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Twilight if the stick every bulimic person wants for Christmas to shove not down their throats, but up their asses, if you understand the vernacular.

Twilight is about a girl who falls in love with a vampire and goes on amazing adventures and gets pregnant with his baby and has to turn into a vampire also or die giving birth. Oh, and the vampires twinkle in sunlight or something. Anyways, it was short-lived, as after the first four books were written, the fifth, which was going to be from another person's perspective, was leaked, and canceled. If only we could've done that with the first four books(and maybe some Harry Potter). Well, it also has a movie series, only in two movies. The problem with it is that it's fanbase is all girls. This is literally the generic romantic fantasy that girls fall for that you'd hear about or see in some sort of kid's show revolving around an ordinary kid going to school with lots of crazy events happening to him. It also boldly goes where no vampire stereotypist has gone before; to the point where the vampires are so low as to be good in bed. Really. Twilight steals all of the pleasurable traits of being a mortal and makes you want to hang yourself with them. There may never be an end to the Twilight Wars. But if push comes to shove, the larger amount of males in our population will hopefully do something about this.

But should they?

That's right. Twilight is basically a race war waiting to happen. If they censor the book due to complaints from men, or just destroy them all together, then they'd technically be making a mini-holocaust, literally targeting the brunt of females. The women would retaliate and then try to enslave for men. This will repeat until there is less of any one population. The other race will then enslave the others, the oppressed race will die out before their time, and the remaining race will have nothing to breed with. As each dies, they get wiped out as well. And all we have to be remembered by, will most likely be re-writes of Twilight, which will cause MORE wars. That means that this book is a universal tool made to wipe out males AND females.

Hell, I could write a book about all of that and call it "The Twilightocaust".

...excuse me, as I leave you all with this poster:

Poster(NOTE: Contains Strong words and/or content.)