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It is.

Allow me to explain.

Many if you believe this place is bad. You also think that half of the user populous is too. For reiteration, WE ALL KNOW. Some people care about quality control, but the first members of the WUW were as many would say "Boring and unoriginal." The purge didn't help this, as many users then came, and people braced for what they thought was a golden age. Well they prepared for balls, as all that happened was that as our guard was dropped, these people came in and sank their fangs into us, giving us traits we didn't want, and traits they didn't either. These traits include a cheap sense of humor that will never catch on with any other website domain, a cheap blow kind of ridiculing sense, and more boring unoriginality, but there was a significant difference.

These migrants, they too knew this place had no chance in Hell, so they ejected their fangs as soon as they dug them in, because they thought we'd be happier if they didn't interfere, but certain choices ended up drawing them back, as they'd decided that they also gained their outlooks, and they were right. Now, the odds are 5-9 that these people tried to accept it and move on, until something worse happened.

MORE people, people who thought they didn't need their humor to survive, flew in and decided to do what the first flock tried to. But that failed too, as they just don't understand that we've metamorphisized our inner culture too far to let many more people in. These people didn't-and don't-get that they either need to take up their humor and live with it, or leave, because it's too far in to change, and too far behind to develop. This is always what the WUW will be, and there's nothing that will change that.

Not to say that these people haven't gotten along before, but it's not like it matters, as you're either on one side of the tracks, or on the other. Absolutely no changing that. And if you think you can change it now, get the hell out now and try in another ten years, as these people will never change. Usually, things ARE brighter, but there will never be a time when these two will be the same, and if you don't want my opinion, then please, ask anybody, and they can say almost the same exact thing in different context.

To the demons-you've messed us up enough, I guess we can't change it this far in. To the high-and-mighties-You all know who you are, and Really, there's not much you can do, as almost every page on here reflects the real us-we're a society where we treat the real world as fiction and treat this as what we wish the world "wasn't."

Bohemia, Bohemia, a fantasy in your head.

This is Calcutta. Bohemia, is dead.