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Revision as of 15:01, 26 April 2008

ANNOUUNCER: Here today is the next best thing. Day 2 of the Battel circuit! In the right corner, we have the foreign man from foriegn lands... Im A Bell! And in the left, Chaos, recovered from yesterdays nights great Battel against Kanjiro! Who will win the second round? Tune in to find out!

CHAOS: Let me start. {Chaos summons the Devil's Throne and charges red electricity along the palm, then flings him into the air while the energies of the electrocution still hurt him, then he teleports in back of him and drives him into the ground.}

IM A BELL: Thank you for killing me. NOW MY REAL POWER WILL BE UNLEASHED! Oh, and, Bling, Plan PP!

{Bling appears. He transforms into Professional Patch. Im a bell inverts}


LL E BAMI: Mwa-ha-ha-haaaa!!! You can NEVER defeat the anti-bell duo! Negative Churchbell DEEEEEEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{Ll e bami deuces Chaos. A backward chime is heard}

CHAOS: Courtesy of Kanjiro! {Chaos turns into black ash, which wraps around Bami, strangling and chocking him}

LL E BAMI: I am anti! So, like {yakov smirnoff voice} Soviet Russia, {normal} I strangle you! Oh, and, Patch, do something... serious... to him.

P. PATCH: FACE MY SERIOUSNESS!!!!!! I'm angry!!!!!!!!!!! Kopatch fusion!

{P. Patch grows wings and his hair lengthens. Then, thousands of Kopatches attach to him and forms a giant Don Patch Robot}

PATCH ROBOT: Sugoi Patchi Mode! Sugoi Patchi Thunder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{Sugoi Patchi summons red button lightning which electrocutes Ash-Chaos}

CHAOS: {sarcastically} Ouch. That hurt A LOT. {Chaos reforms} you don't wanna get me angry! {Chaos chrages his fist} NOVA!!! {Chaos hits LL E BAMI and he is shot back and forth inside a small field and is damaged with each strike}

{Chaos charges his fist with more energy than before}

LL E BAMI & SUGOI PATCHI: Supra Jibney Fusion!!!!!

{ll and Sugoi Patch fuse into a gigantic optimus prime that has Sugoi Patch's head}


{Watashi Wa Patchi preforms SS3 Goku's Dragon Fist on Chaos}

CHAOS: {teleports} you have nothing against me! SUPERNOVA!!! {Chaos preforms an attack like the first nova, except the dome is bigger and LLSP take more damage at a faster rate.} You can't stop my assault. I always hit, and well, I always can find the way around things.

{Chaos constantly teleports too fast for LLSP's swift eyes}

WATASHI WA PATCHI: Semi-Pure form! Components, INVERT!

{Watashi Wa Patchi becomes an all gold optimus prime}


{Semi-pure Watashi deuces Chaos into the sun, casing it to explode and destroy the earth}

SEMI-PURE WATASHI: Hello? Look, I'm gonna transform into my final form. COMPONENTS! PURIFY!

{Semi-Pure Watashi transforms into a Golden SS Goku}

GOLDEN GOKU: Now I am Pure Watashi!

{Chaos snaps his fingers, and the red mist clears, showing a near-dead Gold Goku, kneeling in the center of the stage}

CHAOS: I love that power. Now, then. {Chaos teleports, and uses his third, biggest charge to make the biggest attack by far} AFRONOVA!!! {Gold Goku is shot in every direction, and is damaged more than 100 times the amount of both novas, leaving nothing but the normal Bell.}

IM A BELL: Cough! {sarcastically} Ow, that hurt! {normal} You don't get it do you? No matter what you do I only get stronger. The form you see me in now is not Im a bell. In fact...

{Im a bell's head shrinks, his arms, legs, and torso are replaced by the Golden Goku body}

IM A BELL/GOKU HYBRID: I lied! that form was actually Almost-Pure Watashi! Now, I am Pure Watashi! Purity Destruction.

{Pure Watashi self-destructs. the entire universe is destroyed. leaving behind a white void, Pure Watashi, and Chaos's dead body}

PURE WATASHI: If you would have stopped my self-destruction, the battel would still be on. But, now I must revert to my normal form. If I don't soon, my entire being will be replaced by-

{Pure Watashi implodes and is replaced by a red verion of himself with horns}

RED PURE WATASHI: -DEMON BELL!!!!!!! Get up, Chaos, this battel is still on!

{Demon Bell brings Chaos back to life}

CHAOS: Hold it. Time for a lesson. I NEVER DIE!!!!Never can, never will. Now, it's time to show what I can do. {Chaos splits into 5. All perform the zanmato sequence, except all 5 swords transform into a lagrger, black one.} BLACK ZANMATO!!! {The black Zanmato instantly kills demon bell permenantly. He's dead forever. Irrevirsible. End of subject. Pure Watashi appears from the smoke}

PURE WATASHI: Thank you. I will no longer live in fear of transforming into Demon Bell. This battel is won by you if you wish it. I am going to walk this void for the rest of eternity. Goodbye, kind sir. Oh, and, the next time we meet, I may be ten times as strong as I ever was before.

{Pure Watashi walks away. 1 million years later, he returns}

PURE WATASHI: Look, Chaos, counting this one, we got 6 more lines, and, Cow Puncher, DON'T YOU DARE BUTT INTO THE MIDDLE OF A BATTEL EVER AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME?????!!!!!

CHAOS: Let's finish this battel. Just you and me, Bell. I'll even let you give the first hit.

PURE WATASHI: Sure. Final Purity Destruction.

'{Uhh... I dunno, you try to explain it. Long story short, A lot of things are purified}

CHAOS: SOUL BANISHER TRANSFORMATION!!! {Chaos transforms into a tall, foggy, scythe-wielding shadow warrior clad in armor}

{Chaos swings his scythe at the pure Watashi. He's shot straight out of the ring, and Chaos returns to normal}

CHAOS: Now it's over.

ANNOUNCER: I do not believe it! Chaos just finished off Watashi in one swipe!!! And the winner is CHAOS!!!

CHAOS: At least my win/loss is evened out.


CHAOS: I'm sorry you lost, Bell, or Watashi. Which ever I beat. I want you to have this special pendant, which controls Watashi's Demon bell transformation. I'll give it to you in a userbox ASAP. You also get 600 ShadowPoints instead of 300. That was a climactic battel, I liked it. Now, I can ready the field for CP's battel soon. Play again and remember, you can compete against Kanjiro in a cup battel! Just let me know that before you do, if so.

IM A BELL: Thank you. Oh, and, I think I lost all of my power on that last attack. Oh wel. AT LEAST I GET TO STOP BEING IN THIS FRICKIN' CALM VOICE! YEEEEHAAW!!!!! I GONNA GO KILL SOME... Not... pigeons...

COW: Parsley fruit! I didn't stop you from breaking the Laws Of Physics!

IM A BELL: That is the power of Pure Watashi. I hope X66x66 wil hurry up and give me a base pic for it. (golden SS goku). Ah well, at least I got you to put Parsley Fruit somewhere.

IM A BELL: Grass what? I got images for Almost Pure, Pure, and Demon!!!

CHAOS: I noticed about an hour and a half ago.