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Interview with Raiku

1. What does your username mean?

I was looking for an anime like name, and thought up Raiku.

2. If you were a mod, what would you do?

Ban every user I hate. :)

3. Do you eat pie?


4. Have you ever killed a man?

Yes. Now I have to kill you.

5. What are your favorite fanstuff?

Definalty JCMovies.

6. Have you taken or considered taking a break from wiking?

Yes, alot.

7. Have you ever wanted to commit suicide?


8. Red or blue?


9. Have you been banned?


10. Have you ever hacked?


11. Where did you find the wiki?


12. What are you currently doing- high school, college, job, prison, or retirement?

Prison. It's called 6th grade.

13. Where do you live (street address not required)?


14. When you wipe, do you crumple or neatly fold?

No comment.

15. Do you like Fanta? Would you describe it as delicious, orgasmic, or both? Do the bumps on the neck of the bottle excite you in any way?


16. Can Snapple bottles see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

Maybe. No one likes it anymore though.

17. Do you support Well?

Yes. Very Yes.

18. Why'd did you agree to this interview?

This is an example interview.

19. Are you boy or girl?


20. Paper, plastic, or the flesh of baby seals?


21. What is your favorite type of sandwich?


22. What's your opinion on Raiku?


23. Do you like apples?


24. Do you know who Bob Hogger is?


25. Do you enjoy the feeling of warm, sticky mollasses all over your chest?


26. Why is liberalism such a flawed ideology?

I don't think it's any more flawed than any other general ideology, but I've found most of its popular supporters are from our age group - meaning they're ideologues who have no ability to compromise for the better good, quick to dismiss presidents of all sorts, and are only somewhat informed. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. However, I have met some very admirable and intelligent libertarians.

27. What role did you play in the John F. Kennedy assassination?

I was the killer.

28. How much did the Pittsburgh Steelers pay the refs for support in Super Bowl XL?

I hate football.

29. How would you want to kill the Super Bowl XL refs: firing squad or hanging?

I hate football.

30. In general terms, are you for or against genocide?


31. How have you managed to avoid being caught by the FBI for your involvement in causing Hurricane Katrina?


32. Why is the ACLU more of a threat to America than Al-Queda?

That's being a bit... hyperbolic, but the ACLU does have a tendency to bring up the most random ass frivolous cases. Still, I think they're a vital part of American society.

33. When you look out your window, do you predict green peace or a post-apocalyptic nuclear radiation filled future?


34. How did Raggon come into being? MEh, just was thinking of a word.

35. Pizza or pie?


36. Burger King or Mcdonalds?

Burger King.

37. How much money did you get for your book?

What book?

38. If you had to choose one moderator, to de-mod, who would it be?

Definatly Dinoshaur. He abuses his power.

39. If you had to choose one sysop, to de-sysop, who would it be?

Super Sam. He's a wimp.

40. An army of zombies is rushing to you and you are surrounded by every weapon known to man. Which one do you choose to fend them off while preserving yourself?

A stick. They are effective.

41. How does it feel to be hated?


42. Do you like cheese?

Only if it's cooked somehow.

43. How active are you as a user?


44. On a scale of 1 to 10, how funny is "eabth"?

0, what is it?

45. Soda or Pop?


46. Do the mods get a good dental plan?

I don't know, ask a mod.

47. Have you ever given someone a backhand of justice across the face? If yes, what did that person do to deserve it?

Yes. My own.

48. Is being a hated user fulfilling?

The world may never know.

49. How many languages do you speak?

English, and a little portugeuse.

50. Can you see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

They don't.

51. Who do you like better? Robert Downey Jr. or Chuck Norris?

Robert Downey Jr.

52. Batman or Superman?


53. Favorite Movie?"

I Am Legend.

54. You like to dance close to the fire, don't you?


55. Why isn't trolling legal?

I don't know.

56. Do you ever get mad at users... Like, to the point where you'd want to quit?


57. Why are the Chuck Norris facts so damn lame, especially when compared to Robert Downey Jr?

Get out.

58. Sexuality?


59. What is the worst thing you've ever done?

Been born.

60. Do you crank Eye of the Tiger when you go through your queue?


61. What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Neither. The dinoshaur.

62. Why do you love wiking so much?


62. Is it true that being awarded modship often leads to dangerous drug addictions and high divorce rates?

I do not know.

63. Will you answer this question?


64. Do you like Super Sam?


65. How do you feel towards Jesus?

Satan's better.

66. Why do some users for fairly minor infractions get axed while others with repeated major infractions get banned repeatedly?

I don't know.

67. What are your political views?

I'm a Democratic.

68. Why don't you go jump off a building?

Okay! {Does so.}

69. What are your favorite games?

Sly Cooper, Super Mario 64, Ratchet & Clank, Banjo & Kazooie

70. What Legend of Zelda games have you played?

Legend of Zelda.

71. What are the benefits of being hated?

You are popular. :P

72. How can a fire exist in a place devoid of oxygen?

Simple, it finds another fuel to burn.

73. What do you do when not on the WUW?


74. How did you feel when you first got banned?


75. Are we going to get a Christmas present this year?


76. If you got a private wiki, what would you name it?


77. Who are you?

I don't know.

78. Have you lost possession of your car?


79. How many wikies would the wildebeest horde hoard if the wildebeest horde got bored?


80. Sonic or Mario?


81. What is your favorite TV show?


82. How many times can you fly around the world holding a 6-pack of beer?


83. If you could be anyone in the world (other than yourself - no wishywashy answers), who would you be?


84. Favorite bands/types of music?

Queen and the Beatles.

85. Do you watch Pokemon?

Hell no.

86. Who's the craziest user?

Probably me.

87. Do you like sports? If so which teams are your favorites?

Dodgers. Baseball.

88. How did you discover wikies?

My sister showed me wikipedia.

89. Best thing about WUW?

Diskspace to waste.

90. Favorite childhood memory?

None. I'm still a child.

91. Ninjas or Pirates?


92. (if Pirates) If you found some buried treasure, would you share it with your shipmates or would you squander it and scuttle the boat? (If Ninjas) While on a job, do you sneak around, killing off one guard at a time, or do you go Rambo and samurai sword all those around you? (If both, or neither) What is wrong with your brain?


93. Have you ever been walking down the street and just felt like you really needed to kill someone?

Yes, very often.

94. Vampires or werewolves?

Tough call. I'd have to say Werewolves.

95. Why did you sign up?

Already asked.