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(Better story behind why they wern't here)
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Latest revision as of 10:36, 1 December 2008


CHRIS: Ok, campers! This next challenge is the classical game of dodgeball. But...there is a twist. Instead of rubber balls you will be using...flaming taffy discs, courtesy of Dot, who will not be in the challenge, but for this, gains invincibility. Now...Who's ready to dodge some discs?

JERRY: Uuuuuuh not me


RYAN: Where the crap are Zoo and Dot anyway?

RAGGON: I don't know.

{Outhouse cam: Estelle}

ESTELLE: Thank god, Zoo isn't here! He would've ruined our chances of winning that traitor! But he shall be off for good soon... {Evil laugh}

{Outhouse cam: Jerry}

JERRY: It's only a matter of time...

{Cut back.}

JERRY: FISH! Huddle!

CHRIS: 5 campers from each team go out to the field. If you get hit with a disc, you're out. If you eat a disc thrown at you in one bite, the thrower is out and you get to choose someone to bring in from your team. Ok, teams. Decide on your players! There will be three rounds, best two out of three wins!

RAGGON: I am in.

JERRY: Barracudas nominate Estelle, myself, Ryan, Sephiroth, and Raggon!

RYAN: Wow, Jerry. Nominating yourself. That's new.

JERRY: Come here, Ryan. I've got a plan.

CHRISTOPHER: I'm in. {starts putting flame resistant powder in his mouth, starts coughing and spits some out}Oh crap, that is going to leave a bad aftertaste.

CHAOS: A'ight. But we better be careful. {whispers to Jerry} Seph was hitting the stuff last night...I don't think he's in the best shape of his life...

JERRY: That's all part of my plan. Now let me share my plan...

{Jerry chuckles evilly to himself.}

JERRY: We all have to lose.

ESTELLE: ...Are you mad!?

JERRY: But, BUT! Then, we get the chance to vote Zoo off. I'm a mad genius, I say! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!

CHAOS: What happens if we vote YOU off for this...even if you want to get voted off.

BADSTAR: The pufferfish nominate myself, Noelle, Christopher, Skullbuggy, and.... um....

RYAN: I guess everybody wins, Chaos.

{OOC: Gotta hit the hay. Night.}

SKULLB: Let's nominate Kirby.

BADSTAR: Oh, yeah! And Kirby!

MAN-O-MAN: I been here the entire time, and I haven't got to be in a challenge yet, can I be in?

CHIRS: Don't worry, Man...O-Man. If one of the Barracuda eats a disc thrown at them they can put you in the field!

MAN-O-MAN: Oh, good.

{Sephiroth comes in, half drunk.}

SEPHIROTH: Whoa.. {Stumbles.} Dodgeball? Me.. Nominated? Ya'llright.

JERRY: {to Sephiroth} No, no, this isn't dodgeball! You're trying to get hit in this one!

RAGGON: No you aren't. Then we will lose.

SEPHIROTH: Oh.. Alright. I'm reaaaady! Yeah! {Stumbles a bit.}

RYAN: Ok, are we gonna begin?

{Chef blows the whistle}

RYAN: Uh oh...

{Ryan picks up a disc and throws it at SkullB. SkullB quickly dives out of the way.}

{Raggon eats a disc thrown at him}

{Sephiroth keeps on stumbling, weakly attempting to hit Badstar. It misses completely.}

{Outhouse Cam: Jerry}

JERRY: I really don't think Raggon gets our plan.

{Cut back. Jerry takes a disc and throws it toward SkullB. SkullB is hit.}

SKULLB: Aaaaaawwwww.

JERRY: That's for bringing me onto this damn island!

SEPHIROTH: Oh god, I need to sober up! {Takes a tablet, and drinks a bottle of water. He is cured.} That's better. Now taste pain! {Grabs 3 discs, and throws them each in different directions.}

{Outhouse Cam: Sephiroth}

SEPHIROTH: I know I'm supposed to lose, but I'm gonna have some fun before I go!

{Outhouse Cam: SkullB}

SKULLB: Didn't they get rid of sober pills? Oh, well. I'm out, why am I complaining?

RAGGON: Jerry, if I make us lose, can I be a part of FISH?

JERRY: Yeah, sure, whatever, kid.

SEPHIROTH: {Looks around.} Looks safe... {Suddenly, he turns around, and just misses a disk coming to him.} Whoa!

{The disc flies past Sephiroth and hits Jerry.}

JERRY: YES! One down, four to go!

{Raggon jumps in the way of one and gets hit}

SEPHIROTH: I'm not gonna go just yet. I wanna go in style!

MAN-O-MAN: Jerry! Stop trying to lose! Everyone else, stop following him!

RYAN: Take-a-dees! {Throws a disc at Christopher, he eats it}

CHRISTOPHER: {starting to gag} Oh God, that tastes so bad!{dodges another one} Screw you!{in weak voice} Skull...Skullbuggy, come back in.

RYAN: Wait...Jerry!

{Ryan being out, walks up to Jerry}

RYAN: {whispers} I heard if you vote for someone due to inactivity in a challenge, the vote goes against you! We need to get Zoo in the game, and make him slip up!

JERRY: ... Heh. We'll just vote for him due to other reasons. Inactivity won't play a part.

{A disk comes flying at Noelle, and she gets hits by it.}

NOELLE: I'm okay!

{Chaos rushes onto the field and helps her over to her team's bleachers. A disc gets thrown at him, but he swallows it whole and spits out a giant fireball, right at his own team.}

{all of a sudden, hambrin comes running in, naked}

HAMBRIN: Hey! I found your stash of soda, Noelle! I'm not even supposed to have suger! AWESOME!!!

{hambrin runs through the feild in front of the fire ball, it blasts but he dosn't even look up, he runs into the forest}

{Outhouse Cam: Hambrin}

HAMBRIN: Yes, I went a little crazy there. But, hey, we've all had our moments.

BADSTAR: AAAAHHH!!!!! {running away from discs}

{Outhouse Cam:Noelle}

NOELLE: I never had a soda stash.

ESTELLE: {Hit} ...Well, that was easy.

JERRY: Come on, Seph! Get hit already!

MAN-O-MAN: Don't lisen to him! Hit someone else! Now is your chance!

CHRISTOPHER: Oh yeah, dodge this. {throws 3 disks at Sephiroth, but they narrowly miss him.}

SEPHIROTH: HAHA! You missed! Chamone! {Starts to dance, then starts to moonwalk around the area until one of the disks bounces on a tree, and hits him on the head. Everything freezes as the scene is shown in different angles. It continues into slow motion as he falls onto the ground. Time goes back to normal.} Crap. I'm out.

MAN-O-MAN: No! Ryan! Your our only hope!

BADSTAR: ... This is my chance... my chance... to win... {Picks up two discs. Throws one at Ryan. It hits him in the head. Throws one at Raggon and it also hits him in the head} ...I-I DID IT! I WON!!!

{Outhouse cam: Badstar}

BADSTAR: To tell you the truth, I was still feeling a little bad about losing the last challenge, but this made me feel a lot better!

{Outhouse Cam: Sephiroth}

SEPHIROTH: I said I would go out in a cool way. Hollywood Effects For the {BEEP} Win.

{Outhouse Cam: SkullB}

SKULLB: We win! Yes! Yesssss!


BADSTAR: OH CRAP! Sorry! ...I WIN!!!

SEPHIROTH: So.. Chris?

CHRISTOPHER: Woohoo! Uh oh. {gets some vomit in his mouth, runs to outhouse} Gotta run!

{Outhouse Cam: Christopher}

CHRISTOPHER: {vomiting like mad} Flaming...{vomits} taffy....{barfs} tastes...{upchucks} so...{pukes} bad!{insert synonym for vomit here}

{man-o-man dumps a bucket of water on ryan, putting out his fire}


RYAN: Whuh...we lost? Urgh. I swear, this is all Zoo's fault.

CHRIS: Barracuda, I'll see you at the campfire! Puffers, enjoy the rest of your day at the Tuck Shop!