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Basic Info

Daniel Jose Jean-Claude Moreau, better known as Dane is a French-American 70 year old professional disk jockey, and all around great dude. Dane were born in New York on Februrary 17th, 1943 in the middle of World War II while his father was away at war. He did what a normal young boy would do it mid-20th century America, eat candy cigarettes, listen to Bing Crosby records, and ride his bike down to the creek with his friends. Until one day when he was playing a game of cards in his treehouse with his friends, he heard a loud bang come from down the ladder. It was Hebe, the Greek goddess of youth. She bargained with Dane and agreed to give him the eternal appearance of a 20 year old, in exchange for all of his direct family and friends to be murdered. In his newfound adulthood, Dane went on to become a Jazz performer for a number of years, until 1977, in which he co-founded the new wave band The Human League under the pseudonym Martyn Ware. The Human League went on to create several hit songs, including "Fascination" and "Don't You Want Me". After leaving the band, Dane used his newfound money to move to Miami, Florida and start the popular night club Der Wasserhahn, in which he was DJ. Eventually in 1997, Der Wasserhahn went under due to multiple reasons, including Dane's cocaine addiction and insufficient funding. Dane had become a bum, walking across the United States. Eventually he settled in a small town known as Townindale and soon found residence in the Wikihood manor. Maybe.

Dane dresses as the stereotypical disk jockey. kurrrbbbbbb

Descriptive Information

  • Full Name: Daniel Jose Jean-Claude "Dane" Moreau
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 70
  • Height: 6'4
  • Weight: 162 lbs
  • Eyes: Gray
  • Hair: Brown