(even if you aren't vegan)

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(Who killed the Hurricane?)
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Latest revision as of 08:34, 14 May 2011

Well, I guess that's that. I knew about Mindy as much as Strong Bad did. She- she'd actually done the same thing with me. She didn't realize that the cysts I had were fatal! She just saw a scam in the making!

I was close the cracking when I heard about what she had tried to do to Strong Sad, but I finally did when Price broke Carol!

After I left, I walked into the hallway, where I saw the lead pipe. At that point, the solution was simple. I saw her going into the kitchen. As she opened the refrigerator, I picked up that pipe...

And she fell to the floor, lifeless.


I protest the eating of and abusing of animals. But when a little bug comes near me, I squash it with all my might. Where's the difference in this case?