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== Transcript ==
== Transcript ==
''{On the coast of Somalia, there is a large warehouse, with several ships docked. The warehouse is heavily guarded by pirates, as the captain awaits a visitor. An arms dealer is arriving via caravan shortly with a large shipment. From a nearby cliff, Rift watches with binoculars.}''
'''RIFT:''' I need a headcount.
'''ICARUS:''' ''You fucking idiot, I'm not a wizard. There's no security cams in sight.''
'''RIFT:''' Well, fine, be that way.
''{Rift slides down the cliff, impaling a guard with his katanas, and warping him away before spotted. He silently approaches the warehouse, scales to the roof, and listens below. The caravan arrives, and the captain speaks.}''
'''CAPTAIN:''' Took you long enough, white man. Do you have the guns?
''{The dealer speaks with a British accent}''
'''???:''' Calm yer horses, I have your bloody guns. Do you have the cash?
''{The captain smirks, as a man walks forward with a briefcase. He opens it, revealing six uncut diamonds. The British man also smirks, as Rift slowly heads for a window.}''
'''???:''' Bring the guns forward, Sandy.
''{As a lanky man slowly walks forward with two large cases, Rift dives through the window, firing a crossbow bolt from his gauntlet directly into the captain's skull. He flies towards the man with the diamonds, impaling him with the katana. He turns around to look at the British man, and freezes.}''
'''RIFT:''' Jericho.
'''ICARUS:''' ''Rift? Rift? What's going on, Rift? Did you say Jericho?''
'''JERICHO:''' Been a while, Torao. Nice new duds you got on. Look pretty..expensive.
''{Jericho brushes his hand over his face, removing plaster, revealing hideous burn scars all over his face. He lowers his jacket sleeves, revealing burn marks all over his arms.}''
'''JERICHO:''' And I almost had you last time, to think.
'''RIFT:''' Well, I guess this reunion will have to be cut short. You're done tonight, Jericho.
''{Jericho smirks again. Suddenly, men barge into the warehouse, firing at Rift. Rift warps up to the rafters, firing machine gun rounds from his gauntlets.}''
'''ICARUS:''' ''RIFT? I hear gunfire, are you alright?''
'''RIFT:''' I'm fine, Icarus.
'''ICARUS:''' ''Oh, okay. Not like I was worried, or anything..''
''{Rift leaps from the balcony, slicing a goon in half, and then warps behind the next. He does this, until it's just him and Jericho. Sandy is cowering behind something somewhere. Rift is pretty injured, however. Jericho pulls out a gas lighter.}''
'''JERICHO:''' Play time is over, Torao. Night, night.
''{As Jericho goes to burn Torao, Torao fires a bullet at him. It easily misses, but sparks the gas. The lighter blows up in Jericho's hand, knocking him backwards, bleeding and burnt.}''
''{Rift approaches him, katana in hand. He doesn't move, struggling.}''
'''JERICHO:''' You have me in your grasp. COME ON, TORAO, KILL ME!
'''RIFT:''' No. I'm not like you.
''{Rift turns around, and Jericho laughs, going to lunge. Rift spins around, cutting Jericho's eye out, as he screams in pain. Rift then escapes, leaving Jericho there, alive.}''
''{On the helicopter, Rift is talking to someone via a laptop}''
'''?:''' Mister Nagato, you had one goal, to kill Jericho Kingston. You failed this.
'''RIFT:''' You didn't tell me he was my target!
'''?:''' Your history with him was unimportant. Now, down to the brass tacks. Normally..we'd "dismiss" you immediately. But seeing your previous track record and use to us, we have decided to give you one more chance. Next time, we won't be so forgiving.
''{The laptop hangs up. Rift lies back, falling asleep in his seat.}''

Revision as of 02:51, 10 September 2013

SUMMARY: Byzantium, and Rift, are hired to take out a rival arms dealer before he can make a crucial sale. Rift is shocked to find out that the dealer is an old foe of his.


{On the coast of Somalia, there is a large warehouse, with several ships docked. The warehouse is heavily guarded by pirates, as the captain awaits a visitor. An arms dealer is arriving via caravan shortly with a large shipment. From a nearby cliff, Rift watches with binoculars.}

RIFT: I need a headcount.

ICARUS: You fucking idiot, I'm not a wizard. There's no security cams in sight.

RIFT: Well, fine, be that way.

{Rift slides down the cliff, impaling a guard with his katanas, and warping him away before spotted. He silently approaches the warehouse, scales to the roof, and listens below. The caravan arrives, and the captain speaks.}

CAPTAIN: Took you long enough, white man. Do you have the guns?

{The dealer speaks with a British accent}

???: Calm yer horses, I have your bloody guns. Do you have the cash?

{The captain smirks, as a man walks forward with a briefcase. He opens it, revealing six uncut diamonds. The British man also smirks, as Rift slowly heads for a window.}

???: Bring the guns forward, Sandy.

{As a lanky man slowly walks forward with two large cases, Rift dives through the window, firing a crossbow bolt from his gauntlet directly into the captain's skull. He flies towards the man with the diamonds, impaling him with the katana. He turns around to look at the British man, and freezes.}

RIFT: Jericho.

ICARUS: Rift? Rift? What's going on, Rift? Did you say Jericho?

JERICHO: Been a while, Torao. Nice new duds you got on. Look pretty..expensive.

{Jericho brushes his hand over his face, removing plaster, revealing hideous burn scars all over his face. He lowers his jacket sleeves, revealing burn marks all over his arms.}

JERICHO: And I almost had you last time, to think.

RIFT: Well, I guess this reunion will have to be cut short. You're done tonight, Jericho.

{Jericho smirks again. Suddenly, men barge into the warehouse, firing at Rift. Rift warps up to the rafters, firing machine gun rounds from his gauntlets.}

ICARUS: RIFT? I hear gunfire, are you alright?

RIFT: I'm fine, Icarus.

ICARUS: Oh, okay. Not like I was worried, or anything..

{Rift leaps from the balcony, slicing a goon in half, and then warps behind the next. He does this, until it's just him and Jericho. Sandy is cowering behind something somewhere. Rift is pretty injured, however. Jericho pulls out a gas lighter.}

JERICHO: Play time is over, Torao. Night, night.

{As Jericho goes to burn Torao, Torao fires a bullet at him. It easily misses, but sparks the gas. The lighter blows up in Jericho's hand, knocking him backwards, bleeding and burnt.}


{Rift approaches him, katana in hand. He doesn't move, struggling.}

JERICHO: You have me in your grasp. COME ON, TORAO, KILL ME!

RIFT: No. I'm not like you.

{Rift turns around, and Jericho laughs, going to lunge. Rift spins around, cutting Jericho's eye out, as he screams in pain. Rift then escapes, leaving Jericho there, alive.}

{On the helicopter, Rift is talking to someone via a laptop}

?: Mister Nagato, you had one goal, to kill Jericho Kingston. You failed this.

RIFT: You didn't tell me he was my target!

?: Your history with him was unimportant. Now, down to the brass tacks. Normally..we'd "dismiss" you immediately. But seeing your previous track record and use to us, we have decided to give you one more chance. Next time, we won't be so forgiving.

{The laptop hangs up. Rift lies back, falling asleep in his seat.}