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Difference between revisions of "Talk:Wikihood/eps/11"

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(a few notes: I'm genuinely surprised that we've actually gone 11 episodes with no deaths or people killed whatsoever)
m (I'm a huge 8itch. 8luh 8luh)
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NOXIGAR: I got my ass firmly grabbed by Stephanie Young when I got gassed by her cat, Shotgun Ice.
is life {{User:StroHersh/sig}}
:Deliberately terrible phrasing the likes of which is to incite your response. Thank you, StroHersh. [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 20:00, 4 September 2013 (UTC)
WHO AM I {{User:StroHersh/sig}}
:You're a guy who managed to make my eyes bleed with that sig of yours, spewing out words from a transcript of which makes sense exclusively in the context I positioned it in. :3c [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 20:10, 4 September 2013 (UTC)
::Why do you have to use such big strange words
::it's lame {{User:Sirrus/siggy}} 20:12, 4 September 2013 (UTC)
:::How lame? My words really aren't that terribly big. [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 20:13, 4 September 2013 (UTC)
::::it's not even that you're using big words, it's that you use them in ways which just sound stunted and dumb like no human being would ever say
:::::Stunted? I do declare, that calling a cat Shotgun Ice has no bearing on anything which concerns the plot of Wikihood outside of a good ol' fashioned romp. Also what the devilshagging dickens are you babbling on about, Sir Strong Intelligent? >;3c [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 20:19, 4 September 2013 (UTC)
:::::::pretty sure you just proved sirrus's point but whatever okay cool. have a nice day SSADSSHOTGUNN IOCE WHY WHY WHY I AM CRYING IRL AND IG {{User:StroHersh/sig}}
No seriously this is the best pandemonium I've constructed since I riffed the Choom Gang. This chaos is so delicious it makes me wonder what laudinum tastes like. :o) [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 20:27, 4 September 2013 (UTC)
== no ==
one episode at a time dammit
it's hard enough to slack off and not contribute to one episode
but two
that might just be the straw that breaks my back {{User:Chaosvii7/Sig}} 22:00, 4 September 2013 (UTC)
:I only wanted to write the beginning to make the episode flow optimally. I will wait for Episode 10 to finish before doing anything else. [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 22:01, 4 September 2013 (UTC)
== wait ==
in episode 9, rosenberg distinctly mentioned that he had contacts with the sea hitman and even considered hiring her just in the case where a rogue vindicator becomes a problem for him, implying that the two
but in this episode, the sea hitman seems to be otherwise, actually being actively against him and quite vocally too
not sure if this was intended or not but i thought i should point it out {{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 00:57, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:It's on purpose. Also Oceanna's just one of mutliple people in the Sea Hitman's Underwater Disco Palace, and someone who isn't working with Rosenberg.
:Because of how awful Arceus Emails is, I might give Oceanna some teammates who are reflective of people from that show just to make more people be in that faction for development purposes. [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 00:59, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
::Ah, alright then. Just making sure! ^^ {{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 01:03, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
== also ==
i know we haven't even finished episode 10 but i'm writing out a plot outline for this episode as it's gonna be part of the main plot and we need some guidance on what we're doing, i think you all will be very pleased with what i have to offer :3c {{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 01:23, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:I don't think you know what sorts of unimaginable power I am capable of {{User:Chaosvii7/Sig}} 01:30, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
::what does that mean {{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 01:33, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
::I think I was trying to seem unimpressed by what you my have to offer but after a certain point I just turned it into a dick-waving contest {{User:Chaosvii7/Sig}} 01:38, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:::man you were all over my dick during the skype chat and this is basically an extension of that shit you'll love this {{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 01:43, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
::::yeah, that's why I made all of the points that actually moved the discussion along, because you were the star {{User:Chaosvii7/Sig}} 01:48, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:::::god joe, you really are tsundere today aren't you {{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 01:57, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
::::::tsundere is my maiden name {{User:Chaosvii7/Sig}} 01:58, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
::::::I like tsunderes and yanderes. [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 01:58, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:::::::I'm starting to think Ventin is less yandere and more bipolar psychotic bitch {{User:Sirrus/siggy}} 02:01, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:I look forward to seeing what is up for Episode 10, but am otherwise just hoping this ''doesn't'' turn into a dick-waving contest due to how Wikihood Redux: the Remake turned out. [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 01:41, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
well whatever dudes
this is like a general and simple plot outline for this episode which you are all free to comment and make adjustments upon
*After the surprise kidnapping of Episode 10, the Wikihood crew all wake up in the dining room of an incredibly prestigious 1940s-style manor, much like the glamorous estates that the old hollywood stars used to live in. As they come to, the crew realize that not only are they heavily restrained to the chairs that they're in, but each of them have some kind of metal collar on their neck.
*Through the main doorway of the dining room come a group of robot waiters, who serve each individual Wikihood member with their favorite meal. The choices are quite accurate, except for Remolay, who Rosenberg actually doesn't know much about, who gets dinosaur chicken nuggets and fries.
*After the dinner is served, two more figures come through the doorway. Stephanie, and Rosenberg, who's using a robot with a monitor as an avatar so that he may communicate with them in real time.
*After greeting the group once again, Rosenberg mentions that instead of meeting them all in his workplace, he decided to make this meeting more casual by gathering them all in his old luxury estate in Phoenixshire, trying to defuse any awkwardness by making the atmosphere more easygoing.
*Rosenberg explains the situation of Midway to the Wikihood crew, and tells them that he needs their help in achieving his goal to restore Midway to full power, therefore extending his influence further.
*The crew, understandably, refuse, saying that they want no part in this and plead that he and D'Arque just leave them alone to live their lives.
*Rosenberg responds by telling them all that he understands their plight and that he really didn't want to go to such lengths in order to get them on board. He then offers them everything they could possibly desire and how he and his benefactors could make it worthwhile to them, finally managing to tempt them.
*"But what if we still refuse?" says one particularly stubborn individual. Rosenberg then notes that they might try and double-cross him, or just outright refuse. He alerts them to the fact that the collars allow him to keep a constant monitoring of their situation, while also mentioning that they are highly explosive and can either be detonated remotely or go off automatically if they go past a certain radius.
*After (more understandable) protest from the group, Rosenberg apologizes that it had to be this way and that their completion of the task will guarantee their safety. Basically, he has forced their hand, without the potential of any funny business.
*Rosenberg explains their mission as this. Back during the time where he was more active in his technological persuits, the main centre of industry just happened to be Bluehaven, before it became such a shithole. As such, one of his bases of operations just happens to be in there. He tells them that the one of the former sources of power for Midway used to be located in the "Apollo Solar Energy Plant", which has now been abandoned and left in a state of decay.
*He preposes that although Midway now gets its energy from a different source, reactivating the old power plant while having the newer one still in commission will boost the overall power of Midway City to 170%, extending his influence along the power grid farther than it ever has been before.
*The crew are sent to Bluehaven via helicopter ride, where they're each given some kind of weapon to defend themselves with just in case they get into some kind of nasty business.
*So through the city, the crew manage to make their way inside of the solar plant compound, which (SURPRISE) has become a hub for a gang of junkies.
*After managing to get through the compound undetected, they finally manage to find their way into the main computer base, where they are successful in turning the energy tower back on and rerouting the power back to Midway City.
*On the way back, some kind of stupid shit happens which totally attracts the attentions of the violent junkie gang
*PEW PEW PEW, through some stuff or somewhat or whatever the fuck idek, they manage to fight their way out of the power plant with little damage to their bodies or their dignity.
*Back at the Phoenixshire Manor, Rosenberg congratulates them on a job well done and tells them that he knew they could do it. For the completion of the task, Rosenberg upholds the promise by giving the money back in full that they owed him in the first place, while telling them that there is more where that came from if they continue to assist him further. He also mentions that the explosive collars around their necks were in fact a joke and that they really were in no danger at all.
*After realising Rosenberg's genuineity in regards to their bounty and the potential this brings, the crew finally decide to ally with him fully in order to develop Midway even further.
*As part of the celebration of his new power grasp, Rosenberg calls for a celebration through an over-extravagant parade around Midway City, showing the world that "ROSENBERG IS BACK, BABY."
*End 'Sode.
basically something like that, give or take a few things, like the whole junkie gang thing, i was a bit unsure about that so if you have something better.... yeah
{{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 02:03, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:would Rosenberg already known about the twins? {{User:Sirrus/siggy}} 02:04, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
::Hm, probably not. But he'd still be prepared for any new people, so it's not far off. {{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 02:07, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:I don't like the collars, or the brick joke therein, but otherwise I would be content with this outline if we did it in this exact fashion.
:Also we should give Remolay an equally-satisfying treat since otherwise it makes Rosenberg look like an ass. Remolay's a Drow, so maybe some fresh venison and then many earthy vegetables to go with the venison? [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 05:10, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
::Well the thing about the collars is that it's another one of Rosenberg's asshole jokes, but at the same time he's using them to install fear so that they'll do what he wants. Because otherwise, what exactly would be stopping the crew from just leaving? By making them think that their life is on the line, he's practically forced their hand. Get what I mean?
::And as for Remolay, the whole point is that Rosenberg is a total ass, due to his tactics in the first place, that, along with the fact that Remolay is the unlucky one is just another gag, imo. {{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 05:15, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:::Aren't they already restrained to their chairs? All Rosenberg would have to do is say "Nope, I'm just going to keep you in the chairs until you do as I say" and be a nuisance like always.
:::Remolay being unlucky really isn't funny. [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 05:17, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
::::He could do that. But really, there's not much tension in that. He's not the one for wasting time like that anyway, and he has no tolerance for dilly-dallying. Putting them in a situation of tension and... despair is much more in character for him. You have to remember that he is equally as ruthless as D'Arque in the long run, after all.
::::Thing is though, it's been a consistent part of his character. Whether it's the fact that he can't hold down jobs, or the fact that one job ended up with him having a gun pulled on him. He's simply an unlucky guy, and this is just another time where he's been unlucky. The fact that he doesn't really complain about it is a testament of his good personality and such. {{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 05:23, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
== Oceanna Blowing up the Rosenberg Estate ==
{{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 06:01, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:Believe me, I've got more wild wrenches in store. [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 06:03, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
::i still have no idea what wild wrenches are :c {{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 06:05, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:::A wild wrench is simply me seemingly disregarding carefully-maintained plans in favor of just tossing a projectile randomly at the plans and instead going for something a bit less derailable. What I'm really doing, though, is advancing the plot in such a fashion that it's more convenient to write in, at least for me. The "wild wrench" is also a tactic I employ in games where I essentially behave in an unpredictable fashion so as to make it interesting. [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 06:16, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
::::Ahhh. You should probably talk this stuff out so we have an idea of what's going on though :C {{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 06:36, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:::::I will talk later stuff out, no worries. If I wasn't so sleepy I'd probably have done so for ''this'' wild wrench. [[User:Noxigar|Noxigar]] 12:40, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
== a few notes ==
first off
ventin's favorite meal is totally raw steak so this is a pretty good match, depending if it's cooked, and Sirrus wouldn't mind it raw or cooked.
second, ahem, this will be a bit long, here is how Ventin and Sirrus use their magic.
Ventin's arm is bandaged because it is heavily scarred from many years of cutting, to the point that the nerves are dead and she no longer feels it. This is how she gets the blood for her magic, and her allegiance to Shezmu prevents any bad side effects from this.
Sirrus is mostly a booster, of sorts. He can use the fact that they are twins to not only boost the power of Ventin when she uses her blood, but also to gain power off of her for magic. This would be reversed if Sirrus is the one bleeding.
Sirrus is not against actually holding her wrist to max the boost, if needed.
<3 {{User:Sirrus/siggy}} 18:23, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
:also you totally nailed ventin
:STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT YOU SICK FUCK {{User:Sirrus/siggy}} 20:05, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
::i'll think she'll have fun during any fight scenes that happen :D {{User:Sephiroth/sig}} 20:07, 5 September 2013 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 23:50, 25 November 2018