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Stan Stanley in the Morning: Rick Adamson

Rick and Stan talk about several things, like pop culture and such.


STAN: Welcome back, viewers all! It's Stan Stanley in the Morning, and I'm Stan Stanley. Today we've got an everyday man with experience in the wide world. Please welcome Rick Adamson!

{Rick walks in.}

RICK: Hello, Mr. Stanley.

STAN: Please, call me Stan! Now, Rick, what's been on your mind recently?

RICK: Well, not only that I am the only normal human where I live, but how Obama hasn't been assassainated by racists yet.

STAN: Well! That's always good to hear. So, tell me... whose side do you take: Republicans, Democrats, what?

RICK: I'm more of a libertarian, but if I had to pick between Obama and McCain, well.... then I'd pick McCain.

STAN: Really? Why is that?

RICK: Not only that Obama only won because Oprah voted for him and publicy announced it, but because McCain has some very strong reasons.

STAN: So, you think Obama's the media darling, hm? A lot of people have said that.

RICK: It's true. Infact, it's also probaly because whites vote mixed, but almost all blacks voted for Obama.