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(Here, I should put a cap onto my little swearfest of a rant. It's kinda funny how this community started off by thinking "Bra" was a horrible word, to the community of foulmouthed teens we are n)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 19:07, 20 November 2010

A RANT ON WEEABOOS PLUS A RECOMMENDATION ON A GOOD JAPANESE BAND BY LEX may contain swearing or other themes of an adult nature.

What really pisses me off are the super-weeaboos. The ones who preach their bullshit, going like "SUPER KAWAII DESUUUU ^_^", yet they know nothing about the real japan, assuming that their entire culture is nothing but videogames, and anime.
When you ask them about food, the only thing they're actually able to say is sushi, and pocky sticks. Some of the slightly less stupid of them might be able to understand what Sake and Miso are, but I wouldn't hold my breath too much on that. But seriously, I bet those fuckers don't even know what the hell a Okonomiyaki, or a Taiyaki even is.
And the language. They have more words than: "Baka", "Desu", "Nyaa", "Konnichiwa", and "Kawaii", you know? So stop being preachy about how you know the japanese language. That's not the language. That's just a bunch of random words in their vocabulary. That's literally the equivilant of someone using English that way, going all: "SUPER CUTE IT IS :D" SEE HOW STUPID THAT SOUNDS? YEAH. IT GOES THE SAME WAY. And for fucks sake, learn how to pronounce the words properly. Stop trying to imitate how they sound in anime, because frankly, you sound like a prick with mental issues.
Hey, did you know that they actually have a proper history, spanning centuries? And did you know that they had stuff other than Ninjas and Samurai? INORITE. They weren't all ninjas or samurai, that was only in warfare. In all truth, many of them were farmers. That's it, pure and simple. FARMERS.
But yeah, it just annoys me, because their stupidity has grown to the point where we are all generalized. People like me, in fact who are actually properly interested in the culture of Japan, (and other countries mind you) are now all being clumped up together with these no-nothing faggots who do nothing but eat pocky, watch Naruto, and rape the language harder than Roman Polanski did to that girl in 1977.
thank you for listening. Lex 22:02, 19 September 2010 (UTC)

Oh, and another ranty note about them.
STOP THINKING YOU'RE JAPANESE. FOR FUCKS SAKE PEOPLE. WHEN IT GETS TO THE POINT WHERE YOU ACTUALLY WISH THAT YOU ARE OF A DIFFERENT RACE, PLEASE DO THE WORLD A FAVOR AND DIE. Okay, that was harsh.. But seriously, that's just not right. I like Japan and its culture and all, as I said, but at least I still have grasp on who I am. I'm a Scottish Canadian teenager who was born in England, and I am proud of that fact. I wouldn't give anything in the world to change that fact. Lex 22:05, 19 September 2010 (UTC)
Oh, and if you want any recommendations on Japanese music that isn't all techno and pop, check these guys out:
That's Japanese Metal there, you know? Lex 22:07, 19 September 2010 (UTC)