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(New page: == Summary == AFTER IS FINISHED I WILL WRITE!! == Transcript == === Part 1: The Return === '''BLING:'''''{to the tune of Katamari Damacy}'' EEEEEE~ MA-AA-a-a-AAAIL!!! <blockquote class=bl...)
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Latest revision as of 20:31, 25 June 2008




Part 1: The Return

BLING:{to the tune of Katamari Damacy} EEEEEE~ MA-AA-a-a-AAAIL!!!

No subject
Dear Shnozzface

Has Crapface every creeped you out
with the way he licks peanut butter off his politics?
And the way he neonazis the infomercial and the turnips?
What about the way he wallows in the Jedi Council?
And when he vikings his argyle watercress salad?
What about you, Shnozzface?


BLING: Er, why'd I get this email?

GRUNDY: Dunno.

1-UP: Hmm. It's from Lord Homfrog... Why would HE send an email to US? All three of us are only Class 4 FroggerMembers...

BLING: SHH! I feel a disturbance in the force...

{the Gongy 42 falls off the desk. The Chimer appears}

BLING: Chimer? You know what that means! BELL'S BACK!!!

{Bell voips in (still long haired SonicBell. Bling hugs him}

IM A BELL: Hey, Bling! How'ya doin'?

BLING: Fine!

IM A BELL: Good. Now, you and your friends go play in you room. I'm taking my show back!

{Bling, 1-up, and Grundy run off}

Part 2: The Email

No subject
Dear Shnozzface

Has Crapface every creeped you out
with the way he licks peanut butter off his politics?
And the way he neonazis the infomercial and the turnips?
What about the way he wallows in the Jedi Council?
And when he vikings his argyle watercress salad?
What about you, Shnozzface?


IM A BELL: Strange... Why would Lord Homfrog send an email to ME? I better translate it... {types in "translatehomfrog.exe"}

FroggerMemo:Important Mission
Dear FroggerMember 1337:

The Frogstar Scouts Classes B and D have turned on us
and have captured the President.
They have taken control of the Neonazis, The Living Infomercials, and The TurnipMasters.
You must report this to the Jedi Council immediately.
The SaladVikings are currently searching for the rouge Frogstar Scouts' base.
Be warned. The Frogstar Scouts are very insane.
Make sure you complete this mission before 1700 hours, or you will be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.

-Lord Homfrog

IM A BELL: FroggerMember 1337? I'm FroggerMember 31337! Wait, FM1337 will be murdered if this isn't completed?!! What time is it? {looks at clock. it reads "4:00 PM"} OH CRAP!!!! Now, let's see if I can remember who's FM1337...

{a thought bubble appears. a picture of Homsar appears, then changes to Lucas Aura, then to Bubs, then to Kirbychu HR'D, then the pictures go by to fast to be visible, then it stops at Homeschool}

IM A BELL: HOMESCHOOL WINNER! Now, let's see if I can find his address... {types in "froggermail.exe"}

{the chimer's screen turns Tandy-like}

IM A BELL: {sighs} Good. I completed it. Hm? Another email?

Dear FroggerMember 31337:
You are to find FM1337 and accompany him on his way to the Jedi Council.
I choose you because you were the only one who intercepted 1337's mission and sent it to him.
You also are the most powerful.
Complete this mission and you will be promoted to FroggerMember 12007.
Fail, and you will suffer the same fate as FM1337.
-Lord Homfrog

IM A BELL: Whoa. I was actually emailed by Lord Homfrog!

{Bling, Grundy, and 1-up run back in}

BLING: What's up?

GRUNDY: We heard you yelling about Lord Homfrog!

1-UP: Has something happened?

IM A BELL: Yes. Something good, and something bad.

Part 3: Race Against Time

IM A BELL: The bad news, the Frogstar Scouts classes B and D have turned evil, and have taken control of the Neonazis, The Living Infomercials, and The TurnipMasters.

1-UP: ...Wow.

GRUNDY: And the good news?

IM A BELL: I have been sent on a mission with a Class 1 FroggerMember.

BLING: Wow. Class 1.

IM A BELL: Yes. If I am successful, I will also be promoted to Class 1.


IM A BELL: Yes. I am serious. Unfortunately, if I fail this mission, me and the other FM will be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.


IM A BELL: Yes. Anyways, it's currently... 4:15 PM. I have 45 minutes to get to the Class 1 FroggerMember and help him with his mission. Bye. {warps away}

{cut to Homeschool's computer room}

HOMESCHOOL:{singing} How am I not still shot in Flakey's Pizza?

This is important! You have to complete this mission before 5:00! Details inside attachment.
-Im a bell



FroggerMemo:Important Mission
Dear FroggerMember 1337:

The Frogstar Scouts Classes B and D have turned on us
and have captured the President.
They have taken control of the Neonazis, The Living Infomercials, and The TurnipMasters.
You must report this to the Jedi Council immediately.
The SaladVikings are currently searching for the rouge Frogstar Scouts' base.
Be warned. The Frogstar Scouts are very insane.
Make sure you complete this mission before 1700 hours, or you will be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.

-Lord Homfrog

HOMESCHOOL: Um, whoa. That's... strange.

{Bell warps in}


HOMESCHOOL: WAAH!! O-Oh. It's you, Bell. So, we have 40 minutes to get to the Jedi Council?

IM A BELL: Yes. Now, quickly! Hurry!

{cut to outside Homeschool's house. Bell and Homeschool run out the door}

IM A BELL: Now, we travel.

HOMESCHOOL: Bell, can't you just teleport us there?

IM A BELL: It wouldn't be an epic if I did that, would it?

HOMESCHOOL: Right... So, which way are we going?

IM A BELL: Hold on, lemme check... {gets out map to Jedi Council} Um... North... Dennis. We go North-Dennis.

HOMESCHOOL: And Dennis is...?

IM A BELL: Apparently, - {points upward} -up. So, North-Dennis should be a slope of... 1/2.

HOMESCHOOL: Okay then. {jumps upward}

IM A BELL: Right. {does same}

Part 4: Journey to the Council

{a screen appears reading the following;}

{the screen disappears}

HOMESCHOOL: So, how far is the Council from here?

IM A BELL: Exactly... {looks at map} 1,103,300 metres.

HOMESCHOOL: In not metric?

IM A BELL: Approximately 627 miles.

HOMESCHOOL: Um, is that bad?

IM A BELL: How far can you jump in a minute?

HOMESCHOOL: About a mile.

IM A BELL: It'll take you about 10 hours and 45 minutes to get there. We only have 35 minutes.


IM A BELL: Yes. Hopefully, something stupid and obscure will slow, or completely stop time.

HOMESCHOOL: True. Well, let's get going.

IM A BELL: Yes. {starts jumping rapidly forward}

HOMESCHOOL: Right. {does same}

{cut to a montage of Im a bell and Homeschool jumping through a forest. The song "Trashed" by Black Sabbath is playing in the background. A clock in the corner of the screen appears, and over the 4 minures, 15 seconds the song is playing, it quickly counts to 5:00. when the song is over, the clock stops at 4:59. Klaxons sound. Cut to Im a bell and Homeschool. Bell's watch is flashing red}



IM A BELL: 200 MILES!!!!


DISEMBODIED VOICE:{voice sounds like somewhat-legible static} Never say never!

HOMESCHOOL: "Ever and ever?"

IM A BELL: I think "Never say never"

{a Smash Ball appears}

IM A BELL: Huh? {lunges at Smash Ball}

HOMESCHOOL: WAHH! {does same}

{both crush the Smash Ball, and they do their Final Smashes. A giant Error message reading "Error: Attack: Multiple Final Smash not found."}

IM A BELL: Huh? {clicks OK}

{time slows down, then stops completely}

HOMESCHOOL: ...Wow. We broke time.

IM A BELL: ...Yay?

HOMESCHOOL: Yes yay. Now we have as much time as we need to get to the Council.

IM A BELL: Oh. Good. {jumps off}

HOMESCHOOL: True. {does same}