooksie> SAY IT IF ITS WORTH SAVIN ME
[13:59] <Brooksie> HURRY
[13:59] <HSB150> oh, oh ooooooohhhhh
[13:59] <Brooksie> IM FALLIN
[13:59] <HSB150> yeah
[13:59] <HSB150> me newither
[13:59] <Brooksie> family force 5 amirite
[13:59] <Seph_Bob_Ross> So guys, what are your favorite Solo musicians?
[13:59] <Seph_Bob_Ross> You all know mine.
[13:59] <Brooksie> ummmmmmmmmmmmm
[13:59] <Brooksie> ringo starr
[14:00] <Brooksie> psyche lol
[14:00] <Dinoshaur> jimmy tne is pretty good amirite
[14:00] <Brooksie> agreed
[14:00] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Yeah.
[14:01] <Seph_Bob_Ross> If you haven't guessed already, the best is Madonna. Totally.
[14:01] <Seph_Bob_Ross> .....
[14:01] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Don't take that seriously.
[14:01] <Dinoshaur> Madonna is pretty great
[14:01] <Brooksie> like a virgin
[14:02] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I probably would like her more if she didn't creep me out as much. But hey, this is from a Jackson fan.
[14:03] <Dinoshaur> She's like 50 and you totally world
[14:03] <Dinoshaur> would*
[14:03] <Brooksie> yeah
[14:03] <Seph_Bob_Ross> .....I have morals.
[14:03] <Brooksie> so does she
[14:04] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Ooh ooh, listen to this. Amy Winehouse or Madonna?
[14:04] <Seph_Bob_Ross> If you were forced to pick.
[14:04] <Brooksie> madonna
[14:04] <Dinoshaur> madonna
[14:04] <Brooksie> i like rehab
[14:04] <Dinoshaur> Dude that's stupid
[14:04] <Brooksie> but dude shes so bad live
[14:06] <HSB150> here's a video:
[14:06] <HSB150> this has a good song in it.  :P
[14:07] <Seph_Bob_Ross> H*R doesn't really interest me anymore.
[14:07] <HSB150> then don't come to a homestar runner channel
[14:08] <HSB150> but the video is awesome
[14:08] <HSB150> :P
[14:08] <Brooksie> <Seph_Bob_Ross> H*R doesn't really interest me anymore.
[14:08] <Brooksie> aww do you come for me :3
[14:08] <Seph_Bob_Ross> What?
[14:08] <HSB150> then go to ##the_castle instead.  you don't belong here if you don't like homestar
[14:08] <HSB150> amirite?
[14:09] <Seph_Bob_Ross> youarewrong
[14:09] <Seph_Bob_Ross> And if you don't respect my opinion, that makes you a Nazi.
[14:09] <Dinoshaur> Sephiroth you insult me
[14:10] <Dinoshaur> Please apologise
[14:10] <HSB150> i'nm not a nazi
[14:10] <HSB150> i don't agree with killing thousands of jews
[14:10] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Sorry Dinoshaur.
[14:10] <Seph_Bob_Ross> That was kinda uncalled for I admit.
[14:10] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I apologize for that mark.
[14:10] <Seph_Bob_Ross> remark
[14:10] <Brooksie> squidward
[14:10] <Brooksie> is
[14:10] <HSB150> i just disagree with your shoice for being in a homestar runner irc channel without liking the main base for the channel
[14:10] <Brooksie> a
[14:10] <Brooksie> not-see
[14:11] <Brooksie> HSB150: i think a lot of people dont care for H*R so much anymore
[14:11] <HSB150> they can all leave, too
[14:11] <HSB150> 'cept nacho
[14:11] <Brooksie> i still watch it but i dont rush to the computer every monday afternoon like i used to to see the new toon
[14:11] <HSB150> if he is one
[14:11] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Maybe you can leave.
[14:11] <Brooksie> (also this is for the fanstuff wiki, not the actual cartoon :grad:)
[14:11] <HSB150> no
[14:12] <Seph_Bob_Ross> And also, I am here because this is technically the IRC channel for WUW too.
[14:12] <HSB150> the fanstuff wiki is for fans that make their own little cartoons or transcripts about homestar related stuff
[14:13] <Seph_Bob_Ross> i know
[14:13] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I was here before you, you know.
[14:13] <HSB150> and the discussion is on the wuw more, which is all the fanstuff users doing whatever they want
[14:13] <HSB150> basically
[14:13] <Brooksie> well its more on the wuw
[14:13] <Brooksie> since the purge is happening
[14:13] <HSB150> so, i don't think you belong here if you hate homestar
[14:14] <HSB150> it is all basically homestar stuff
[14:14] <HSB150> it all goes back to it
[14:14] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I have all the right to be here, regardless on my taste of Homestar.
[14:14] <Seph_Bob_Ross> And I didn't say I hate it.
[14:14] <Brooksie> theres a difference between not loving it and hating it
[14:14] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I said I didn't find it as interesting.
[14:15] <HSB150> *sigh*
[14:15] <Seph_Bob_Ross> So technically, you are putting words in my mouth.
[14:15] <HSB150> -_-*
[14:16] <HSB150> i am ignoring you if this discussion continues.  homestar haters don't belong here, is all
[14:16] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I didn't say I hated it.
[14:16] <The_Mu> i haven't watched homestar runner in over 6 months
[14:17] <The_Mu> tbh
[14:17] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Thank you.
[14:17] <HSB150> the_mu: get out
[14:17] <HSB150> now
[14:17] <HSB150> seriously
[14:17] <Brooksie> The_Mu: <3
[14:17] * The_Mu ([email protected]) has left #hrwiki-fanstuff ("ok")
[14:17] <HSB150> wow
[14:17] <HSB150> that was easy
[14:17] <NOID> that was rude
[14:18] <NOID> really
[14:18] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Mu is a real patriot.
[14:18] * HSB150 shouts at the moo
[14:18] <HSB150> hey!  i didn't mean it f'reals
[14:18] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Let us all salute his brave behaviour.
[14:18] * Seph_Bob_Ross salutes to The_Mu.
[14:18] <Dinoshaur> hey want some grass mu
[14:18] <HSB150> cow clips
[14:18] <HSB150> moo, MOO
[14:19] <Brooksie> Seph_Bob_Ross:
[14:19] <Dinoshaur> <Seph_Bob_Ross> Dinoshaur is great I am not ;_;
[14:19] <HSB150> and now i play zelda
[14:19] * HSB150 is now known as HSB150|ZeldaTP
[14:19] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Personally I think Dinoshaur is great.
[14:19] <Dinoshaur> Brooksie do you love me
[14:19] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> and if i get reset by peer, i'm using icechat when i come back
[14:19] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> stupid reset issues
[14:19] <Dinoshaur> Are you playing those love games with me
[14:19] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I like most of the users to be honest.
[14:20] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Nah, I don't feel love.
[14:20] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> i'm on the last dungeon B)
[14:20] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I'm a robot.
[14:20] <Seph_Bob_Ross> So am I HSB.
[14:20] <Dinoshaur> I just need to know what to do because I need your love a lot
[14:20] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> almost done with the game
[14:20] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I don't give love, I give thumbs up.
[14:20] <Brooksie> i just lost the game
[14:20] <Brooksie> Dinoshaur: i love you <3
[14:21] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> seth the ross (or however the crap you say that): you have twilight princess?
[14:21] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Yeah.
[14:21] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> and where in the last dungeon are you?
[14:21] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I've killed all the Poes, got the bugs, etc, etc.
[14:21] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Just started the Last Dungeon.
[14:21] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> i've gotten the sol's power in the master sword already
[14:22] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> and you have?  or no?
[14:22] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Just started.
[14:22] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> oh
[14:22] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Literally.
[14:22] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> how long you had the game?
[14:22] <Seph_Bob_Ross> A year.
[14:23] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> i just got it on christmas
[14:23] <Seph_Bob_Ross> But I only started playing it again.
[14:23] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> and i've passes you?
[14:23] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> wow
[14:23] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> i must like the game more
[14:23] <Seph_Bob_Ross> .....
[14:23] <Brooksie> (not many people play the game perpetually)
[14:23] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> well, off to play it
[14:23] <Brooksie> okay later
[14:23] * HSB150|ZeldaTP walks away
[14:23] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Bye Nerd.
[14:23] <Brooksie> snap ;-;
[14:23] <Dinoshaur> I finished TP in a week
[14:23] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Cool.
[14:23] * HSB150|ZeldaTP shoop da woops the guy with the funny name
[14:24] <Brooksie> toilet paper
[14:24] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> :P
[14:24] <Brooksie> hey seph are you pt
[14:24] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> -_-
[14:24] * Seph_Bob_Ross paints some happy little trees in the corner
[14:24] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> this has gotten weird now
[14:24] <Brooksie> hey seph are you pt
[14:24] * HSB150|ZeldaTP leaves again
[14:24] <Brooksie> hey seph are you pt
[14:24] <Seph_Bob_Ross> pt? Wha?
[14:24] <Brooksie> yes or no
[14:24] <Brooksie> are you pt
[14:25] <Seph_Bob_Ross> 1 Imperial pint = 568.261485 millilitres
[14:25] <Brooksie> 5 seconds
[14:25] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Oh. Am I platinum?
[14:25] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Yes.
[14:25] <Brooksie> haha youre a pregnant teenager
[14:26] <Seph_Bob_Ross> ha lol
[14:27] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Nah, I'm just a sweet..... from...... TRANSYLVANIA, HA HA
[14:28] <Brooksie> Seph_Bob_Ross: are you pt
[14:28] <Seph_Bob_Ross> No.
[14:28] <Brooksie> haha youre not potty trained
[14:28] <Seph_Bob_Ross> dang
[14:29] <Brooksie> you better use that at school tomorrow
[14:29] <Brooksie> thats like an american pastime
[14:29] * The_Mu ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[14:29] <Brooksie> hey babe
[14:29] <Seph_Bob_Ross>
[14:36] <Seph_Bob_Ross> I shouldn't really watch Powerpuff Girls.
[14:37] <The_Mu> one of my cat's names is blossom
[14:38] <Brooksie> meow
[14:38] --NickServ-- Raiku has been ghosted.
[14:38] <The_Mu> meow
[14:38] ->> You are now known as Raiku
[14:38] --NickServ-- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
[14:38] <Brooksie> hey raiku
[14:39] <Seph_Bob_Ross> Oh, hey Raiks.
[14:39] <Brooksie> hows the hangover
[14:40] -> *nickserv* identify password
[14:40] --NickServ-- You are now identified for Raiku.
[14:42] <Seph_Bob_Ross> gtg
[14:42] <Brooksie> later man
[14:42] <Raiku> bai
[14:43] <Brooksie> Raiku: dude are you going to actually do anything with it
[14:43] <Raiku> Yes.
[14:43] <Brooksie> what
[14:44] <Raiku> MAke it a fanstuff, with you guys fighting, being awesome, and doing drugs, I mean second gen.
[14:44] <Brooksie> yeah, but what are you personally going to do
[14:44] <Brooksie> since apparently we write it
[14:46] <Raiku> You guys can play your selves, I play the people who' don't
[14:47] <Brooksie> can i just kill everyone
[14:48] <Raiku> Sure, but they come back. Someday.
[14:48] <Brooksie> no they dont
[14:48] <Brooksie> i killed them silly
[14:48] <Raiku> In the series finale then.
[14:48] <Brooksie> but i can play myself
[14:48] <Brooksie> my first line can be
[14:49] <Brooksie> THECHEESE: {pulls out a gun} pew pew
[14:49] <Brooksie> {everyone but TheCheese dies}
[14:49] <Brooksie> THE END
[14:49] <Raiku> SERIES FINALE
[14:49] <Brooksie> then the first episode is the series finale
[14:50] <Raiku> Nope.
[14:50] <Brooksie> then i quit >:O
[14:50] <Brooksie> hey raiku remember the 50 other things youve made in the last 3 months
[14:51] <NOID> real fanstuffs don't have sign ups
[14:51] <Brooksie> dude try to stick to one thing first
[14:51] <NOID> real fanstuffs are completely dominated by you
[14:51] <Brooksie> i.e. armageddon squad ;)
[14:52] <NOID> i've had writer's block on armageddon squad for like
[14:52] <NOID> 2 monthd
[14:52] <NOID> i am scrapping the pirates probably
[14:54] <NOID> green day's new album is coming
[14:54] <NOID> blech
[14:54] <Brooksie> Raiku: yes please
[14:54] <Brooksie> NOID: its not like theyre sellouts
[14:55] <NOID> the cover appeals to emo kidlets too much
[14:55] * Nachobragers ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[14:55] <Brooksie> NACHOMAN
[14:55] <NOID> grafitti of two people embracing oh like edward and bella ooh
[14:55] <Brooksie> NACHOMAN
[14:55] <Brooksie> NACHOMAN
[14:55] <Brooksie> NACHOMAN
[14:55] <Brooksie> NACHOMAN
[14:55] <Brooksie> NACHOMAN
[14:55] <Brooksie> :D
[14:55] <Brooksie> NOID: ;-;
[14:55] <NOID> hey nacho!!!!!
[14:55] <NOID> wait
[14:55] <Brooksie> NACHOMAN I LOVE YOU
[14:55] <NOID> you like green day
[14:55] <Brooksie> no i dont
[14:55] <Nachobragers> hey sexies
[14:55] <NOID> okay then
[14:55] <Nachobragers> NOID: yes
[14:55] <NOID> ew man
[14:55] <Brooksie> i tolerate a song or two <_<
[14:55] <NOID> green day is like
[14:55] <NOID> the definition of sell out
[14:56] <Nachobragers> your mom is a sell out
[14:56] <Brooksie> ohhhhhhh
[14:56] <NOID> i'm poor i need to sell out
[14:56] <Brooksie> "kill all the fags that dont agree"
[14:56] <Brooksie> i am offended ;-;
[14:56] <NOID> :000
[14:56] <Nachobragers> i like greeen day suck it
[14:57] <Brooksie> Raiku: are they still sons of the devil
[14:57] <Nachobragers> x('-'x)
[14:57] <Brooksie> i see what you did there
[14:57] <NOID> raiku is a really big mary sue
[14:57] <Raiku> Only Raiku. He can't be changed.
[14:57] <Brooksie> <(<3_<3<) to nachoman <3
[14:57] <Brooksie> those are my eyes
[14:57] <NOID> he needs more flaws
[14:57] <Brooksie> they are hearts
[14:57] <Brooksie> Raiku: yes he can
[14:57] <Nachobragers> Brooksie: <3_<3
[14:57] <Nachobragers> those are my eyes
[14:57] <Brooksie> making yourself a character is teh lame
[14:57] <Nachobragers> when i see you <3_<3
[14:57] <Brooksie> NachoMan: GIVE ME
[14:57] <Brooksie> YOUR EYES
[14:58] <Brooksie> I NEED
[14:58] * Nachobragers is now known as NachoMan
[14:58] <Brooksie> SUNSHINE
[14:58] <Raiku> I still want him to haver COOl powers. This is a different universe. Should Raiku just control Ice?
[14:58] <Brooksie> ...........................................
[14:58] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> 2 things: yay, i wasn't kicked so far, 2 the moo came back
[14:58] <Brooksie> just have him be you
[14:58] <Raiku> Me?
[14:58] <Brooksie> yeah
[14:58] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> and i need a walkthrough
[14:58] <HSB150|ZeldaTP> i'm fighting zant
[14:58] <Brooksie> just make him an 11-year-old kid that frequents the wuw
[14:58] <NOID> sons of devils are so overplayed
[14:59] <NOID> you need something fresh
[14:59] <Brooksie> did i never make a little nicky joke
[14:59] <Raiku> Maybe the alternete usniverse is the wiki, but the real me got transfered.
[14:59] <Brooksie> raiku from now on you are now little nicky
[14:59] <NachoMan> NOID: i am the son of limbo
[14:59] <NachoMan> B)
[14:59] <Brooksie> :O
[14:59] <Raiku> Brooksie: Like my alternate usniverse idea?
[14:59] * Brooksie calypso limbo
[14:59] <Brooksie> Raiku: just be you love
[15:00] <Brooksie> im not a fan of having your own username having a backstory/personality etc
[15:00] <Raiku> No, the real me gets transfered into his computer and itno my wiki.
[15:00] <Raiku> Also BaDSTAR DOES.
[15:00] <Raiku> caps lock
[15:00] <Brooksie> badstar what
[15:00] <Brooksie> likes your idea
[15:00] <Raiku> Badstar is  a user, and a character
[15:01] <Brooksie> well good for him
[15:01] <Brooksie> i still think its more than a little silly
[15:01] <NachoMan> IVE SEEN YOUR PICTURE
[15:02] <NachoMan> THIS IS YOUR BIG DEBUT
[15:02] <Brooksie> <3
[15:02] <Brooksie> GUYS
[15:02] <Brooksie> NEW FLAPJACK
[15:02] <Brooksie> ON HAR HAR THARSDAY
[15:02] * Seph_Bob_Ross ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection timed out )
[15:02] <NachoMan> omg
[15:02] <NachoMan> omg
[15:02] <NOID> remember the Fridays block
[15:02] <NOID> that was awesome man
[15:02] <NachoMan> one week til Brooksie's b-day ;)
[15:02] <Brooksie> NOID: remember snick
[15:02] <NOID> good times
[15:02] <NOID> good times
[15:02] <NOID> yeah
[15:02] <NOID> remember PICKBOY
[15:02] <Brooksie> NachoMan: oh stop ;D
[15:02] <Brooksie> YES
[15:03] <NOID> whatever happened to pickboy
[15:03] <Brooksie> SLIME TIME LIVE
[15:03] <NOID> did he od
[15:03] <Brooksie> NOID: drugs
[15:03] <Brooksie> haha
[15:03] <NachoMan> you will be two years older than me :O
[15:03] <Brooksie> actually i saw him when they were doing the election stuff
[15:03] <NOID> wow really
[15:03] <Brooksie> NachoMan: no not technically :grad:
[15:03] <Brooksie> yeah
[15:03] <NOID> he's getting a little old to be a boy
[15:03] <NachoMan> 16-14 = 2 ;-;
[15:03] <Brooksie> what did they call that thing
[15:03] <Brooksie> the bucket o' bucks?
[15:03] <NOID> dude yeah
[15:03] <Brooksie> get her bucket
[15:04] <Brooksie> NachoMan: ;-;
[15:04] <NachoMan> The server at is taking too long to respond.
[15:04] <NachoMan> noooooooooo
[15:04] <NachoMan> where will i waste my life now
[15:04] <NachoMan> ?????????????
[15:04] <Brooksie> wait isnt it z <_<
[15:05] <Raiku> Here
[15:05] <Brooksie> there
[15:05] <NOID> somebody on another forum has been constructing a PM to me for 17 minutes
[15:05] <Brooksie> ooh
[15:05] <NOID> i hope it isn't really really really longwinded
[15:05] <Brooksie> maybe its a date to prom
[15:05] <NOID> i'm gonna lol when it's like 2 sentences
[15:05] <NachoMan>
[15:05] <NachoMan> mehehehehe
[15:05] <Brooksie> i like longwinded pms ;-;
[15:06] <Brooksie> haha pms
[15:06] <NachoMan> brooksie i'm sending you my pms >:(
[15:06] <NOID> pms is bad
[15:06] * NachoMan anger
[15:07] <Brooksie> nachoman wait ;-;
[15:07] <Brooksie> they dont love you like i love you ;D
[15:07] <NachoMan> NO
[15:07] * NachoMan murder
[15:07] * Brooksie armed robbery
[15:07] <NachoMan>
[15:07] <NachoMan> ima do this
[15:07] <Brooksie> haha oj
[15:07] <Brooksie> :D
[15:07] <Brooksie> i want everyone to <_<
[15:08] <NachoMan> do me brooksie
[15:08] <NachoMan> do me now
[15:08] <Brooksie> okay
[15:08] * Brooksie does nachoman
[15:08] <NachoMan> :)
[15:08] * Jicem ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[15:08] <Brooksie> JICEM
[15:08] <Jicem> Mike: ...and then let's make Bubs the vet, that would be funny.
[15:08] <Brooksie> HELLO LOVE
[15:08] <Jicem> Matt: But some of our fans are stupid, they'll never get it.
[15:08] <Jicem> Mike: That's okay, we'll just write it on a nice big sign.
[15:09] <NachoMan> they have to kill off bubs
[15:09] <NachoMan> remember that
[15:09] <Jicem> That's it. I'm-a taking my gun
[15:09] <Brooksie> IMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR
[15:09] <NOID> >: (
[15:09] <Raiku> Done.
[15:09] * NachoMan kills Brooksie
[15:09] * NachoMan kills Brooksie
[15:09] <Raiku> O made a fanstuff where the real me gets trapped in the wiki.
[15:09] * Brooksie does not kill NachoMan
[15:10] <NachoMan> :o
[15:10] <NachoMan> no ;-;
[15:10] * NachoMan suicide
[15:10] * Brooksie does not let NachoMan die
[15:10] <Brooksie> MOUTH TO MOUTH THYME
[15:10] <NachoMan> :00000000000000000000000000000
[15:10] <NOID> you know i just realized something new about the dark knight today
[15:11] <NachoMan> jokah
[15:11] <Brooksie> its a great movie but still manages to be overrated
[15:11] <NachoMan> bob saget
[15:11] <NOID> its my favorite movie
[15:11] <NachoMan> from now on nobody edit the wuw while im gone
[15:11] <NOID> but i cant stand it when people talk about it
[15:11] <Brooksie> Raiku: also i found your myspace lol
[15:11] <NOID> i hate myself for talking about it really
[15:11] <Brooksie> NOID: SAME SAME SAME SAME
[15:11] <NachoMan> Brooksie: LINKS
[15:11] <NachoMan> Brooksie: LINKS
[15:11] <NachoMan> Brooksie: LINKS
[15:11] <NOID> raiku has a myspace?!
[15:11] <NachoMan> Brooksie: LINKS
[15:11] <NachoMan> Brooksie: LINKS
[15:11] <NOID> dude I need to friend him up
[15:11] <Brooksie> NachoMan: i did like two weeks ago but okay
[15:12] <Raiku> I don't use it.
[15:13] <Raiku> It's Gavin "Sylar" Petrelli plus some symbols
[15:13] <Brooksie> wait then you made another one <_<
[15:13] <NOID> hey did you see heroes last night
[15:13] <NachoMan> haha no
[15:14] <NachoMan>
[15:14] <NOID> i'm talking to raiku >: (
[15:14] <NachoMan> oh god please someone get this reference
[15:14] <Raiku> No. went to sleep
[15:14] <Brooksie> liar
[15:14] <NOID> oh
[15:14] <Raiku> I lsot my old one.
[15:14] <Brooksie> you stayed here and got drunk
[15:14] <NOID> it was really really good
[15:14] <NOID> go to
[15:14] <NachoMan> does anyone get it g__________________g
[15:14] <NachoMan> does anyone get it g__________________g
[15:14] <NachoMan> does anyone get it g__________________g
[15:14] <NOID> sylar's storyline is definitely shaping up to be his best since s1
[15:14] <NachoMan> does anyone get it g__________________g
[15:14] <Brooksie> i get it
[15:14] <NachoMan> does anyone get it g__________________g
[15:14] <NachoMan> Brooksie: :O
[15:14] <NOID> although he was doing very well for some parts of s3
[15:14] <NachoMan> :D
[15:14] <Brooksie> not the reference but i get the joke
[15:15] <NOID> namely the finally
[15:15] <NachoMan> ;(
[15:15] <NOID> he was HARDCORE in the finale
[15:15] <NachoMan> it's a godaddy commercial ;*
[15:15] <Raiku> I have tivo,luckily
[15:15] <Brooksie> oh i see
[15:15] <NOID> ah
[15:15] <NOID> well it was really good I thought
[15:15] <Raiku> Where's the remote? :(
[15:15] <NOID> The Hunter is a pretty cool character
[15:15] <Raiku> The first episode was horrible of this season.
[15:15] <NOID> He's gonna betray Nathan and take over the operation
[15:15] <NOID> and characters will die
[15:15] <Raiku> Probaly
[15:15] <NOID> ???????
[15:15] <NOID> are you serious man
[15:15] <Brooksie> HEY GUYS
[15:15] <NachoMan> whats heroes
[15:15] <NOID> i thought it was cool
[15:16] <Brooksie> HEROES SUCKS >:O
[15:16] <NOID> it gave them a solid plot
[15:16] <NOID> it nerfed peter
[15:16] <NachoMan> Brooksie: I KNOW
[15:16] <NachoMan> o//////
[15:16] <NOID> and it had noah awesomeness
[15:16] <Brooksie> \\\\\\\o
[15:16] <Raiku> It wasn't a good anogh action fight.
[15:16] <NachoMan> UM
[15:16] <NOID> hey scumbags
[15:16] <NOID> shut up >: (
[15:16] <NachoMan> MY THROAT HURTS
[15:16] <Raiku> But noah was awesaome in it
[15:16] <NachoMan> LETS TALK ABOUT THAT
[15:16] <NachoMan> ;(
[15:16] <NOID> yeah there's not gonna be as much action as before
[15:16] <Brooksie> noid shut your mouth before i shut it for you
[15:16] <NOID> they're focusing more on story
[15:16] <NOID> which is great
[15:16] <Jicem> So, any guess as to when Stinkoman Level 10 is coming?
[15:16] * Brooksie massages nachomans throat
[15:16] <Raiku> Noah is an anti hero, and a badass.
[15:16] <NOID> never
[15:16] <NachoMan> :000000
[15:17] <NOID> language
[15:17] <Brooksie> Jicem: december 21, 2012
[15:17] <NachoMan> Jicem: soon
[15:17] <Raiku> And the purge is not ending.
[15:17] <NOID> Noah's not even an anti hero I have no idea what he is
[15:17] <NOID> he does whatever he wants
[15:17] <NachoMan> Brooksie: i see what you did there
[15:17] <NachoMan> Raiku: nah
[15:17] <Brooksie> lol
[15:17] <Raiku> Feburary 32, 2009
[15:17] <Jicem> The purge will end
[15:17] <NachoMan> noid i thought you said jaro
[15:17] <Jicem> When MediaWiki 1.14 comes out
[15:17] <NachoMan> g_g
[15:17] <Brooksie> Raiku: i dont see what you did there
[15:17] <Jicem> And it will come out
[15:17] <NachoMan>
[15:17] <Brooksie> ...i totally thought that said "i will come out"
[15:17] <Raiku> *Jicem: Feburary 32, 2009
[15:17] <NachoMan> i should do my homework once in a while
[15:17] <NOID> yeah maybe
[15:18] <NOID> so we aren't watching Labyrinth in english :\
[15:18] <Brooksie> NachoMan: same lol
[15:18] <NOID> we're watching the brothers grimm
[15:18] <NachoMan> DUDE
[15:18] <Jicem> Feburary 32, 2009?
[15:18] <NachoMan> WE SAW ROMEO AND JULIET
[15:18] <NachoMan> AND WE SAW ROMEOS BUTT
[15:18] <Raiku> LOl
[15:18] <NOID> jicem before you say anything
[15:18] <NOID> thats the joke
[15:18] <Jicem> You could just say never
[15:18] <NOID> sigh
[15:18] <Brooksie> thats my horse
[15:18] <NachoMan> ROMEO'S BUTT
[15:18] <NachoMan> ROMEO'S BUTT
[15:18] <NachoMan> ROMEO'S BUTT
[15:18] <NachoMan> ROMEO'S BUTT
[15:18] <NachoMan> ROMEO'S BUTT
[15:19] <NOID> my math teacher I think
[15:19] <NOID> she's like "any questions"
[15:19] <Raiku> NOID: Does this episode of heroes have them at the island all togheter?
[15:19] <NOID> and this junior is like "the last one"
[15:19] <NOID> and she's like "you didn't even do the damn er darn"
[15:19] <Raiku> There's the remote.
[15:19] <Jicem> Oh yeah, by the way, some kids at my school were making fun of my autistic friend from last year behind his back
[15:19] <NOID> Island?
[15:19] <Jicem> And I was the innocent bystanded
[15:19] <NOID> They aren't on island
[15:19] <Brooksie> Jicem: yeah stupid kids do that
[15:19] <Raiku> Where are theu?
[15:19] <NOID> in the woods
[15:19] <NOID> in like West Virginia
[15:19] <Raiku> Who is the kid Sylar meets? Does he kill him?
[15:20] <Jicem> I should have said something, though
[15:20] <NOID> he's luke
[15:20] <NOID> and he's pretty awesome
[15:20] <NachoMan> #heroes
[15:20] <Jicem> For all my autistic friends at the wiki
[15:20] <NachoMan> #heroes
[15:20] <Raiku> Does he die?
[15:20] <NachoMan> #heroes
[15:20] <NachoMan> #heroes
[15:20] <NachoMan> take it over there g_g
[15:20] <NOID> watch and find out
[15:20] ->> Attempting to join #heroes
[15:20] <NOID> and take it to #heroes
[15:20] <Brooksie> #villians
[15:20] <NachoMan> i get it
[15:20] <Brooksie> #vaudeville
[15:20] * Brooksie does a dance
[15:20] ->> Attempting to join #villians
[15:20] <NachoMan> looks like i'll have to do a dance
[15:20] * NachoMan kicks the can lol
[15:20] <NOID> #xmen: messiah complex
[15:21] <Brooksie> i get it
[15:21] ->> Attempting to join #xmen
[15:21] <Brooksie> OKAY
[15:21] <Brooksie> WHAT IS THE RECORDS OF BELL
[15:21] <Brooksie> I WILL NEVER READ IT
[15:21] <NachoMan> I DON'T KNOW
[15:21] <Raiku> a crappy show
[15:21] <Brooksie> BUT WHY IS IT EDITED SO MUCH
[15:21] <NachoMan> IT'S SOMETHING
[15:21] <NachoMan> MADE BY IM A BELL
[15:21] <NOID> it's bell's crap
[15:21] <Brooksie> BUT WHY IS IT EDITED SO MUCH
[15:21] <Brooksie> BUT WHY IS IT EDITED SO MUCH
[15:21] <Brooksie> BUT WHY IS IT EDITED SO MUCH
[15:22] <Brooksie> does he add like
[15:22] <Brooksie> one sentence at a time
[15:22] <NachoMan> yes
[15:22] <NOID> hey brooksie
[15:22] <NOID> did you get my joke
[15:22] <NOID> in rtecent changes
[15:22] <Brooksie> .......................sadlyno
[15:23] <NOID> it's from the song "hit me with your best shot"
[15:23] <Raiku> Pat Beneatar
[15:23] <Brooksie> oh
[15:23] <Brooksie> Raiku: benatar i think
[15:23] <NOID> yeah its benatar
[15:23] <NOID> points regardless
[15:23] <Brooksie> yeah
[15:23] ->> You are now known as Raiku|Heroes
[15:23] --NickServ-- Nick Raiku|Heroes is now registered to your account.
[15:25] <Dinoshaur> Pat Beaneater
[15:26] <NOID> lol
[15:26] <Brooksie> pat star
[15:26] <NachoMan> patback
[15:26] <Dinoshaur> PAT
[15:26] <Dinoshaur> BACK
[15:26] <NachoMan> ahahaa
[15:26] <Raiku|Heroes> Patrick the Gran Turismo Lover
[15:29] <Brooksie> TO MY CORE AND
[15:29] <Brooksie> CHARLIES SHAKING ME
[15:39] <Brooksie>
[15:39] <NachoMan> oh god what
[15:39] * SpanishInquiry ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[15:39] <SpanishInquiry> hi guys
[15:39] <Brooksie> hey there
[15:39] <Dinoshaur> I wasn't expecting you there, SI
[15:39] <Brooksie> what does your irc finally work lol
[15:39] <Dinoshaur> GET IT
[15:40] <Jicem> You know, you have the same initials as Strong Intelligent
[15:40] <Dinoshaur> Spanish was here first
[15:40] <Dinoshaur> By a looooong shot
[15:40] <Dinoshaur> Name that Game remember brah
[15:40] <Brooksie> i just lost the game
[15:40] <Brooksie> Jicem: HSB
[15:41] <Raiku|Heroes> DAPHNE DIESS
[15:41] <Raiku|Heroes> :O
[15:41] <NOID> doubt it
[15:41] <Brooksie> i have the same first/last initials as barack obama B)
[15:41] <NOID> colin powell
[15:41] <Brooksie> ...JCM JOHN MCCAIN
[15:41] * NOID ([email protected]) Quit ( "Everybody! Everybody!" )
[15:41] <NachoMan> Brooksie: :OOOOOOO
[15:41] <NachoMan> det
[15:41] <NachoMan> ;-;
[15:42] <Brooksie> deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :D
[15:44] * SpanishInquiry ([email protected]) Quit ( "ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.6/2009011913]" )
[15:44] <Jicem> Brooksie, your last name starts with an O?
[15:44] <NachoMan> brooksie obama
[15:45] <Brooksie> b.o. lol
[15:45] <Brooksie> Jicem: yessir
[15:45] <The_Mu> GOT B.O.
[15:45] <The_Mu> GET DEO
[15:45] <Brooksie> DEO
[15:45] <Brooksie> YES
[15:45] <Brooksie> o/
[15:45] <The_Mu> \o
[15:45] <Jicem> Hey there, it's Vince with
[15:45] <Brooksie> i miss that show ;-;
[15:45] <NachoMan> o
[15:45] <NachoMan> |\
[15:45] <Brooksie> HI ITS VINCE WITH DON'T MEMES
[15:45] <Jicem> Oxi Clean!
[15:45] <Brooksie> DON'T MEMES IS FOR THE WIKI
[15:45] <NachoMan> shut up brooksie you referenced shamwow like a second ago shut up
[15:46] <Brooksie> USE ONE FOR THE FORUM
[15:46] <Jicem> plus, shamwow is not a meme
[15:46] <Brooksie> CUT IT IN HALF
[15:46] <Brooksie> USE IT FOR THE IRC
[15:46] <Jicem> Dinoshaur, you always call me gaycm
[15:46] <Dinoshaur> Yup
[15:47] <Jicem> So I'm going to call you Binoshaur
[15:47] <Brooksie> haha
[15:47] <Brooksie> Jicem: TOLERANCE HAMMER
[15:47] <NachoMan> shut up brooksie
[15:47] <Brooksie> can i be Brook "i am gay" sie
[15:47] <Dinoshaur> Haha
[15:47] <NachoMan> Dinoshaur: you got burned son
[15:47] <Dinoshaur> That's funny actuallly
[15:47] <Dinoshaur> Good job Jicem
[15:47] <Dinoshaur> Have a peanut
[15:50] * Jicem takes the peanut
[15:50] <Jicem> Wait, I'm allergic to peanuts
[15:50] <NachoMan> lol peanut
[15:50] <Jicem> Oh well
[15:50] * NachoMan QUOTES
[15:51] ->> Connection closed from
[17:25] ->> You joined channel #hrwiki-fanstuff
[17:25] ->> Topic is: Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki: || Please keep discussion and language family-friendly in here. Thanks.
[17:25] ->> Topic set by unknown on 5/29/2008 11:24:17 AM
[17:25] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn 
[17:25] ->> Channel created on 11/25/2006 10:43:27 PM
[17:25] ->> You are now known as Raiku
[17:25] --NickServ-- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
[17:26] --NickServ-- You may not ghost yourself.
[17:26] -> *nickserv* identify password
[17:26] --NickServ-- You are now identified for Raiku.
[17:26] <Raiku> What I miss?
[17:26] <Raiku> Who I miss?
[17:26] <Raiku> Where I miss?
[17:26] <Raiku> Why I miss?
[17:26] <Raiku> When I miss?
[17:26] <Raiku> How I miss?
[17:28] <NachoMan>
[17:31] <NachoMan> okay homework
[17:31] <NachoMan> byeeeeeeeeeee
[17:31] * NachoMan ([email protected]) Quit ( "Goodbye cruel world" )
[17:31] * NOID ([email protected]) Quit ( "Everybody! Everybody!" )
[17:40] * HSB150 ([email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) )
[17:47] * Heimstern (i=72f0445b@wikipedia/Heimstern) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[17:48] * Badstar ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[17:49] <Raiku> Hey Badstar.
[17:50] <Heimstern> Haldo, Raiku (even though you weren't talking to me, I know).
[17:50] <Raiku> Hey Heimstern
[17:52] * Brooksie|sport ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[17:52] * Brooksie|sport is now known as Brooksie
[18:04] <Brooksie> CHRISTIAN
[18:04] <Brooksie> IS
[18:04] * HSB150 ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[18:04] <Brooksie> BACK
[18:04] <Brooksie> CHRISTIAN
[18:04] <Brooksie> IS
[18:04] <Brooksie> BACK
[18:05] <Raiku> wha?
[18:05] <The_Mu> SHADY'S
[18:05] <Brooksie> wrestling <_<
[18:05] <The_Mu> BACK
[18:05] <The_Mu> BACK
[18:05] <The_Mu> AGAIN
[18:05] <Brooksie> should i tell a friend?
[18:05] * HSB150 is now known as Guest25186
[18:09] [Clamburger PHP-iRC Reply] : v2.2.1 [04/08/06] by Manick (visit to download)
[18:09] [Clamburger Running Reply] : Modules: [Clambot 1.11] [Seen Mod 0.1]
[18:10] <Raiku> Heimstern, you are a wikipedia admin?
[18:10] <Heimstern> Yes, I am.
[18:10] [The_Mu electric Reply] : version
[18:10] <Raiku> I was a rollback.
[18:10] <Heimstern> Was?
[18:11] <Raiku> I got it tooken away fro reverting good faith that I THOUGHT was vandalizm.
[18:11] <Heimstern> Oops.
[18:11] <Heimstern> What's your username there, "Raiku" or something different?
[18:11] <Raiku> Raiku Lucifer Samiyaza.
[18:12] <Raiku> RAiku is taken.
[18:12] <The_Mu> RA
[18:12] <The_Mu> RESIDENT ACTION
[18:14] * TheDenzel ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[18:14] <TheDenzel> hola
[18:14] <Raiku> Hey Denz.
[18:14] <Heimstern> Lolrollback.jpg
[18:14] <Raiku> Boa Tarde
[18:14] <Brooksie> THEDENZEL
[18:14] <Brooksie> HELLO
[18:14] <TheDenzel> Anyone here watch Dan Brown on youtube?
[18:14] <Brooksie> no;-;
[18:14] <Raiku> I've seen that.
[18:14] <TheDenzel> He's amazing
[18:15] <Raiku> Pretty funny cat. Rollback.
[18:15] <TheDenzel> One of the best on youtube
[18:15] <Heimstern> Yay cats.
[18:15] <TheDenzel> But anyway, yesterday I sent him an email asking if he'd do another video contest
[18:15] <TheDenzel> And then today.... VIOLA!
[18:15] <TheDenzel> VIDEO CONTEST
[18:15] <Brooksie> :O
[18:16] <TheDenzel> Also, I told this guy called the WiiViewr that his channel looked like crap compared to how good his vids are
[18:16] <Heimstern> Now just try to get Strong Bad to answer an email of yours.
[18:16] <TheDenzel> and then....
[18:16] <TheDenzel> VIOLA!
[18:16] <Heimstern> Or Homestar, maybe.
[18:16] <TheDenzel> His channel is changed!
[18:16] <Raiku> On the wuw, they deleted LOLcats I uploaded because they are "Commumisim"
[18:16] <TheDenzel> They are
[18:16] <Brooksie> i told thedenzel i hate him
[18:16] <Brooksie> and tomorrow
[18:16] <Brooksie> he'll be dead
[18:16] <Heimstern> Umm, it's "Voila". "Viola" is a string instrument.
[18:16] <Brooksie> >:|
[18:17] <TheDenzel> :(
[18:17] <The_Mu> <Raiku> On the wuw, they deleted LOLcats I uploaded because they are "Commumisim"
[18:17] <The_Mu> .....
[18:17] <Brooksie> im sorry i love you ;-;
[18:17] <TheDenzel> Raiku, lolcats do not belong on the wuw
[18:17] <The_Mu> wait for it
[18:17] <Brooksie> The_Mu: ..............................................
[18:17] <The_Mu> WAIT FOR IT
[18:17] <TheDenzel> It sucks enough already
[18:17] <The_Mu> WELCOME TO 2005
[18:17] <TheDenzel> LolCats were never funny
[18:17] <TheDenzel> ever
[18:18] <The_Mu> TheDenzel: approve
[18:18] <Heimstern> They're funny to this day, so there.
[18:18] <The_Mu> hey heimstern why don't you stumble in upon your mom and sister checking ICHC
[18:18] <Raiku> I have a whole gallery on my Wikipedia userpage.
[18:18] <The_Mu> and then say they're still funny
[18:18] <Raiku> ICHC?
[18:18] <Brooksie> kittie :3
[18:19] <Heimstern> Well, seeing that I check ICHC every time I can, I can't imagine it would be a big deal.
[18:19] <TheDenzel> :DRY:\
[18:19] <Brooksie> :WALL:
[18:19] <The_Mu> oh god not you too
[18:19] <The_Mu> hey we're the creators of ichc
[18:19] <Heimstern> I don't know that God does, no.
[18:19] <The_Mu> we just ruined lolcats what are we going to do next
[18:19] <Brooksie> ruin politics and dogs
[18:19] <The_Mu> oh let's move on to fail shall we
[18:20] <Raiku> loldogs
[18:20] <Brooksie> I HAS A HOT DOG
[18:20] <TheDenzel> Mu, fails are still pretty funny
[18:20] <TheDenzel> If they're any good
[18:20] <Brooksie> inb4 stopsayingfail
[18:20] <TheDenzel> fail
[18:21] <TheDenzel>
[18:21] <TheDenzel> ahahahaha
[18:22] <Heimstern> Well, I'm off now. Byes.
[18:23] <Raiku> Bye.
[18:23] <Raiku> Where?
[18:23] <Raiku> To?
[18:23] <Brooksie> china
[18:23] <Heimstern> Back to Guangzhou.
[18:23] <Brooksie> Heimstern: later brah
[18:23] <Raiku> Bye.
[18:23] <Heimstern> I'm in Beijing now.
[18:23] <Brooksie> tell whoever you meet that brooks says hey hey heyy
[18:23] <Raiku> Boa Notie.
[18:24] <Raiku> *Noite
[18:24] * Heimstern (i=72f0445b@wikipedia/Heimstern) Quit ( Client Quit )
[18:24] <TheDenzel> alright
[18:24] * Guest25186 is now known as HSB150
[18:24] <TheDenzel> g'night
[18:24] * TheDenzel ([email protected]) Quit ( "Everybody! Everybody!" )
[18:25] <Brooksie> ;-;
[18:25] <Brooksie> good night sweet prince
[18:25] <HSB150> i'm here now
[18:25] <Brooksie> !seen NachoMan
[18:25] <Clamburger> Brooksie, I last saw NachoMan 55 min 36 sec ago quitting: "Goodbye cruel world".
[18:26] <Brooksie> ..................;-;
[18:26] <HSB150> yeah, he left
[18:26] <Brooksie> !seen Bluebry
[18:26] <Clamburger> Brooksie, I last saw Bluebry 19 days 2 hours 17 min 33 sec ago quitting: Nick collision from services..
[18:26] <Brooksie> ..................................;-;
[18:26] <HSB150> he never came
[18:26] <Brooksie> !seen ImmanuelKant
[18:26] <Brooksie> ;-;
[18:26] <Brooksie> okay done
[18:26] <HSB150> i'm here though
[18:26] <Brooksie> yay
[18:26] <HSB150> don't be so weepy with me
[18:26] <HSB150> that's rude to me
[18:26] <Brooksie> ;-;
[18:26] <HSB150> amirite?
[18:27] <Brooksie> sure
[18:27] <HSB150> yeah
[18:27] <HSB150> sure
[18:29] <The_Mu> !seen John_Galt
[18:29] <Brooksie> The_Mu: this is fun, communicating through someone else
[18:29] <The_Mu> !seen John_Galt
[18:29] <The_Mu> !seen John_Galt
[18:29] <The_Mu> !seen John_Galt
[18:29] <The_Mu> !seen John_Galt
[18:29] <The_Mu> !stupid The_Mu
[18:30] <HSB150> we gotta see if sam'll put that back in
[18:30] <The_Mu> !seen John_Galt
[18:30] <HSB150> stupid
[18:30] <HSB150> i meant
[18:30] <Raiku> !seen let's talk in seens
[18:30] --Clamburger-- I haven't seen that user do anything before.
[18:30] <Raiku> !seen Bluebry
[18:30] <Clamburger> Raiku, I last saw Bluebry 19 days 2 hours 22 min 26 sec ago quitting: Nick collision from services..
[18:31] <Raiku> WAH
[18:31] <Raiku> WEH
[18:31] <The_Mu> weh
[18:31] <Brooksie> Weh.
[18:31] <Raiku> !seen weh
[18:31] --Clamburger-- I haven't seen that user do anything before.
[18:31] * The_Mu is now known as Weh
[18:31] <Weh> Weh.
[18:31] <Raiku> !seen Im_a_Bell
[18:31] --Clamburger-- I haven't seen that user do anything before.
[18:31] * Weh is now known as The_Mu
[18:31] <Raiku> !seen Imabell
[18:31] --Clamburger-- I haven't seen that user do anything before.
[18:31] <Raiku> !seen Bell
[18:31] --Clamburger-- I haven't seen that user do anything before.
[18:31] <Brooksie> bell doesnt come on here lol
[18:31] <Raiku> !seen Chaosvii7
[18:31] --Clamburger-- I haven't seen that user do anything before.
[18:32] <Raiku> !seen Chaos
[18:32] --Clamburger-- I haven't seen that user do anything before.
[18:32] <Brooksie> same
[18:32] <Raiku> !Seen LemonDemon43
[18:32] --Clamburger-- I haven't seen that user do anything before.
[18:32] <Raiku> !seen Lemon_Demon43
[18:32] --Clamburger-- I haven't seen that user do anything before.
[18:32] <Raiku> !seen THeCheese
[18:32] <Clamburger> Raiku, I last saw TheCheese 8 days 2 hours 18 min 29 sec ago joining a channel.
[18:33] <Raiku> 8 days?
[18:33] <Brooksie> lolololol
[18:33] <Brooksie> that thecheese is such a loser
[18:33] <HSB150> !seen cheesynacho
[18:33] <Raiku> !seen Dot_Com
[18:33] <Clamburger> Raiku, I last saw Dot_com 66 days 23 hours 24 min 27 sec ago parting a channel.
[18:33] <Raiku> 66
[18:33] <Raiku> 666
[18:33] <Brooksie> hes obviously the devil
[18:33] <Raiku> PURGE
[18:33] <Raiku> !purge
[18:34] <Clamburger> 172:02:22:08
[18:34] <Raiku> 172
[18:34] <Raiku> !help
[18:34] <Raiku> !clamburger help
[18:34] --Clamburger-- Commands for the Clambot:
[18:34] --Clamburger-- * !purge
[18:34] --Clamburger-- * !space
[18:34] --Clamburger-- * !bandwidth
[18:34] --Clamburger-- * !seen <user>
[18:34] --Clamburger-- * !image <image name>
[18:34] --Clamburger-- End of command list.
[18:34] <Raiku> !clamburger help seen
[18:34] --Clamburger-- Commands for the Clambot:
[18:34] --Clamburger-- * !purge
[18:34] --Clamburger-- * !space
[18:34] --Clamburger-- * !bandwidth
[18:34] --Clamburger-- * !seen <user>
[18:34] --Clamburger-- * !image <image name>
[18:34] --Clamburger-- End of command list.
[18:34] [Clamburger PHP-iRC Reply] : v2.2.1 [04/08/06] by Manick (visit to download)
[18:34] [Clamburger Running Reply] : Modules: [Clambot 1.11] [Seen Mod 0.1]
[18:35] <Brooksie> !clamburger poop
[18:35] <Brooksie> get it lol
[18:38] ->> Attempting to join #hrwiki-fanstuff-forum
[18:39] <The_Mu> no
[18:39] <Brooksie> well never mind
[18:39] <The_Mu> do people order clamburger's patties
[18:40] <Brooksie> yes
[18:42] <Raiku> #ewiki it's like this one but for EWiki.
[18:42] ->> Attempting to join #ewiki
[18:46] * Nachobragers ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[18:46] <HSB150> nacho
[18:46] <HSB150> now brooksie's not as sad, right?
[18:47] * Nachobragers is now known as NachoMan
[18:48] <Brooksie> :D
[18:49] <HSB150> see?
[18:49] <HSB150> told you
[18:49] <HSB150> now you two argue about your interests again
[18:49] <HSB150> :P
[18:49] <Brooksie> i love nachoman ;-;
[18:49] <NachoMan> <3
[18:52] * Jicem ([email protected]) Quit ( "You haven't seen the last of me" )
[18:58] * Theyellowdart ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[18:58] <Raiku> Hey, haven't seen you.
[18:59] <Raiku> Hi Tyd
[18:59] <Theyellowdart> Raiku?
[18:59] <Theyellowdart> Have we met?
[18:59] <HSB150> TYD
[18:59] <HSB150> soup?
[18:59] <Theyellowdart> tomato.
[18:59] <HSB150> :P
[18:59] <Theyellowdart> EVERYONE CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE
[18:59] <HSB150> i gotta tell almsie that one
[19:00] <HSB150> i know
[19:00] <Raiku> You introduced me when I was Gavino on the Hrwiki.
[19:00] <HSB150> i'm freinds remember?
[19:00] <Theyellowdart> Gavino, I remember you
[19:00] <HSB150> yeah
[19:00] <Theyellowdart> I know you, hsb.
[19:00] <HSB150> he's had 2 name changes since then
[19:00] <Raiku> Sylar, then Raiku
[19:00] <Theyellowdart> cooooooooool
[19:01] <HSB150> yep
[19:01] <HSB150> and it looks like they redirect, too
[19:01] <HSB150> i still have gavino/sig on my cool people
[19:09] * Theyellowdart ([email protected]) Quit ( "Everybody! Everybody!" )
[19:13] <HSB150> i'm gonna go, too
[19:13] <HSB150> bye
[19:13] <Brooksie> see ya man
[19:15] * HSB150 is now known as HSB150|sleep
[19:15] <HSB150|sleep> as if peer won't disconnect me anyway
[19:16] <The_Mu> pee-er
[19:16] <Brooksie> i see what you did there
[19:16] <Brooksie> one who pees lol
[19:19] <HSB150|sleep> hey
[19:19] <HSB150|sleep> bluebry's online according to ms
[19:19] <Brooksie> he might be <_<
[19:28] * stux|away (n=stux|[email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[19:29] * stux (n=stux|[email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) )
[19:31] <Raiku> he's doing homework. But he's on.
[19:32] ->> Bluebry is away: homework
[19:32] <Raiku> He's leaving/
[19:32] * Spyrox6 ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[19:32] <Spyrox6> Hallo
[19:32] <Spyrox6> {Echo}
[19:32] <Brooksie> salut
[19:35] <Spyrox6> Tommy, can you hear me
[19:37] <NachoMan> bye bye
[19:37] * NachoMan ([email protected]) Quit ( "wub" )
[19:49] <Spyrox6> ;_;
[19:50] <Brooksie> i miss them
[19:50] <Spyrox6> I miss you, I miss youuuuuuu
[19:50] <Brooksie> its true i miss him
[20:06] <Brooksie> thanks raikz
[20:07] <Raiku> what?
[20:07] <Brooksie> [Raiku VERSION]
[20:07] <Raiku> I didn't.
[20:07] <Raiku> I just user infoed you.
[20:07] <Raiku> like this
[20:07] <Brooksie> it said you did twice lol
[20:07] <Brooksie> yep again lololol
[20:07] [The_Mu electric Reply] : version
[20:07] <Brooksie> i dont really mind go for it champ
[20:08] <Raiku> Where's Super Sam he is susposed to be here right now.
[20:08] <Brooksie> i dunno
[20:08] <Brooksie> probably missing me somewhere
[20:13] <Raiku> Captain Planet, he's our hero, taking pollution down to zero!
[20:14] <Brooksie> earth
[20:14] <Brooksie> wind
[20:14] <Brooksie> fire
[20:14] <Brooksie> water
[20:14] <Brooksie> and heart
[20:17] <Raiku> The power is YOURS!
[20:17] <Brooksie> :D
[20:31] <Brooksie> anybody still here
[20:32] <Raiku> yes
[20:33] <Brooksie> go you
[20:33] * Brooksie gives Raiku a star
[20:34] * Tom39Away ([email protected]) Quit ( Excess Flood )
[20:35] * Tom39Away ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[20:36] <Raiku> TOM FLOODED?
[20:38] <Brooksie> nope
[20:38] <Brooksie> oh look at that
[20:38] <Raiku> what?
[20:40] <Raiku> what?
[20:42] <Spyrox6> raggle fraggle
[20:43] * ShadowScythe2X ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[20:43] <Raiku> SCYTHE
[20:44] <ShadowScythe2X> SPY
[20:47] <Brooksie> my sentry
[20:47] <Brooksie> it has been sapped ;-;
[20:48] <ShadowScythe2X> hooray
[20:51] <Badstar> Hey, guys! Guess what? I'm not one of those guys who goes to a chat and doesn't say anything!
[20:51] * HSB150|sleep ([email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) )
[20:51] <ShadowScythe2X> WHAT'S WRONG WITH NON-TALKIES
[20:52] <Badstar> A LOT OF THANGS
[20:52] <Brooksie> DON'T NON-TALKIES
[20:53] <Badstar> EARTH
[20:53] <Badstar> WIND
[20:53] <Badstar> FIEW
[20:54] <Badstar> WATER
[20:54] <Badstar> RANDOMNESS
[20:54] <Badstar> See?
[20:54] <Badstar> *fire
[20:54] <Raiku> CAPTAIN PLANET
[20:54] <Badstar> EARTH
[20:54] <Raiku> HE'S OUR HERO
[20:54] <Badstar> WIND
[20:54] <Badstar> WATER
[20:54] <Badstar> FIRE
[20:54] <Badstar> OBJECTION!
[20:54] <ShadowScythe2X> DON'T FIVE ELEMENTS
[20:55] <ShadowScythe2X> THERE ARE FOUR ALONE
[20:55] <Raiku> THE POWER IS YOURS!
[20:55] <Badstar> EARTH
[20:55] <Badstar> WIND
[20:55] <Badstar> FIRE
[20:55] <Badstar> WATER
[20:55] <Badstar> CHEESE
[20:56] <Badstar> "I know how we're gonna defeat the heartless! We'll combine all our powers TO CREATE... Captain Planet." - Axel, ORG XIII Dub
[20:58] <Raiku> Captain Xemnas
[20:58] <ShadowScythe2X> CAPTAIN XOSHWAD
[20:58] <ShadowScythe2X> GASP
[20:59] <ShadowScythe2X> AM I COOL WITH THE THIRD GEN YET
[20:59] <Raiku> NO UNLESS YOU SAY THIRD GENS ARE BETTER THAN SECOND GEN (except for NachoMan and TheCheese)
[21:00] <Raiku> !seen _20eric06_
[21:00] <Clamburger> Raiku, I last saw _20eric06_ 28 days 8 hours 2 min 21 sec ago parting a channel.
[21:00] <Raiku> THEN NEVER
[21:00] <Badstar> HOLY CRAP, THAT WAS COOL
[21:00] <Raiku> What?
[21:00] <Badstar> RAIKU HOW DID YOU DO THAT
[21:00] <Raiku> !seen user
[21:00] --Clamburger-- I haven't seen that user do anything before.
[21:01] <Raiku> for everything you can do, type !clamburger help
[21:01] <Badstar> !seen_Badstar_
[21:01] <ShadowScythe2X> besides the second gen is so diverse and subgrouped that it cannot be plopped into one category
[21:01] <Raiku> !clamburger help
[21:01] --Clamburger-- Commands for the Clambot:
[21:01] --Clamburger-- * !purge
[21:01] --Clamburger-- * !space
[21:01] --Clamburger-- * !bandwidth
[21:01] --Clamburger-- * !seen <user>
[21:01] --Clamburger-- * !image <image name>
[21:01] --Clamburger-- End of command list.
[21:01] <ShadowScythe2X> the same with third gens actually
[21:01] <ShadowScythe2X> the entire concept of generations is pretty much defunct
[21:01] <Badstar> !seen_Sephiroth
[21:01] <Badstar> DAMN
[21:02] <Badstar> THIS ISN'T COOL
[21:02] <ShadowScythe2X> anyone who still uses them is obviously grasping for attention
[21:02] <The_Mu> .....
[21:02] <Badstar> ITS UNCOOL
[21:02] <The_Mu> ShadowScythe2X: ;_;
[21:02] <Raiku> !seen Seph_H_Roth
[21:02] <Clamburger> Raiku, I last saw Seph_H_Roth 8 hours 27 min 12 sec ago quitting: "ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.6/2009011913]".
[21:03] <Raiku> Not everyone does certain names, and don't put the _ things all the time.
[21:03] <Brooksie> i love seconds gens
[21:04] <Brooksie> third gens smell
[21:04] <Raiku> Except for me.
[21:04] <Brooksie> did you shower
[21:04] <Raiku> And Bluebry
[21:04] <Brooksie> did you shower
[21:04] <Brooksie> did you shower
[21:05] <Badstar> i doubt it
[21:06] <Raiku> Bluebry is cool.
[21:06] <Spyrox6> Oh, hey it's scythe
[21:06] <Badstar> did YOU shower? DID YA, BROOKIE!?
[21:07] <Raiku> *Brooksie
[21:07] <ShadowScythe2X> HELLO SPYROX
[21:07] <Spyrox6> Wait, Scythe, wasn't I the first to say that the concept of gens were dumb?
[21:08] <Brooksie> Badstar: this morning ;-;
[21:08] <ShadowScythe2X> POSSIBLY
[21:08] <Raiku> Every sunday for me. 
[21:08] * Phlip ([email protected]) Quit ( )
[21:08] * Clamburger ([email protected]) Quit ( )
[21:08] <Brooksie> Spyrox6: im sure a lot of people did
[21:08] <Badstar> HAHA I DOUBT IT
[21:08] <Brooksie> also netsplit
[21:08] <Badstar> OOOOOOOOOH, BURN
[21:08] <Brooksie> SUPER SAM SUCKS
[21:08] <Brooksie> SUPER SAM SUCKS
[21:08] <Brooksie> SUPER SAM SUCKS
[21:08] <Brooksie> SUPER SAM SUCKS
[21:08] <Brooksie> SUPER SAM SUCKS
[21:08] <Brooksie> SUPER SAM SUCKS
[21:08] <Brooksie> SUPER SAM SUCKS
[21:08] <Brooksie> SUPER SAM SUCKS
[21:08] <Brooksie> SUPER SAM SUCKS
[21:08] <Brooksie> poop
[21:08] <ShadowScythe2X> brooksie you fail
[21:08] <Brooksie> ;-;
[21:08] * Phlip ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[21:08] * Clamburger ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[21:08] <Badstar> at life
[21:08] <Badstar> and internet
[21:08] <Brooksie> ;-;
[21:08] <Badstar> and cookies
[21:09] * Brooksie goes and gets an actual life
[21:09] <Badstar> In fact... YOU LOSE THE INTERNET
[21:09] <Brooksie> i just lost the game
[21:09] <ShadowScythe2X> darnit super sam
[21:09] <ShadowScythe2X> er
[21:09] <ShadowScythe2X> darnit brooksie
[21:09] <Badstar> HAHAHA- aw crap me too
[21:09] <Brooksie> got dang it bobby
[21:10] <Badstar> i sell propane and propane accesories
[21:10] <Brooksie> i have a narrow urethra
[21:10] <Spyrox6> I've been dying to tell the game joke with the two cows to everyone in my class.
[21:10] <Brooksie> oh man
[21:11] <ShadowScythe2X> heh I remember that
[21:11] <ShadowScythe2X> I actually told it to someone this one time
[21:11] <ShadowScythe2X> they were like "... ... ... DANGIT [scythe]"
[21:11] <Spyrox6> They were pissed, probably.
[21:11] <Spyrox6> SO A HORSE WALKS INTO A BAR
[21:11] <Badstar> AND HE SAYS "HEY IM A HORSE"
[21:12] <Spyrox6> and then the horse replies
[21:12] <Badstar> "IM A HORSE DUMBASS"
[21:12] <ShadowScythe2X> language
[21:12] <Brooksie> language i am sad now
[21:12] <Spyrox6> "My wife was just diagnosed with terminal cancer."
[21:12] <Badstar> CRAP
[21:12] <Brooksie> Spyrox6: i believe the comic said multiple sclerosis
[21:12] <Badstar> Sorry about that guys. I thought this was the WUW chat.
[21:12] <Brooksie> i mean what
[21:13] <Brooksie> #wuw
[21:13] <The_Mu> is long dead
[21:13] <Spyrox6> If this was the wuw, then dear old scythe wouldn't be here.
[21:13] ->> Attempting to join #wuw
[21:13] * Super_Sam ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[21:13] <Spyrox6> dead
[21:13] <Spyrox6> dead
[21:13] <Raiku> FINNALY
[21:14] <Brooksie> the rock
[21:14] <Brooksie> HAS COME BACK
[21:14] <Brooksie> TO CHICAGO
[21:14] <Spyrox6> He's been camping out for you, waiting all day.
[21:14] <Spyrox6> THE DOORS OPEN
[21:14] <Spyrox6> GUTSMANS BUTT
[21:14] <Badstar> ITS GUTSMAN
[21:15] <ShadowScythe2X>
[21:15] <Badstar> DRAMATIC MUSIC
[21:15] <Raiku> STARMAN
[21:15] <ShadowScythe2X> this is by far my favorite earworm
[21:15] <Badstar> CHEESEMAN
[21:15] ->> Attempting to join #JUB
[21:15] [Phlip VERSION Reply] : xchat 2.8.6 Ubuntu
[21:16] <Badstar> LAWYERMAN
[21:16] <Raiku> STANMAN"
[21:16] <Spyrox6> wait, no wonder Gutsman's butt became sort of a meme....
[21:16] <Badstar> POOPMAN...?
[21:16] <Spyrox6> it was made by the guy who made that >9000 thing.
[21:16] <Raiku> GODOTMAN
[21:17] <Badstar> ITS OVER 9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000! ...I mean 9000.
[21:17] <ShadowScythe2X> what the heck is this meme
[21:17] <Spyrox6> No
[21:17] <ShadowScythe2X> I have never heard of it
[21:17] <Brooksie> okay bedtime
[21:17] <Raiku> both mine and chaos' edits are over 9000
[21:17] <Brooksie> oh u
[21:17] <Spyrox6> I WOULD
[21:17] <Raiku> bye
[21:17] <Super_Sam> Yep, this conversation is only going downhill from here
[21:17] * Super_Sam ([email protected]) Quit ( Client Quit )
[21:17] <Raiku> boa noite
[21:17] <Spyrox6> BUT WHEN I SAID BUTT
[21:17] <ShadowScythe2X> okay then
[21:18] <ShadowScythe2X>
[21:18] * Brooksie ([email protected]) has left #hrwiki-fanstuff ("the game")
[21:18] <Spyrox6> IT'S ONLY IN THE TITLE
[21:18] <ShadowScythe2X> DON'T SWEARS
[21:18] <Spyrox6> ONLY IN THE TITLE
[21:19] <ShadowScythe2X> DON'T SWEARS
[21:20] <Badstar> OBJECTION!
[21:20] <ShadowScythe2X> OVERRULED
[21:20] <ShadowScythe2X> DON'T SWEARS
[21:20] <Badstar> Objection isn't a swe-
[21:20] <Raiku> USERBOX IDEA: THE WORDS RAIKU ARE IN THE LEFT CORNER AND IT SAYS "This user has been blocked many times, is a reverter, and is an annoying brat."
[21:20] <Badstar> I SAY YES
[21:22] <Raiku> !seen Bardhast
[21:22] <Clamburger> Raiku, I last saw Bardhast 33 days 0 hours 8 min 14 sec ago quitting: "ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]".
[21:22] <Badstar> Dear god, thats cool
[21:22] * ShadowScythe2X jumps off the cliff
[21:22] * ShadowScythe2X ([email protected]) has left #hrwiki-fanstuff ()
[21:23] <Raiku> good night.
[21:23] <Raiku> Boa noite
[21:23] ->> You are now known as Raiku|Sleep
[21:24] <Badstar> Just you and me now, Dragonman.
[21:24] <Badstar> I mean Spyro.
[21:25] <Raiku|Sleep> I am here.
[21:25] <Raiku|Sleep> Mu lurks.
[21:25] <Badstar> THEN WHY ARE YOU ASLEEP
[21:25] <Raiku|Sleep> I going to bed soon.
[21:26] <Spyrox6> On a ham sandwich
[21:26] <Spyrox6> On a ham sandwich
[21:26] <Spyrox6> On a hamham sandwich
[21:26] <Spyrox6> a hamham sandwich
[21:26] <Spyrox6> a hamham sandsandwich
[21:26] <Spyrox6> On a Sandwich
[21:27] <Spyrox6> JJJJJJJJJJJ
[21:27] <Spyrox6> J J J J JJ JJ J J J JJ J J
[21:27] <Badstar> SAMMICH
[21:30] <Spyrox6> houuuuuuuuuuuuuuse
[21:31] <Badstar> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[21:32] <Spyrox6>
[21:32] <Spyrox6> Clinically Obese Super Mario Bros
[21:34] * ShadowScythe2X ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[21:34] <ShadowScythe2X>'s_Escape/Episode_1
[21:35] <ShadowScythe2X> I'm going to require you all to read this.
[21:37] <The_Mu> no
[21:37] <Spyrox6> Why does Super Sam, Joshua, and you live together?
[21:37] <Spyrox6> IN TEH SAME HOUSE?
[21:37] <ShadowScythe2X> who the heck said we lived together
[21:38] <Spyrox6> The story in that link implies it
[21:39] <ShadowScythe2X> what if we're all just over at super sam's house or something
[21:41] <Spyrox6> Because everybody knows that if you're over someone's house, it's quite rude to make sandwiches while hosts rifle through their fridge.
[21:44] <The_Mu> Also keep in mind that you're staying over at this kid's house Sam.JPG
[21:44] <The_Mu> Mommy told me not to hang out with kids like this.
[21:45] <The_Mu> super sam i am only kidding you are a strapping young lad :3
[21:45] <Spyrox6> Ha, Super Sam as a greaser.
[21:47] <Spyrox6> That picture is giving me hilarious thoughts.
[21:50] <ShadowScythe2X> PREOW
[21:51] * ShadowScythe2X ([email protected]) has left #hrwiki-fanstuff ()
[21:52] <Spyrox6> I HAVE TO GO TOO
[21:52] * Spyrox6 ([email protected]) Quit ( "ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008092414]" )
[21:53] <Badstar> ....BADSTAR AWAY
[21:53] * Badstar ([email protected]) Quit ( Client Quit )
[21:54] * Super_Sam ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff
[21:54] * Super_Sam ([email protected]) Quit ( Client Quit )
[23:02] * Phlip ([email protected]) Quit ( Client Quit )
[23:03] * Phlip ([email protected]) has joined #HRWiki-fanstuff