(even if you aren't vegan)
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Latest revision as of 23:53, 5 June 2009
{Lemon wakes up in his bed to Cow Puncher pointing a quadruple barrel rifle at his face}
COW: Off!
'LEMON: {Thinking} How pinpoint...
COW: {Thinking} I feel so unbrave... Should I tell him I recomend vans?
LEMON: {Thinking} I love vans.
COW: I'm afraid, Lemon, you're time is up.
{Lemon springs up and kicks Cow in the face}
COW: What the parsley fruit?
{Lemon grabs the gun}
LEMON: Cow, your time is up.
{When Lemon pulls the trigger, Cow disappears}
{Cow roundhouse kicks lemon}
COW: I'm... nearby
{Cow steals the rifle and shoots, missing Lemon by an inch}
LEMON: Your time is up.
{Lemon sprints, hands in front of him, and reaches into Cow's chest to grab his heart. He takes it out and eats it}
COW: I'm nearby...
{Cow, before dying eats Lemon's foot off}
COW: I'm nearby...
{fade to a black screen. An unharmed Cow is there}
COW: Canadians say "Zed"
{Sound effect, a shooting star with a rainbow as it's tail with "The more you know" on top}
LEMON: {Off screen} How /b/.