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m (Transcript)
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'''TIMMY:''' Well, um- what can I say, I'm just-
'''TIMMY:''' Well, um- what can I say, I'm just-
'''TRIXIE:''' You know what, Timmy? You are so totally invited to my party. I would absolutely love to see you there! Perhaps you could show us some of your fighting moves while you're at it!
'''TRIXIE:''' I'm hosting a party later tonight, and it is going to be so awesome. I would absolutely love to see you there! Perhaps you could show us some of your fighting moves while you're at it!
'''TIMMY:''' Haha, of.. of course! I am so up for that!
'''TIMMY:''' Haha, of.. of course! I am so up for that!
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''{Trixie leaves. Timmy is excited. Cosmo and Wanda poof in front of him.}''
''{Trixie leaves. Timmy is excited. Cosmo and Wanda poof in front of him.}''
'''COSMO:''' Wow, great job, Timmy! You really kicked that guy's butt!!
'''TIMMY:''' I know right? I feel... so powerful!!
'''WANDA:''' That's great Timmy, but don't you think that you should try to restrain yourself? It's best not to be looking for fights, you-...
'''TIMMY:''' I just had an idea! For some reason, I don't know why, but I have the urge to fight someone strong!
'''WANDA:''' Francis is pretty strong, Timmy. Do you really need to fight someone stronger?
'''TIMMY:''' Of course! Ooh! I have an idea!
'''COSMO:''' What is it, Timmeroo?
'''TIMMY:''' You know what would really impress Trixie? If I fought someone really powerful at her party! She'd surely love me then!
'''COSMO:''' That's a great idea, Timmy!
'''WANDA:''' What? What do you mean, that's a great idea, ''Timmy''? It's reckless and irresponsible, it's-...
'''TIMMY:''' I wish that I could meet the strongest fighter in the universe!
'''WANDA:''' Oh no. You didn't just-...
'''COSMO:''' What could possibly go wrong?
'''TIMMY:''' Yeah, what could possibly go wrong?
''{Wanda whispers a few words into Cosmo's ear. Cosmo's expression goes from happy, to outright terrified.}''
''{Timmy scoffs.}''
'''TIMMY:''' Pfft, it'll be fine, I promise! Grant it, I wanna meet them!
''{Wanda turns to Cosmo.}''
'''WANDA:''' It was nice knowing you, Cosmo.
'''COSMO:''' And you too, Wanda.
''{The two gulp with fear as they raise their wands. Cut to a remote planet, located in an entirely different part of the universe. The planet is shaped like an upside-down pyramid, with the base acting as the planet's surface. On top of the planet is a gigantic dead tree, which also hosts a variety of impressively crafted buildings. Surrounding the planet is a myriad of much smaller planets, orbiting it. Zoom in to the scene at the base of the three. Two powerful men with spiky hair are sparring with each other, while a tall man, with blue skin and white hair, looks upon them and observes.}''
'''GOKU:''' Gee, you're actually getting close to reaching my level of power, Vegeta! I really do have to step it up a notch, huh?
''{Vegeta scoffs.}''
'''VEGETA:''' Hah, damn right you do. If you think you're ever going to surpass the Prince of All Saiyans, you thought wrong!
''{The two continue to trade blows as the blue man watches them.}''
'''WHIS:''' You two have been at this for almost twelve hours now. Are you sure you want to carry on?
'''VEGETA:''' What are you talking about? Of course we do! We're Saiyans, we don't just quit!
'''WHIS:''' I see. And here I was, thinking that you two were hungry or something. Nevermind, I'll just eat dinner alone.
''{Goku perks up.}''
'''GOKU:''' Did you just say dinner?
''{Immediately after finishing his question, Goku is winded by a blow to the windpipe, causing him to keel over.}''
'''VEGETA:''' Don't you ''EVER'' take your eyes off of me! You let your guard down!
'''GOKU:''' No fair Vegeta, he mentioned dinner, you know how I am about food!
'''VEGETA:''' True Saiyans can go weeks without food in the direst of situations. And here you are, telling me that you're distracted by dinner?
'''GOKU:''' Well, yeah! Food is yummy, I'm not just gonna stop eating it because I'm a Saiyan, or whatever.
''{Whis laughs.}''
'''WHIS:''' Vegeta does have a point, you know.
''{Suddenly, a figure appears from the branches of the tree. A tall, humanoid, cat-like creature, wearing lavish jewelry, and baggy blue trousers.}''
'''BEERUS:''' Whis, are you still training these Saiyans? It's been hours now, give it a rest!
'''GOKU:''' Aw, but we're not tired yet!
'''BEERUS:''' Well, I am. I'm tired by your very presence! Whis, give them a res-...
''{Suddenly, both Beerus and Whis disappear, leaving Goku and Vegeta alone on the planet.}''
'''VEGETA:''' W-wha? They just... vanished?!
'''GOKU:''' Aw man, do you know where Whis keeps his food?
'''VEGETA:''' You idiot! Don't you know that we're stuck here until they get back?
''{Cut back to the playground of Dimmsdale Elementary. Beerus and Whis suddenly appear in front of Timmy and the fairies, having been summoned by them.}''
''{Beerus looks around him.}''
'''BEERUS:''' This is not my planet.
''{Beerus looks at Timmy.}''
'''BEERUS:''' You're neither Goku nor Vegeta.
''{Beerus looks at the fairies.}''
'''BEERUS:''' And you two are-... fairies?!
''{Whis laughs.}'''
'''WHIS:''' Oh my, master. It appears as if we were summoned.
'''BEERUS:''' What? What is the meaning of this?

Revision as of 00:10, 22 August 2017


After becoming addicted to watching late-night martial arts matches, Timmy wishes that he too can become a martial artist. Looking for a challenge, he also asks his fairies to give him the strongest opponent in the universe. To his shock and horror, this wish catches the attention of Beerus, the God of Destruction. Faced against an irate deity who did not wish to be disturbed, Timmy must now make things right by preventing Beerus from destroying the planet.



{Timmy Turner is sitting inside a school bus, looking depressed as his fellow schoolkids are laughing at him and ridiculing him. He exits the bus only to be thrown face-first into a puddle by a dodgeball which is thrown directly at him.}

SINGERS: Timmy is an average kid that no one understands...

{Timmy goes home to see his parents standing at the door. However, these are not his real parents, but a cardboard cutout, which is revealed as his evil babysitter, Vicky, pushes it away, and grabs Timmy by his shirt collar, looking at him deviously and yelling in his face.}

SINGERS: Mom and Dad and Vicky always giving him commands.


{Timmy runs upstairs as a silouette of Vicky cackling can be seen in the background. He opens the door to his bedroom, to be greeted by his two pet goldfish, who are in reality, his fairy godparents.}

SINGERS: Doom and gloom

Up in his room

It's broken instantly

By his magic little fish

Who grant his every wish

'Cause in reality

{His goldfish transform into the recognizably humanoid figures of Cosmo and Wanda, who proceed to enchant Timmy's toybox, prompting a small dinosaur toy to grow tremendously. Wanda appears in front of Timmy, while Cosmo appears from the mouth of the toy dinosaur.}

SINGERS: They are his...

OddParents, Fairly OddParents!

WANDA: Wands and wings!

COSMO: Floaty crowny things!

SINGERS: OddParents, Fairly OddParents!

{A montage of scenes are shown, as narrated by the singers and Timmy Turner. As Timmy is dictating, Vicky is shown being chased by the trio and is transformed through Timmy's whims.}

SINGERS: Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod!

TIMMY: Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice! Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!

{Timmy's bedroom has been transformed into a stage as the producer's name is shown. Cosmo and Wanda wave their wands and the main title is shown.}'

'SINGERS: OddParents, Fairy OddParents!

It flips your lid

When you are the kid

With Fairly OddParents!

{Vicky appears, only for her head to be transformed into a bell.}

VICKY: Yeah right!


{Open: Mr. Crocker's classroom, at the Dimmsdale Elementary School. Mr. Crocker is giving a lecture to the students, while Timmy Turner is noticably asleep. Cosmo and Wanda, who have taken the forms of his pencil and eraser, are trying to wake him up.}

WANDA: Timmy, wake up! You don't want Crocker to realize you've been sleeping in the middle of class again!

COSMO: Yeah, you know how mean Crocker can get! If he catches you, he'll- TOO LATE!!

{Cosmo and Wanda become motionless as Mr. Crocker blows a trumpet directly at Timmy, waking him up immediately. Timmy jumps from his seat in shock.}


{The whole class laughs at Timmy's misfortune. Mr. Crocker leans forward and looks straight at Timmy.}

MR. CROCKER: Sleeping in my class again, Turner?

TIMMY: I wasn't- I mean- I didn't mean to- I-

MR. CROCKER: Save the excuses, Turner! A lazy fool like you will get nowhere in life anyway. Well, not without a helping hand, at least... Not without your...

{Mr. Crocker performs an array of exaggerated gestures with every syllable of his phrasing.}


{Timmy laughs nervously.}

TIMMY: Haha, very funny, Mr. Crocker. But I wasn't sleeping, I was-

MR. CROCKER: Don't worry, Turner. You can rest easily tonight. But tomorrow, prepared to meet me after class for detention! I would give it to you for today, but unfortunately, my dear mother needs me to help her prepare for her 1980s dance recital.

{The school bell rings.}

MR. CROCKER: ...And that is my cue to leave!

{Mr. Crocker rips off his suit, revealing that he is wearing a neon-purple leotard, complete with legwarmers. Generic synth music plays as he performs a variety of dance moves. He turns to Timmy and frowns.}


{Mr. Crocker moonwalks out of the classroom. Cut to Timmy Turner in his bedroom with his fairies, after school.}

TIMMY: I can't believe Crocker gave me a detention! I was just resting my eyes!

WANDA: You know, Timmy, perhaps you wouldn't be feeling so tired if you didn't keep staying up so late, watching those martial arts films!

TIMMY: Come on, Wanda! It wasn't that late!

COSMO: Yeah, Wanda! 5AM is in the morning, so Timmy wasn't staying up late, he was up early!

TIMMY: Yeah! Exactly!

WANDA: Ugh... Just- promise not to stay up so late tonight, okay?

TIMMY: Of course! I totally promise to go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight!

{Later that night, Timmy is downstairs in the living room, sitting on the couch while eating a packet of chips. He is noticably tired, with a five o'clock shadow and bloodshot eyes.}

WANDA: Timmy, you promised not to stay up late tonight! Do you want Mr. Crocker to get angry at you again?

TIMMY: What's he gonna do? Give me another detention?


COSMO: Re-lax, Wanda! Who needs school anyway, when you have KUNG FUUUUUUUU!!!!!

TIMMY: Yeah! Look at martial arts sensation, Jackie Lee! I bet he doesn't have to go to school!

{Cut to the TV screen. A generic martial arts movie hero is seen fighting a gang of ninjas. Timmy stands in front of the TV and mimics the moves of Jackie Lee, making exaggerated kung-fu noises while doing so.}

TIMMY: You know what? I wanna be just as cool as Jackie Lee! Cosmo, Wanda? I wish to be a martial arts champion!

{Cosmo and Wanda wave their wands, and Timmy's clothing changes into a martial arts gi. His hair also becomes noticably spikier. Timmy grins as he flexes his muscles.}

TIMMY: Aw yeah! I'm a champion now! HIIII-YAH!!

{Timmy performs a variety of kung-fu moves, including karate chopping the couch, which splits in two. Wanda sighs and puts it back together.}

WANDA: Will you go to sleep now, Timmy? You can practice your moves tomorrow!

TIMMY: You're right, I can do it at school, and it'd be super cool! I'll even impress Trixie Tang!

COSMO: That's the sport, slugger!

{Timmy yawns.}

TIMMY: I am pretty tired. Goodnight guys!

COSMO AND WANDA: Goodnight, Timmy!

{Timmy and the fairies go upstairs to go to sleep. The next morning, Timmy springs awake, punching his alarm clock off the table and making his way downstairs, while pretending to fight imaginary ninjas. Cosmo and Wanda are left behind.}

WANDA: Cosmo, do you ever worry about Timmy?

COSMO: What do you mean?

WANDA: I mean, I feel like having us is just making him more reckless every day. I don't know, I just feel like something majorly bad is going to end up happening.

COSMO: Probably, Wanda. Proooo-bably.

{Cut to Timmy on the playground at recess. He is playing tetherball with AJ and Chester, but suddenly, he is confronted by Francis, he picks him up by his collar.}'

FRANCIS: Nice costume, DWEEB.

TIMMY: Let me go, Francis! Or you'll be sorry!

FRANCIS: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do, loser?

TIMMY: I'll do... this!

{While still being held by Francis, Timmy kicks him in the face, causing Francis to drop him. All the school kids gasp as they gather around to watch the two fight. Francis looks furious, as Timmy's kick has made his nose bleed.}

FRANCIS: You... made me bleed! That's not even allowed on children's television! YOU'RE DEAD, TURNER!

{Francis charges towards Timmy, who ducks underneath and punches Francis in the stomach, causing him to fly back into the monkey bars. Francis picks up a nearby dodgeball and throws it viciously at Timmy, but Timmy catches it, before jumping and performing a roundhouse kick on the ball, causing it to fly back and hit Francis, knocking him out of the playground entirely. All the kids cheer for Timmy, picking him up and parading him around the playground. They stop however, at the sight of Trixie Tang, who looks at Timmy with admiration. The crowd drop Timmy, and go back to what they were originally doing on the playground.}

TRIXIE: Wow, Tommy!

TIMMY: T-Timmy...

TRIXIE: I didn't know you were so tough!

{Timmy blushes.}

TIMMY: Well, um- what can I say, I'm just-

TRIXIE: I'm hosting a party later tonight, and it is going to be so awesome. I would absolutely love to see you there! Perhaps you could show us some of your fighting moves while you're at it!

TIMMY: Haha, of.. of course! I am so up for that!

TRIXIE: Awesome! I'll see you there, tough guy!

{Trixie leaves. Timmy is excited. Cosmo and Wanda poof in front of him.}

COSMO: Wow, great job, Timmy! You really kicked that guy's butt!!

TIMMY: I know right? I feel... so powerful!!

WANDA: That's great Timmy, but don't you think that you should try to restrain yourself? It's best not to be looking for fights, you-...

TIMMY: I just had an idea! For some reason, I don't know why, but I have the urge to fight someone strong!

WANDA: Francis is pretty strong, Timmy. Do you really need to fight someone stronger?

TIMMY: Of course! Ooh! I have an idea!

COSMO: What is it, Timmeroo?

TIMMY: You know what would really impress Trixie? If I fought someone really powerful at her party! She'd surely love me then!

COSMO: That's a great idea, Timmy!

WANDA: What? What do you mean, that's a great idea, Timmy? It's reckless and irresponsible, it's-...

TIMMY: I wish that I could meet the strongest fighter in the universe!

WANDA: Oh no. You didn't just-...

COSMO: What could possibly go wrong?

TIMMY: Yeah, what could possibly go wrong?

{Wanda whispers a few words into Cosmo's ear. Cosmo's expression goes from happy, to outright terrified.}


{Timmy scoffs.}

TIMMY: Pfft, it'll be fine, I promise! Grant it, I wanna meet them!

{Wanda turns to Cosmo.}

WANDA: It was nice knowing you, Cosmo.

COSMO: And you too, Wanda.

{The two gulp with fear as they raise their wands. Cut to a remote planet, located in an entirely different part of the universe. The planet is shaped like an upside-down pyramid, with the base acting as the planet's surface. On top of the planet is a gigantic dead tree, which also hosts a variety of impressively crafted buildings. Surrounding the planet is a myriad of much smaller planets, orbiting it. Zoom in to the scene at the base of the three. Two powerful men with spiky hair are sparring with each other, while a tall man, with blue skin and white hair, looks upon them and observes.}

GOKU: Gee, you're actually getting close to reaching my level of power, Vegeta! I really do have to step it up a notch, huh?

{Vegeta scoffs.}

VEGETA: Hah, damn right you do. If you think you're ever going to surpass the Prince of All Saiyans, you thought wrong!

{The two continue to trade blows as the blue man watches them.}

WHIS: You two have been at this for almost twelve hours now. Are you sure you want to carry on?

VEGETA: What are you talking about? Of course we do! We're Saiyans, we don't just quit!

WHIS: I see. And here I was, thinking that you two were hungry or something. Nevermind, I'll just eat dinner alone.

{Goku perks up.}

GOKU: Did you just say dinner?

{Immediately after finishing his question, Goku is winded by a blow to the windpipe, causing him to keel over.}

VEGETA: Don't you EVER take your eyes off of me! You let your guard down!

GOKU: No fair Vegeta, he mentioned dinner, you know how I am about food!

VEGETA: True Saiyans can go weeks without food in the direst of situations. And here you are, telling me that you're distracted by dinner?

GOKU: Well, yeah! Food is yummy, I'm not just gonna stop eating it because I'm a Saiyan, or whatever.

{Whis laughs.}

WHIS: Vegeta does have a point, you know.

{Suddenly, a figure appears from the branches of the tree. A tall, humanoid, cat-like creature, wearing lavish jewelry, and baggy blue trousers.}

BEERUS: Whis, are you still training these Saiyans? It's been hours now, give it a rest!

GOKU: Aw, but we're not tired yet!

BEERUS: Well, I am. I'm tired by your very presence! Whis, give them a res-...

{Suddenly, both Beerus and Whis disappear, leaving Goku and Vegeta alone on the planet.}

VEGETA: W-wha? They just... vanished?!

GOKU: Aw man, do you know where Whis keeps his food?

VEGETA: You idiot! Don't you know that we're stuck here until they get back?

{Cut back to the playground of Dimmsdale Elementary. Beerus and Whis suddenly appear in front of Timmy and the fairies, having been summoned by them.}


{Beerus looks around him.}

BEERUS: This is not my planet.

{Beerus looks at Timmy.}

BEERUS: You're neither Goku nor Vegeta.

{Beerus looks at the fairies.}

BEERUS: And you two are-... fairies?!

{Whis laughs.}'

WHIS: Oh my, master. It appears as if we were summoned.

BEERUS: What? What is the meaning of this?