(even if you aren't vegan)

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(this actually made me feel quite emotional while writing it at times)
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'''  74. Sexuality?'''
'''  74. Sexuality?'''
:2. Interpret that as you like.
'''  75. What's your opinion on Raiku?'''
'''  75. What's your opinion on Raiku?'''

Latest revision as of 16:29, 8 April 2012


1. Do you ever abuse your mods powers? If so, how?

I'd be lying if I said that I haven't. Of course, almost every active user on this site also happens to be a mod, and we've basically stopped paying attention to the rules a long time ago, so I don't see anybody caring about it either. Yes, I am aware that I just dodged that question.

2. Do you take pleasure in your modding duties?

Depends how many tissues I have on my person.

3. What's your favorite gaming system?

PS3, PC, PS2.. I can't decide. Alex doesn't pick favourites. <3

4. How many pages do you think you delete a day?


5. Pepsi or Coke?

Dr. Pepper. Taking a third option up in this bitch.

6. What's the most awkward thing you ever done?

If I were to pick the most awkward thing, the amount of choices would leave me hanging here for hours.

7. Red or Blue?

I like them both.

8. Your opinion on Doggie?

At first, I had a massive grudge against it, but that was just because I was an uptight 13-year old who basically wanted a reason to complain about everything. As I realized that I was making myself look like a total twat for no viable reason whatsoever, I basically decided not to take everything so fucking seriously. So in short, I used to dislike it, but I eventually started liking it.

9. What's your favourite game genre?

Can't answer. I like them all~

10. Is the power trip really worth it?

Hell no.

11. Do you still edit regularly?

Not as much as I would like to, mind. Activity-wise, this site has really run dry, which actually makes me really sad, as this community was the first that I have ever been part of. Although, I deserve just as much blame myself, as I haven't been very active myself either. It's funny when you think about it. This site was most active around 2007-2009, where we were all in our early teens, fighting amongst each other for the silliest reasons. And now that we're all grown up and more accepting of each other, we barely talk as well. If this community were to become as active as it was back then, words would not be able to describe how happy I would be. I'm aware that all things must come to an end, it's just that you never realize it until it happens.

12. Do you touch yourself at night?

See 2.

13. Funniest fanstuff from user?

I actually cannot remember. Either something by Skullbuggy or Dinoshaur.

14. What is your favorite video game?

As of right now? Fallout 3. It's a beautiful game, and I regret not playing it sooner.

15. Why do birds suddenly appear...?

Every time you are near? Just like me, they long to be. Close to you.

16. What's your opinion on Kitty?

I don't remember if I had one.

17. Do you have a life?

In a way, yes. Not the life I would prefer to have, admittedly. But at the very least, I'm content with my life, and I am incredibly thankful for that as it's more than I can say for a lot of people.

18. Are all of the moderators robots, or just the ones that edit a lot?


19. What's a good movie to watch?

This is a hard question. There are so many that I could recommend. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest happens to be one that I enjoy. I would also recommend anything by Tarantino, but that's just personal taste more than anything.

20. Cheese or Pie?

What an odd question. Cheese, I guess.

21. Why are The Beatles better than Michael Jackson? Ignoring the obvious bias, I could give some kind of reason. The Beatles were highly influential, inspiring an entire generation of musicians who pass that inspiration on through their music. Of course, you could say the exact same thing for Michael Jackson, so I can't answer this question that well. Apples and Oranges.

22. Do real men wear pink?

No such thing as "real men".

23. What type of music do you listen to?

I listen to an incredibly large range of genres. Admittedly, there are some that I listen to more than others, but overall my tastes happen to be quite diverse.

24. Do your personal feelings get in the way of moderations?

Oh man, they did. So much. Regrettably.

25. Why are all your reviews so small and unhelpful?

I don't know about you, but this would be the part where I would walk out on the interviewer. At least be subtle with your insults, damn it.

26. Who's the craziest user?

We're all crazy in our own good little ways. <3

27. Why are all of Homsar's notes so random?


28. Why is this question so awesome?


29. What are your views on the shredded cheese laws?

You can tell that Raiku was running out of ideas around here.

30. O RLY?

I'm not even going there.

31. Do you have any pets?

I used to have a dog early in my life. I don't have any memories of it however, as it died before I started remembering things.

32. All things that end with a question mark are questions?

Oh come on.

33. This is a question?


34. What are your views on "hustle and bustle"?

I honestly don't see how I can answer this question.

35. Favorite movie?

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

36. What's your favorite tv show?

Doctor Who. Truth be told, I don't watch that much television.

37. Did you originally come from Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki?


38. Are you too hot to handle?

39. Well: Yay or Nay?

Nay. It's not as widespread as it used to be, fortunately. But nowadays it's been replaced with those goddamn rage races that you see everywhere. Memes in general irk me.

40. The one thing missing on the WUW?

Activity. :'(

41. The one thing the WUW has too much of?


42. How many users (roughly) do you think would make great/good moderators?

Ha, everyone's a moderator nowadays. Need I bother?

43. Do you sometimes wish you could put on a cape, monocle and tophat and prance around in the shadows, fighting crime and looking damn good while you do it?

Like a stereotypically British Batman? I would dig that.

44. In the above scenario, wouldn't it be cool for you to use razor-sharp waffles as a throwing weapon?

Come now.

45. Do you like Snickers?

It's okay.

46. Do you Heroes?

I don't have much opinion on it. I never watched it.

47. Favorite Michael Jackson song?

Smooth Criminal, perhaps? I don't really know, I'm not as big on MJ as I used to be back then.

48. Why is the United Nations so worthless?

They're not worthless at all.

49. What makes a moderator decide he has the right to accuse innocent users of trolling when they aren't?

Can't help but think that some of these questions were Raiku trying to make sly digs at me with him hoping that I wouldn't notice. Or maybe I'm just paranoid. Can't tell, really.

50. Where does Super Sam get his hair cut?


51. Why did Jack Warner have Marni Nixon dub Audrey Hepburn's singing voice in My Fair Lady, despite the fact that Audrey's singing was perfect, she took singing classes, and sang perfectly in Funny Face years earlier?

Come now, this is silly.

52. Why is any opinion of the holocaust or using the holocaust as an example, sometimes in a humorous way, considered offensive?

Anything having to do with an event that caused the deaths of countless people would offend someone in some way or another. And with good reason too.

53. What is love?

I've lost count of how many useless questions there are in this.

54. Which fabric do you prefer for socks; cotton or wool or maybe that synthetic stuff?


55. Since becoming a mod, how many autographs have you given out?

Oh, loads. Mostly to myself.

56. If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?

1997. Prevent Tony Blair from ever becoming Prime Minister.

57. Favorite TV show?

Repeating questions, for shame.

58. Favorite band?

Queen, The Beatles, The Who, The Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, AC/DC... Can't decide. Sorry.

59. Tastes great, or less filling?

Tastes great? What?

60. Do you know the way to Mexico?

From where? Give me more information, damn it.

61. Who put the bop in the bop-she-bop?


62. Do you live in the United States? If not, where do you live?

I currently live in London.

63. Male/female?

I'm a male. Last time I checked I was, at least.

64. High school, college, job, retired, or prison- what are you doing?

Doing a college course in Media.

65. Favorite user?

Alex doesn't pick favourites. Alex loves you all. <3

66. What is the worst/best part about the job?

Being a mod? The worst would be being accused of abusing my powers. The best bit would be abusing my powers.

67. Do you like Final Fantasy?

Gee, why else would I have called myself Sephiroth?

68. Why has no one heard of you?

Because I'm not famous yet. I will be, just you wait. I will be a highly established film director. Or a gonzo porn director, if things don't work out entirely.

69. What is one thing that no one knows about you?

I may seem shy to people, but I'm really not. I just have nothing important to say to you.

70. What is the kindest thing you've done all year?

I can't say. I'm just a kind person. Haha.

71. What should Heroes be called?

Heroes is a perfectly fine name.

72. Why did you agree to this interview? Raiku forced you with a gun right?

Please. If anything, he'd end up shooting himself on accident.

73. What are the main symptoms of cystic fibrosis?

Cystic Fibrosis (also known as CF, mucovoidosis, or mucoviscidosis) is a hereditary disease affecting the exocrine (mucus) glands of the lungs, liver, pancreas, and intestines, causing progressive disability due to multisystem failure. Thank you Wikipedia.

74. Sexuality?


75. What's your opinion on Raiku?

I haven't seen him for a year, so my opinion on him has "thawed" a bit. He used to annoy me like crazy, and I never missed an opportunity to punish him. I sound like a dick, but when you consider how he used to act, one could find some kind of justification for my actions. I only hope that after a year of being away from this site, that he's finally grown up and matured. In a way, I do feel bad for the guy. Although he brought it upon himself, nobody would really like the feeling of being the most disliked person in any case. I don't know. Was I too hard on him, or am I just forgetting what he was really like?

76. How popular are you among the Moderators?

Considering how everyone is a moderator, I'm pretty popular.

77. Unilingual, bilingual, or multilingual? If you were offered a spot as a sysop would you take it?


78. Where do you live?


79. Do you still play older video games?

Of course. I have a huge chunk of hard-drive space dedicated to emulation.

80. When did you first want to become a mod?

Since the start. Power is a lovely thing to have.

81. What do you enjoy most/least about the community?

Most: We were a tightly packed community, and as small as we were, in a way we could depend on each other. Sure we had our arguments, but we still managed to pull through.
Least: As of now, it's the fact that it's dying. I've been a member of this community since 2005, and to see the nails being driven into the coffin.. It saddens me, you know.

82. How many languages do you speak?

I used to know a bit of French and Spanish, but I've actually forgotten, unfortunately. I can hold a small conversation in Japanese.. Provided that the person I was conversing with happened to be a three-year old.

83. Seen any good films lately?

We'll be here for hours.

84. What do you think of the current administration in the White House?

I think Obama's actually done a pretty good job, considering the obstacles he's faced. While everyone's realized that he's not the messiah everyone made him out to be back in 2008, he's definitely shown himself to be a capable man with good intentions. And I hope that he gets re-elected, because I have no faith in the Republicans right now. I share a lot of important views with Ron Paul, but I have also realized that I also oppose many of his views as well.

85. Popular music today - yay or nay?

I try not to pay attention.

86. You are alone in a cold, cold night, you look out of the window and you see zombies invading the town and aliens are approaching Earth. In your possession you have a knife, a towel and a teddy bear. What do you do?

Paint myself up as one of the zombies and shuffle the fuck out of there.

87. What is your view on pants?

Can't live without them.