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(i got snarky half way through. sorry :(( i'm crap at writing bios.)
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Revision as of 21:22, 1 October 2012

"Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear
And he shows 'em, pearly white
Just a jack knife has Macheath, dear
And he keeps it, keeps it way out of sight"


Jack MacHeath is a serial killer, and a rather prolific one in fact. Operating mainly in the shadows, he picks his victims, having no qualms over who he murders.

He is known for his unique way of dealing with things in some situations. Using his trusty jackknife, he slits his victims' throats and rearranges their corpses in various lifelike positions, in a way, creating a sick display out of their misfortune. Unlike other killers, he sees murder as an art form, preferring to forego excessive bloodshed in favour of a quick death. There isn't much motive for what he does, except for thrill and pleasure. Despite all this however, he's never been caught, and his overall identity remains a mystery. His crimes are irregular and unexpected in nature, with months going by between murders. Although he's been seen in action many times, he's always managed to make an easy getaway without leaving much evidence in his name.

One particular group of people that maintain good contact with MacHeath however, happen to be the Criminal Underworld. He accepts assassination deals from them. Not for the money, but for the guaranteed thrill. Because of his affordability, and the fact that he always manages to provide results, he is a favourite of them. They also have another unofficial dealing with him, for as long as they keep on giving him new blood, he won't take theirs. He is both feared and respected because of this.

Past Life

Little is known about the man himself, let alone his past life. Perhaps it was something traumatising? Or perhaps he lead a pretty easy life and just happens to be fucking nuts. Either way, most people agree that it's a good idea not to ask.


Another thing that makes MacHeath different from the rest happens to be his unusual style of dress. Despite living in the 24th century, his fashion sense seems to be stuck in the 19th century. He is fully decked in fancy Victorian dress, not unlike the clothing you would see on the higher class of the time. A waistcoat, striped trousers and a longcoat, topped off with a bowler hat and white gloves for good measure. Slicked back hair and a pencil moustache.

...And a multitude of cybernetic enhancements, but that would be typical for anyone adapting to Victorian Dress, right? Half his face mechanic, a glowing red eye, prosthetic metal limbs and whatnot. All under dapper clothing. Just typical.


  • Enhanced Agility
  • Stealth Skills
  • A Shitload of Awesome Robotic Enhancements
  • A charming personality (Would be quite pleasant, if it weren't for the whole killing thing)
  • A smile to DIE for

Descriptive Information

  • Full Name: Jack MacHeath
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: ???
  • Height: 6 Feet
  • Weight: 120 pounds
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Hair Color: Black