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Revision as of 18:20, 18 September 2012

Jack possesses the power to steal the appearance of his attackers and use it against them. He rides an exceptional minivan into battle and he has the power to cause his assailants to become weak. Jack wages war wielding a terrible polearm made from gold and he has mastered the ability to transform his body into silver. He also brawls using a magical energy blade and he has a reputation for a breathtaking power to recover quickly from wounds. Jack has learned to transform any vegetable into a horse and he is able to copy any one power of his rivals. Additionally, he developed the talent to tunnel through solid titanium and he has been known to spin like a whirlwind. Jack can transform any parrot into glass and he can create string out of thin air. Additionally, he has developed all of the powers and talents of a gorilla and he is known for his bewildering massive subterranean lair.

Jack was born in Geneva, the child of a North Korean Carpenter.

At an early age, Jack learned to fight by Watching Violence On TV.

An early influence was the Fearless but Ugly superhero known as Robo.

Tragedy struck as A Giant Nazi Robot Destroys Home.

To get over this tragic event, the young Jack took up Pottery.

He also found consolation in the poignant music of MasterPunch, which was kind of a fusion between Showtunes and Novelty music..

Jack attended classes at UNLV, receiving a degree in Dream Analysis.

Jack then moved to Paragon City, taking a job as a Cigar-roller by day, and vowing to end Opression by night.

Once there, a chance encounter with the Benevolent hero known as Super lead to an invitation to join the legendary Democracy Society.

From there, Jack carved out a reputation, earning the nickname Emperor of Energy.

His superhero costume looks like a conservative gymnast's outfit in dark-red and deep violet. His emblem, which is dark green, is displayed on his shoulders. Also, his suit can camouflage itself. His accessories include kneeguards, a global positioning device, and a jetpack.